Monday, September 27th 2010

AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series ''Barts'' Specs Sheet Surfaces

Here is the slide we've been waiting for, the specs sheet of AMD's next-generation Radeon HD 6700 series GPUs, based on a new, radically redesigned core, codenamed "Barts". The XT variant denotes Radeon HD 6770, and Pro denotes HD 6750. AMD claims that the HD 6700 series will pack "Twice the Horsepower", over previous generation HD 5700 series. Compared to the "Juniper" die that went into making the Radeon HD 5700 series, Barts features twice the memory bandwidth thanks to its 256-bit wide high-speed memory interface, key components such as the SIMD arrays split into two blocks (like on Cypress), and we're now getting to learn that it uses a more efficient 4-D stream processor design. There are 1280 stream processors available to the HD 6770 (Barts XT), and 1120 stream processors to the HD 6750 (Barts Pro). Both SKUs use the full 256-bit memory bus width.

The most interesting specification here is the shader compute power. Barts XT churns out 2.3 TFLOP/s with 1280 stream processors, GPU clocked at 900 MHz, while the Radeon HD 5870 manages 2.72 TFLOP/s with 1600 stream processors, 850 MHz. So indeed the redesigned SIMD core is working its magic. Z/Stencil performance also shot up more than 100% over the Radeon HD 5700 series. Both the HD 6770 and HD 6750 will be equipped with 5 GT/s memory chips, at least on the reference-design cards, which are technically capable of running at 1250 MHz (5 GHz effective), though are clocked at 1050 MHz (4.20 GHz effective) on HD 6770, and 1000 MHz (4 GHz effective) on HD 6750. Although these design changes will inevitably result in a larger die compared to Juniper, it could still be smaller than Cypress, and hence, more energy-efficient.
Source: PCinLife
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245 Comments on AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series ''Barts'' Specs Sheet Surfaces

Crazy 4 TPU!!!
20mmrainSo from what I can tell the 6770 will be around a 5850/5870 performance area? And the 6750 will be around the 5830/5850 performance area?

With powerful enough tessellation (Rumored) to take down the GTX 400 series. Man if this is the case... why spend $599 for a 6870 when you could get two of these trounce a 6870 and be able to play any game out there.

Hope fully they won't make it like Nvidia did and only have it two way Xfire/SLI. Because if they allowed 3-way.... while it might hurt 6870 sales.... it would kill any GTX 460 sales for sure! I thought that was the whole Idea of releasing these cards first anyway's wasn't it?

Ahhh just hoping...3 or 4 of these would be really fun!!!
That's a good point, though i hope the 6870 isn't that expensive, $600 should be able to get me a dual GPU card lol.

Not really big on tessellation performance as it's something not used in many games anyways, so it's definitely not something i would stress out about. If real world gaming performance is much better on a 68** series card then it has my attention.

I think it also depends a lot on the 6870's performance, getting two 6770's may equal one 6870, but if the 6870 is powerful enough, i think it would be best to just get one of those and then another one later, two of those should be almost equivalent to 4 6770's assuming one 6870 is about as powerful as two 6770's(which it probably is), then you also get the benefit of better scaling with only two cards and opposed to something like 3 or 4.
Posted on Reply
bear jesusDoes that mean 6870 = 5970?
I must admit i would love that.
Me too!

Just imagine the 6970! :rockout:
Posted on Reply
bear jesus
LAN_deRf_HAI'd say nvidia is in trouble, as there's no way they'll have cards ready to counter this so soon after rolling out the 450/460.... but realistically they'll do fine. AMD and nvidia will just slot all their cards in between each other like they've been doing with the 4xx and 5xxx series. There won't be much of a price war now that they've figured out how to price fix without exchanging words. All that plus nvidia has a big enough fan base that they'll buy their products regardless of performance, either for fanboyism or legitimate driver preference.
I would say from that nvidia is not so much in trouble it's just that amd is looking pretty good, if bulldozer and the 28nm gpu's do well then I would assume that amd wil start making some good profit over the next year or 2 and hopefully we will see a lot more competition out of them.
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Big Member
LAN_deRf_HAI'd say nvidia is in trouble, as there's no way they'll have cards ready to counter this so soon after rolling out the 450/460.... but realistically they'll do fine. AMD and nvidia will just slot all their cards in between each other like they've been doing with the 4xx and 5xxx series. There won't be much of a price war now that they've figured out how to price fix without exchanging words. All that plus nvidia has a big enough fan base that they'll buy their products regardless of performance, either for fanboyism or legitimate driver preference.
It will always come down to price. Any of these cards run the ports we get nowadays. Get whatever is cheapest or fits your needs as raw power is useless anymore.
Posted on Reply
bear jesus
mdsx1950Me too!

