Wednesday, March 31st 2010

I will be leaving TPU!

After all the drama in the comments section of our Fermi review, I realized that continuing with hardware reviews and this tech "scene" might not be what I want to do with my time in the future.

So I looked for options out of this mess, and found one, TPU will be operated by a different company in the near future, I will be leaving the site. But fear not, most of the staff will remain here, the site and forums will stay the same in the near future (months). However, I have no idea what's going to change in the long run but I'm sure it will be for the best.

Further info and a more detailed schedule will follow when I have a better idea what will happen with my software projects and other internals of the site.

More info here
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869 Comments on I will be leaving TPU!

If you do leave; you will be missed. I like the humor, intelligence, banter, fame, cuteness, drama (yes, sometimes, you bring drama, just by existing), and a part of yourself, that you, bring to this board. If you do this; you will have a hole in your heart, that nothing can fill.

You will miss this, as much, if not more, than we would miss you.

Tun Sie, was Sie müssen, und... Geh mit Gott und wir sehen uns auf dem Netz.:toast:

And, to whoever: quit the Nvidia and ATi sh*t... I myself am tired of the cr*p. It is getting old IMO.:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
soon this thread will have all the evidence pointed by wizz.. and i see no mod to make order
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Wow...9 pages...9 pages it all it took for a thread about one of the greatest people in the internet tech site area leaving due to drama to turn into a troll filled drama. Yeah, I can see why he is leaving.

Well, actually it is 7 pages, but that is splitting hairs at this point.
Posted on Reply
Paintfacerumor is that nvidia is sueing wizz for screwing with the benchmark numbers after being bribed by ATI.

I know you dont want that info out there wizz, but i want everyone to know that you dont do this for yourself but for the good of TPU and the hardcore ATI fanbase
not true, please dont spread any false rumors
Posted on Reply
laszlosoon this thread will have all the evidence pointed by wizz.. and i see no mod to make order
No, we as mods love it when trolls like to troll on our dear leader. :rolleyes: I'm kidding of course, troll has been dealt with. :toast:
Posted on Reply
Black Panther
newtekie1Wow...9 pages...9 pages it all it took for a thread about one of the greatest men in the internet tech site area leaving due to drama to turn into a troll filled drama. Yeah, I can see why he is leaving.

Well, actually it is 7 pages, but that is splitting hairs at this point.
It's 10 pages in ~ 2hrs.


Guys please don't troll, show some :respect:

I'm praying it's an april fools though... but it's still not 1st April in Germany? :ohwell:
Posted on Reply
Shou Miko
damn, i am sorry to hear that W1zzard, i came here the first time back in 2005 and i can't even remember how i found this site, but i have sticking around i love all the reviews here and it's making me sad to ear you leaving, but i hope you will have a bright future ahead of you W1zzard :respect:
Posted on Reply
The Lurker
I have to say again...PLEASE DON'T GO. This is the place I consider my home on the web, I am here all day, and my boss hates it LOL...If you leave this place will die a slow and painful death.

But I just wanted to say Thanks again for all your hard work and time put into the greatest place on the web.
Posted on Reply
btarunrI don't do reviews myself, but as someone who makes content for this site, I can understand what it's like to put in effort into something and then facing destructive criticism. Fermi review wasn't all of it, it just pushed the apple cart off the cliff. I'm shocked at this and I hope we in the staff can pacify him. W1z to TPU is like Steve Jobs to Apple.
+1 on this!

Myself, I'd even go so far as to offering a donation for a "Good Scotch for after a review for W1z fund" if it helped keep him around. I know how much work goes into coming up with the results you guys do for reviews (my job involves testing PC hardware for software compatibility) and the last thing I wish to see is the source of those reviews get chased away. :(
freaksaviorOh god save us. were going to be the new [H] :shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu
BITE your tongue! *makes signs of warding and starts to fill up a super soaker in case any [H]ardcore members show up...*
Solaris17O yes we can. I'm currently chain smoking and killing kittens. I will kill kittens ever hour until he decides not to leave.
See the trauma that everyone is going thru W1z? Will you not think of the kitties? *starts to plan rescue of kittehs in case this turns out to not be a drill....* :nutkick: :toast:
Posted on Reply
i hope this is not true are to this site what Anand Shimpai is to Anandtech,what Thomas Pabst is to Tom's Hardware and so on...TPU wouldn't be the site it is today without you.If you really have to go,then I wish you the best of luck!
Posted on Reply
Wizz leaves and takes GPU-z with him, thats the end of TPU.

Without his GPU reviews and presence, people will start leaving left, right and center.

Wizz leaves and i bet i do within afew months, if the new owners bring nothing to the table.

Actually, for the GPU reviews to continue, the new owner will need his system.. or to re-do EVERY card...
Posted on Reply
W1zzardnot true, please dont spread any false rumors
W1zz he is just kidding, i will make sure of it... and I would agree that you would eventually miss this, its like having a herd of guys that follow you everywhere, that follow your every post, read your reviews and respect you. Its too much power to give up. Like you dont need to keep making reviews, maybe outsource game benchmarks, that take so much time... But just stay and watch over us, post randomly, in threads like PC ATM and all the rest. I would write more but i am to emotional now
JATownesI have to say again...PLEASE DON'T GO. This is the place I consider my home on the web, I am here all day, and my boss hates it LOL...If you leave this place will die a slow and painful death.

