Well, to start, there is very little to criticize about the Silverstone Milo ML08. It comes in at an appropriate price tag and delivers on all the bullet points mentioned in its marketing materials. So right of the bat, it is easily recommendable. In addition to the great use of space and ability to install potent hardware for gaming enthusiasts - thanks to its Raven chassis origins - the ML08 scores with tool-less drive bays, sturdy materials, and the use of a two-piece PCIe x16 bridge instead of a ribbon cable. On top of that, both long GPUs and SFX-L PSUs will fit, so you can really go for high-end hardware if you like. Naturally, with small cases like this, you only really need to watch the CPU cooler's maximum height of 58 mm. Silverstone has clearly chosen to make the chassis as compact as possible by stuffing everything into12 liters of volume. By doing so, the ML08 had to shed any active cooling and instead goes for large, non-obstructive air vents. This is fine as all active cooling elements are really close to these and the GPU has its own compartment as well. You may have noticed that there are no real red flags popping up, which means the Silverstone Milo ML08 deserves our Editor's Choice award.