Ultron Speecision Mouse Pad Review 1

Ultron Speecision Mouse Pad Review

Value and Conclusion »


I placed the laser based MX1000 on the pad. The mouse is rather large, which makes the small size of the pad stand out even more. The fine speed side is a finger print magnet, as can be seen in the picture. This did not interfere with the actual functionality of the Speecision pad.

Luckily, I am not one of the low sensitivity gamers, who actually move their mouse over large distances to get the desired movement. I rarely change the sensitivity in games I play.

I tried the pad with an optical sensor based MX518 and the laser based MX1000. Both mice did not have any trouble in movements, nor were there any jumps or unusual movement of the mouse pointer in windows.

The Speecision was tested with Gothic 3 which presents an adventure game, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - a much slower 3rd person action game, Counter-Strike - a fast pasted first person shooter as well as El Matador, a 3rd person shooter with slow motion in game, resulting in fast paced action or precise slow movement.
  • Gothic 3 did not present much of a problem, as there are usually not any very fast mouse movements needed in the game. The precision side felt much better than the speed side in this game. Fighting of hordes of Orcs or a pack of wolves worked very well with the Speecision mouse pad.
  • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is a very tactical slow 3rd person action game. The user must creep up behind the enemy or hit light bulbs with the silenced gun from a greater distance. The movements here are mostly slow and silent. The precision side yielded much better game play than the speed side in this game as well.
  • Counter-Strike is a well known first person shooter. It is very fast paced and aim of of critical importance in this game. The speed side yielded much better results as the mouse movement was still as precise as needed, but fast enough to aim and shoot in a timely fashion.
  • El Matador is much like Max Payne when compared to game play. This game can be played with both sides of the pad. The rough precision side seemed more comfortable here, as movements needed to be precise and slow motion is an important aspect of the game.
With all these games, remember one thing: A good gamer never blames his mouse pad when things go wrong. This is a subjective analysis of the Speecision mouse pad, based on my very traditional gaming style.

Water test

The most common accident on or around the working area are spills of fluids like drinks. This can ruin keyboards, mice and mouse pads. To test the resilience to fluids, a bit of water is spilled on the pad to observe its reaction.

A little bit of water was spilled on the Speecision pad. The water formed a clear convex shape, as if it was a large water bubble. The water did not run down the pad or expand in size. It also was not absorbed into the pad at all. This is no great surprise as the surface is made of some sort of hard plastic. The water did not leave any marks on the pad once wiped off. Drinks may leave a mark on the pad due to their ingredients but the pad can easily be cleaned of such stains by wiping it with a wet cloth.
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