The card ran perfect at stock so I decided to try out its overclocking potential. Using ATI Tool, I first opted for the auto detect feature, which gave me 600 on the Core and 600 on the memory. I had to back down the core to 585 (which is still a 45MHz OC), as it was unstable at 600, the memory seemed OK at 600 during testing.
Next I proceeded to try Sapphire’s TRIXX utility and see how far that could OC the card. TRIXX is more automated than ATI Tool, basically it suits the needs of people new to overclocking as well as those who are more advanced. Hardcore overclockers will undoubtedly choose ATI Tool though.
I opened up TRIXX and immediately proceeded to the overclocking section. Once there, I selected the “Extreme” mode, which cranks up the fan to 100%. Then I let the utility scan for maximum clocks. The system locked up at 595MHz for the memory clock, and 623 for the core. After this the screen turned off and I restarted the system. Once in Windows, TRIXX automatically informed me about the fact that my system had crashed during the test and asked me if I would like to proceed in further testing. I clicked “No” and left the card at 623/595. Unfortunately, the core was not stable with such a high clock, and had to back down to the previously stable 585 MHz.