But I just wanted to say Thanks again for all your hard work and time put into the greatest place on the web.
OMG so true thats me, my homepage is TPU and firefox is on startup list at work
Posted on Reply
well lets hope this is April fools, if not one of the few remaining sites with high quality forums will go to shite
Posted on Reply
That is a shocker! I stopped following comments on Fermi review after 2 pages, so I don't know what happened there.
btarunrI don't do reviews myself, but as someone who makes content for this site, I can understand what it's like to put in effort into something and then facing destructive criticism. Fermi review wasn't all of it, it just pushed the apple cart off the cliff. I'm shocked at this and I hope we in the staff can pacify him. W1z to TPU is like Steve Jobs to Apple.
Unfortunately, this is what you're gonna get more and more often, as 8 y/o kids start getting their hands on the keyboards... So it's gonna be a part of the thing now.

Although I did not always agree with review conclusions (especially some pros/cons) ;), I liked reviews at TPU because they mostly presented pure numbers and let you draw conclusions yourself. But I definitely respect W1zzard for his knowledge of GPUs and software he brought to the community.

So, W1z, imo the best thing to do is to lay low for a while, take your time to unwind and get a perspective on all of that. I've learnt the hard way that rash actions are the ones you regret most.
Posted on Reply
OMG ... man TPU will not be the same without you ... just because some guys (0.01%) blamed you , doesnt mean that we all did ... Please dont go man ... pleeeease ... :cry: ...

Seriously ... leaving just aint the solution ... im begging you .. please dont leave ... :(
Posted on Reply
Black Panther
douglatinsW1zz he is just kidding, i will make sure of it... and I would agree that you would eventually miss this, its like having a herd of guys that follow you everywhere, that follow your every post, read your reviews and respect you. Its too much power to give up.
From the little I know W1z, I'm sure 'power' is the last thing on his mind...
Posted on Reply
Black PantherFrom the little I know W1z, I'm sure 'power' is the last thing on his mind...
I mean something like celebrity status, with twitter... like even if the posted "LOL" he would get a million thanks and much love for that, and everyone would read it and think omg he is loling right now...
Posted on Reply
Ok here's the real deal. TPU has gotten so grand and popular that W1z has finally reached true stardom, you know - like the rock dinosaurs. I.e. he has realized he is like AC/DC and The Rolling stones, who don't need to make any new songs, they just need to show up and the next day they'll be on every newspaper's front page. I'm pretty sure it's the same with W1z now - he goes out to buy a german wiener (their hot-dog :p) and starts walking down the street only to be immediately chased by ravaging semi-naked teen girls screaming for his signature :D
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
HalfAHertzOk here's the real deal. TPU has gotten so grand and popular that W1z has finally reached true stardom, you know - like the rock dinosaurs. I.e. he has realized he is like AC/DC and The Rolling stones, who don't need to make any new songs, they just need to show up and the next day they'll be on every newspaper's front page. I'm pretty sure it's the same with W1z now - he goes out to buy a german wiener (their hot-dog :p) and starts walking down the street only to be immediately chased by ravaging semi-naked teen girls screaming for his signature :D
QFT iv seen it. preach it brother
Posted on Reply
Black Panther
douglatinsI mean something like celebrity status, with twitter... like even if the posted "LOL" he would get a million thanks and much love for that, and everyone would read it and think omg he is loling right now...
Now I get that, the respect :respect:
Posted on Reply
Ok guys, this might be the last thing we can do for W1z. Continue using this site until W1z sells it for enough money to buy Microsoft, then we start expressing our true feeling. There is not point destroying this website before W1z sells it, he wouldn't benefit from it.
Posted on Reply
Personally I don't see what the big deal is, so he benchmarked with 9.12's!!! And!!! With the improvements that ATI suggest are available with the 10.3's can't we make our own informed decisions as to the difference between his reviews with 9.12's and 10.3's!!!

I suppose every time a new driver comes out reviewers need to go back and rewrite EVERY review they have written in order to use new driver... What total BS.......
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
HalfAHertzOk here's the real deal. TPU has gotten so grand and popular that W1z has finally reached true stardom, you know - like the rock dinosaurs. I.e. he has realized he is like AC/DC and The Rolling stones, who don't need to make any new songs, they just need to show up and the next day they'll be on every newspaper's front page. I'm pretty sure it's the same with W1z now - he goes out to buy a german wiener (their hot-dog :p) and starts walking down the street only to be immediately chased by ravaging semi-naked teen girls screaming for his signature :D
If w1z wanted to be ac-dc, you'd be seeing an advertisement every few hundred pixels.
Posted on Reply
Cheers w1zz, you made TPU a great site, now go forth and chill, I hope you made a killing in offloading TPU, hope to see some awesome overclocking apps from you soon.
Posted on Reply
We will miss you Wiz, keep in touch!

I think it's time to start holding hands and singing 'Kumbaya'"

Lets all join in!

a 1 and a 2 and a 3 ....

Kum bay ya, my Wiz, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, Wiz, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, Wiz, kum bay ya,
O Wiz, kum bay ya.
Someone's laughing, Wiz, at the review;
Someone's laughing, Wiz, at the review;
Someone's laughing, Wiz, at the review,
O Wiz, kum bay ya.
Someone's crying, Wiz, overvolted their chip;
Someone's crying, Wiz, overvolted their chip;
Someone's crying, Wiz, overvolted their chip,
O Wiz, kum bay ya.
Someone's praying, Wiz, wants a i7-980X ;
Someone's praying, Wiz, wants a i7-980X;
Someone's praying, Wiz, wants a i7-980X,
O Wiz, kum bay ya.
Someone's singing, Wiz, hit 5 GHZ;
Someone's singing, Wiz, hit 5 GHZ;
Someone's singing, Wiz, hit 5 GHZ,
O Wiz, i hit 5 GHZ.
Someone's thanking, Wiz, it's all of us;
Someone's thanking, Wiz, it's all of us;
Someone's thanking, Wiz, it's all of us,
O Wiz, you'll be missed~!.

We will miss you Wiz, keep in touch!
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