Wednesday, March 31st 2010

I will be leaving TPU!

After all the drama in the comments section of our Fermi review, I realized that continuing with hardware reviews and this tech "scene" might not be what I want to do with my time in the future.

So I looked for options out of this mess, and found one, TPU will be operated by a different company in the near future, I will be leaving the site. But fear not, most of the staff will remain here, the site and forums will stay the same in the near future (months). However, I have no idea what's going to change in the long run but I'm sure it will be for the best.

Further info and a more detailed schedule will follow when I have a better idea what will happen with my software projects and other internals of the site.

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869 Comments on I will be leaving TPU!

Graphical Hacker
Maybe this cheers up your sad faces guys?

Or maybe not.

Also, to anyone making petitions, it is W1z decision, not ours, even though we would love it to be.
Posted on Reply
Hey W1zzard, I hope you change your mind but I understand if you don't.

I've been a fan of yours since the ocfaq days and as far as I'm concerned you're the best resource any video card enthusiast could ever wish for, between all the great utilities you've created and this great website.

Thanks for all you've done till now and best wishes for the future.
Posted on Reply
W1zzard I have to thank you for putting together a top notch site! You get crazy traffic and you know I know as I have PM'ed about the WOW look how many people in the past and another big thank you for not killing us with adds which you could have (another top notch thing). You have shaped and picked the best Mods that a site could ask for
(another top Notch thing). Also thank you for the best unbiased reviews anyone could ever have hoped for! I just know for 100% sure that what ever you do it will be a job well done and I believe you will always be financially secure in your endeavors! I hope you get a GOOD AMOUNT on the offer for TPU when its said and done! Good luck:slap:
Posted on Reply
so if you are leaving ... will you be at another site where I can still follow your work?
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
copenhagen69so if you are leaving ... will you be at another site where I can still follow your work?
I have his home adress, we should stalk him together. Bring red paint.
Posted on Reply
laszlowizz you can't leave

resistance is futile we assimilate you &viceversa

btw who thanked wizz for the post agree with his departure?!....
Oh i Thanked him for all his work he has done, it was not a thank you now leave thing
Posted on Reply
Wiz you had the best reviews on the internet ! I will truly miss them, Its really sad to see you leave :cry: Best of luck with whatever you decide do to in the future
Posted on Reply
FrickI have his home adress, we should stalk him together. Bring red paint.
sign me up for a few gallons :toast:
Posted on Reply
W1zzard, this site is the only computer HW site I frequent and is only one of two online communities I participate in (The other is a tiny Israeli HW/Gaming forum). The reasons are simple: The quality of the reviews, the effort put into the site and the great staff that you've put together make this the best online community on the internet, and the best computer HW site ever.

I am very, very sad to see you go, and as many others, I hope this is an early April 1st joke. If it is, I sincerely hope you're currently laughing your ass off, because you more than deserve that.

If it isn't, then may luck shine on your future endeavors.

And the last thing ? T-H-A-N-K-S.
Posted on Reply
If wizz leave TPU delete my account I wont be needing it any more. And :nutkick: to all dumbasses that contribute to wizz leaving.
Posted on Reply
r9If wizz leave TPU delete my account I wont be needing it any more. And :nutkick: to all dumbasses that contribute to wizz leaving.
Well we can't stop him if he's set on leaving can we?
Posted on Reply
read all the comments, including the Fermi review stuff... here's my 10p worth.

W1zz, the problem with tech in general is that it changes, we change and the environment in which we operate changes. I know what you mean about the excitement going - after a while the things which we were so pumped about become normal, then mundane, then boring and an annoyance. The comments that you received were unfortunately very similar to what I see on lots of other sites now - we have reached a point in our society were hard work is ignored, where mistakes (if indeed they are mistakes) are vilified and expanded so that a person is judged only by that once incident. Technology has been a good ride for you and for me (I still have a Psion organiser Lz64 - look it up) but eventually the ride comes to an end.

I hope that you got paid for all the work you put in, not necessarily financially, but in the true ways that matter. You'll move on - as indeed will many of us here today. I just hope that when you look back at this whole experience you will not allow the taint at the end to ruin it...

Final point - I never paid a penny to come here every day for the last 3 years or so, but I enjoyed every visit, the banter within the groups and discussions (especially when I was wrong!) and I thank you for your advice, opinions and contribution.
Posted on Reply
Knows what makes you tick
If true, I hate to see you go and TPU will be coming off from my bookmarks. I have seen what happens to great sites when the true owner leaves, it's never a good thing.
Posted on Reply
I'm not buying this for one sec.

For someone to quit because of comments people made about a review is one of the most absurd reasons I've ever heard.

The mods are obviously playing along


If this is true and you are leaving over the reason stated, sorry but grow up and be a man...
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
KantasticWell we can't stop him if he's set on leaving can we?
O yes we can. I'm currently chain smoking and killing kittens. I will kill kittens ever hour until he decides not to leave.
Posted on Reply
FourstaffThe real question is: How many is going along with W1z? If he goes, too bad for most of us, but I am sure he will quit one day, in a week, a month? a year? 10? But he has to quit, he is not immortal. However, if the whole website disintegrates when he leaves, that's got me worried. Its not like I am encouraging him to leave, its just me seeing things in a different way.
I see a lot of people have missed my post.
Posted on Reply
Solaris17O yes we can. I'm currently chain smoking and killing kittens. I will kill kittens ever hour until he decides not to leave.
Can you kill puppies instead ? I like cats :D
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
YukikazeCan you kill puppies instead ? I like cats :D
I love cats too. But thats the point he will be more sad.
Posted on Reply

Noooo :cry: - TPU is my daily page since years. :cry:

Couse W1zzard is/was doing such great a job.
Posted on Reply
gotta be april fools but if it is true then it will be really sad to see the wiz go,
Posted on Reply
Solaris17I love cats too. But thats the point he will be more sad.
Well, the question is what he likes more, then ? :D

Hey, W1zz, you a cat person or a dog person ? :laugh:

Oh, and to everyone saying things like "grow up" ? I think you should follow your own advice.
Posted on Reply
Maybe its already april in w1zz country, and if not OMG pls kill me now :respect:
Posted on Reply
Solaris17O yes we can. I'm currently chain smoking and killing kittens. I will kill kittens ever hour until he decides not to leave.
Kitten's arn't as cute as bunnies...Use bunnies, you'll get a greater response. Or threaten to punch a baby in the face.
Posted on Reply
so wait....Fermi started all of this? damn that Fermi chip surely is FAIL, i mean its even affecting TPU.

-That sucks though, i hope Wizzard is not leaving just because of this one review, but instead of a long awaited realization; then I'll understand.
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