Wednesday, May 10th 2006

Halo 3 Announced

Bungie announced Halo 3, the third and sadly the final game in the Halo Trilogy. Halo 3 will be released for Microsoft's Xbox 360 in 2007. This is a great suprise for many Halo fans and Gamers, "nobody saw it comming." This trailer provided in the links below feature absolutly amazing graphics, that are all rendered in real time on the Halo 3 Engine. While the trailer is amazing it provides little information on the content on the actual game, which will leave for more suprises later on.

Quicktime (Small)
Quicktime (Large)
Windows Media (Small)
Windows Media (Large)
Source: Bungie
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18 Comments on Halo 3 Announced

It looks so freak'n sweet. i dont care if its the last halo games, im sure they will be more using the halo engine.
Posted on Reply
hmmm it looks better and the story looks promising then again im not a HALO fanboy.
Posted on Reply
Looks awesome. I played first halo on xbox, never got around to playing the second one. But now that I have a 360 I'll definitely be getting this game. I was under the impression that Bill Gates said that Halo 3 would release the same time as the PS3.
Posted on Reply
Looks kool1!!
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Halo 2 sucks, they completely n00bified it. Oh well, Microsoft's Xbox division is never getting another dollar from me.
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I LOVED the entire HALO series but I don't want and XBox.

Halo3 looks sweeeeet but it would be even better if it were for PC on day of release.
Besides I'm playing Halo2 on computer right now as well (online only) :rockout: . See siggy for details.
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The Halo PC netcode is too horrible for me to be able to play the game for more than 5 minutes without wanting to kill someone.
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halo 2 was way to short. run shoot then WTF?
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The reason Halo 2 had such a sucky storyline was because the original halo producers didn't make halo yeah you get stuck with wonderful graphics and a bad storyline. I wonder how halo 3 will be...and just looking at that made me think that DX10, Vista, and PhysX will all be worth it when the world is ready.
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well at least the graphics aren't just updated skins like in Halo 2. And hopefully Halo 3 will go back to the manly Halo, unlike the D&D-type of dumbass perfect-english-speaking aliens and random plants that talk and everything knows everything better than humans in Halo 2. OH YEAH, plus I hope Halo 3 uses Halo's engine and updates it instead of a redesign like in Halo 2. Speaking of that, WHY did they do that in Halo 2? The graphics are one thing, but the tight gameplay engine of Halo 1 should've been left alone. They RUINED the gameplay with the Unreal Tournament-type lightning-fast moving of everything in Halo 2.

So I'm saying, hopefully Halo 3 will play and feel like Halo 1, with better features and actually GOOD graphics, like Halo 1 had. All in all, I'm saying Bungie should steer clear of EVERYTHING Halo 2.
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Azn Tr14dZ
I think that they're going back to the Halo (1) roots. If you look at the trailer on Bungie and other websites, they don't have the BattleRifle, it's the good ol' Assault Rifle. Wow, I loved that weapon and the Pistol where you could zoom in. The original is always the best.
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That's sweet then. What I'm wondering though, is how new creators (EA Games when it took over, well everything, 989 studios, etc) think "Well sure the first one(s) were HUUUUUGE hits, but it couldn't have been because of the gameplay, characters, storyline, graphics, vehicles, or weapons. I say let's re-do everything and ruin the game's name. It makes perfect sense. Sound good? Great, let's get to work" And a year later, Halo 2 (or Twisted Metal 3 and 4, or every single thing EA has ever released to date).
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Azn Tr14dZ
There are a lot of games out there that were(and still are) really good, then when the second, third, or even fourth in the series come out, the series gets ruined. If it wasn't for the Xbox Live on Halo 2, not much people would play it or buy it. Some of my friends that have Halo 2 but not XBL say that it sucks. Live is the strong point in H2, but without it it's nothing.
Don't you guys also agree?
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Azn Tr14dZThere are a lot of games out there that were(and still are) really good, then when the second, third, or even fourth in the series come out, the series gets ruined. If it wasn't for the Xbox Live on Halo 2, not much people would play it or buy it. Some of my friends that have Halo 2 but not XBL say that it sucks. Live is the strong point in H2, but without it it's nothing.
Don't you guys also agree?
It is its strong and weak point. The lack of a game lobby ruins the whole thing for me, I dont want to just choose a genre and go into some random game. The funnest part of Halo was all the wacky game modes you could create and tailor to each map, but with Halo 2 this is impossible unless you have a list of friends who are online 24/7 always ready to join your custom game. Im not a stat/rank whore and I hated having that the only option on live. I had live for a year, and I only used it for about 2 months before getting extremely tired of the constant shitfest that is the xboxlive demographic. The final nail in the coffin was that when they finally released the map packs, they decided to charge money. I specifically remember Bungie saying that all the extra content would be free of charge, and I was just extremely pissed off that after $80 for xbox live+$60 for halo 2 they want me to pay them more money for some fucking maps that a child could make if they released their mapping tools. Greedy bastards.

This is is the first time I have ranted about Halo 2 in almost a year now :)
When I called to cancel live, they asked why and I told them "Well I pay for the Live service, I pay for my broadband connection, and I pay for each game, yet any content that live offers costs money? The whole thing is a scam I will not take part in"
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Azn Tr14dZ
wazzledoozle, what was your highest level in Halo 2?
My Team Slayer is 41 as of now, was 42.
Team Snipers is 31, was 33.
Double Team is 32, was 35.
Hardcore is 21, was 23.
What about you guys with XBL, what's you levels?

BTW, this was all LEGIT! No cheating. My rank isn't blacklisted.
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I dont remember. The whole rank thing is what turned me off from Halo 2. I play videogames to relax, not to compete and whore my rank up.
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Well as long as we're talking about halo (1), I just wanted to say that the best I've done is "killtastic running riot" :D. I still play halo for the PC, it's just that good. And I'm starting to have some serious skill...First place in almost all multiplayer games :p.
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I hope that this will be better. I played halo 1 alot i was pretty good at it, like me and my friends would have tournoments and crap. When halo 2 came out i was excited but didint like it. It seems like your bullets like hardly register. I will def. try out halo 3
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