Just imagine the 6970! :rockout:
Or in your case two 6970's :p
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
TheMailMan78Any of these cards run the ports we get nowadays. Get whatever is cheapest or fits your needs as raw power is useless anymore.
That's true unfortunately.:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Maybe I'm out of the loop, but when did AMD start specifying their stream processors in terms of xxx(x4) instead of just the ridiculously huge numbers like 3000? :P

And shouldn't it be x5, anyway?
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78It will always come down to price. Any of these cards run the ports we get nowadays. Get whatever is cheapest or fits your needs as raw power is useless anymore.
That's true, but sadly many many people do not think like that. They want that nvidia GTS 220 in their system because it's clearly the greatest card ever. They've known all their life that nvidia is the best. I mean it must be, that's what all their friends say and the logo is in every game. Now what's this 5970 you keep going on about? These idiots don't even know the name of nvidia's top cards but they'll swear by it just the same. God I hate my clientele.
Posted on Reply
bear jesus
LAN_deRf_HAThat's true, but sadly many many people do not think like that. They want that nvidia GTS 220 in their system because it's clearly the greatest card ever. They've known all their life that nvidia is the best. I mean it must be, that's what all their friends say and the logo is in every game. Now what's this 5970 you keep going on about? These idiots don't even know the name of nvidia's top cards but they'll swear by it just the same. God I hate my clientele.
:roll: I used to have to deal with the same, so many hours wasted on trying to explain things to people and just reciving a blank stare in return or an argument baised on brand name :banghead: so glad i dont have to deal with that any more.
Posted on Reply
If only their driver department was better.
Posted on Reply
Maybe some day creators of OMEGA Drivers would rise and create proper drivers for AMD/ATI Radeons. Few years ago their driver was far better than ATI one.
Posted on Reply
kid41212003If only their driver department was better.
thats so 2003
Posted on Reply
Big Member
kid41212003If only their driver department was better.
arroyoMaybe some day creators of OMEGA Drivers would rise and create proper drivers for AMD/ATI Radeons. Few years ago their driver was far better than ATI one.
And maybe one day people will learn how to properly uninstall and install their drivers instead of screaming "ATI DRIVERS SUCKS!" on every forum in the interwebz.
Posted on Reply
I haven't bought any ATI cards since HD2000, so I don't really know. It's just i have been following BFBC2 club room for quite a while, and it seems ATI users were having quite a problem ;).
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
I personally don't see anything wrong with their drivers, then again, i don't really dabble much into the drivers and pick them apart to determine if they're shit or not.

Ran a 5770 and 4870 and they both performed fine with the drivers out at those times.
Posted on Reply
bear jesusOr in your case two 6970's :p
Yes yes! :D

:rockout::rockout: Or 4 6870s! :laugh: ;)
Posted on Reply
Nice, a new series with a little increase in performance. Right now I'm runnin' 5770s, so am just gonna sit back and wait for all those that have to increase the size of their epeen and then jump to the 5870/90 series at a much lower price than they are currently selling for. :D I guess I'm just cheap 'cause I always stay one series behind the latest. :toast:
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan786770=5850. Ok WTF.
I'm confused. You expected more or less?
Posted on Reply
Big Member
kid41212003I haven't bought any ATI cards since HD2000, so I don't really know. It's just i have been following BFBC2 club room for quite a while, and it seems ATI users were having quite a problem ;).
Sorry man. That wasn't a dig at you personally. It was just in general. There is nothing wrong with ATI drivers but the crossfire scaling.
AnushaI'm confused. You expected more or less?
No the new naming is retarded. It makes no sense.
Posted on Reply
Intoxicated Moderator
kid41212003I haven't bought any ATI cards since HD2000, so I don't really know.
Ya got it right there kid.

I run 5850 crossfired and the prob i had was slow map loads on dx10/11 but that got fixed waaaaay back as far as i'm concerned.

I had a pile of pish with running sli'd 7950GT's and my GTX 295 had a few hiccups. Both driver teams have issues ocassionally. I'd say on the whole NV average better drivers* but it doesn't mean the ATI ones are shit.

I think it's more often a flamebait stick or used by 'enthusiastic' brand loyalists to put down the other team when it's doing well.

* - oh yeah, apart from this hiccup this year

But on topic. I wasn't expecting that (granted it's only a slide) level of performance increase. That is quite good. Hope the thermals and acoustics are good.
Posted on Reply
Complete image!

But name is still false!

Accroding to nApoleon latest confirmation, HD68xx will be the final name.

Posted on Reply
Theres going to be even less reason to go with SLI or crossfire given the power of these cards. If Nvidia doesnt support 3 monitors with 1 card lots more people will choose ATI for multi monitor setup.
Posted on Reply
W00t got my 5770's on ebay and think I am going to wait a few weeks and grab a 6770 as I was going to grab a 460 instead.

To the person who said the 5770 didn't beat a 4870, where have you been?

beat it only by a few % and lost out in one of the res by a few %, though the point is there was nothing in the overall performance, the new midrange cards are normally on par with the last gen high end (single GPU)
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
CrystalKingComplete image!

But name is still false!

Accroding to nApoleon latest confirmation, HD68xx will be the final name.

Nice idle and load wattages.:) AMD/ATI always excels in that area from the looks of it recently.
NdMk2o1oTo the person who said the 5770 didn't beat a 4870, where have you been?
They're about the same, with the 5770 getting a very slight edge over it.
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