Thursday, December 16th 2010

AMD Releases Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update, Adds Radeon HD 6900 Series Support

AMD today released the first hotfix update to the recently released Catalyst 10.12 driver suite. A hotfix is an interim update before the next driver release. The new hotfix introduces two important things: first, it adds official support for the newly-released AMD Radeon HD 6970 and AMD Radeon HD 6950 graphics cards; and second, it adds a new Eyefinity mode that lets you use all five display outputs on the HD 6000 series graphics cards (i.e. two DVI, two mini-DP, one HDMI) for a 5 x 1 Eyefinity configuration.

DOWNLOAD: AMD Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update
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149 Comments on AMD Releases Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update, Adds Radeon HD 6900 Series Support

Freshwater Moderator
tricksonYeah I get mad because my internet service is limited as I have to pay as I go ! Man I sure need a WiFi card SOON ! The RV park offers free internet through WiFi ! But since I have no card I have to pay a ton of cash every month 50 buck and that is a lot for me I still have no job . Any one have a WiFi card to trade for some DDR2 RAM ? :banghead:

now stop bitching about how big the drivers are every release, so we can keep this on topic with idiots concerned forum members and their illogical comments.

speaking of the drivel:

how is monthly drivers inferior to waiting longer? HOW?

when i was on nvidia (last card was a 9800GT, although i have a 280 now as a spare), i had game issues that i had to wait 3-4 months for drivers to resolve. by then i was done with the damned games. monthly drivers is awesome in comparison.

Do you think that because you waited longer, you got better drivers? i never saw that at all. i'd wait months and months, and get a driver that didnt spin the fan up in 3D, or caused BSOD crashes, or just made the driver fail every 20 minutes with that NVLKDDM has crashed bullshit.

complaints about 10.10e being newer than 10.11? it takes a week or two for WHQL. they arent going to wait 2 weeks every time they add something new, OR WE'D NEVER GET NEW DRIVERS. 10.10e had hotfixes added to the 10.10 drivers. if they'd added it to the 10.11 drivers, it would be called 10.11a

why didnt they just release it as 10.11? because IT WAS BUGGY. broken starcraft II, for one.

oh yeah, beta drivers. they're betas, or hotfixes, because most people dont need or want them. they get the latest driver and add one specific fix - be it for a game that has issues, for a new feature (like 6 way eyefinity) or support for a brand new card that isnt in the official drivers yet.

If you dont benefit from that feature, DONT DOWNLOAD THE DAMN DRIVERS.

seriously it seems every Nv driver thread is full of Nv users whinging about problems, and then whenever an ATI driver comes out they all rush over here to whine about how bad ATI is because they release drivers too slow, too fast, and actually fix problems and add new features (hah, nvidia drivers adding FEATURES, lol). shut up and deal with it, we LIKE new drivers.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache

now stop bitching about how big the drivers are every release, so we can keep this on topic with idiots concerned forum members and their illogical comments.

speaking of the drivel:

how is monthly drivers inferior to waiting longer? HOW?

when i was on nvidia (last card was a 9800GT, although i have a 280 now as a spare), i had game issues that i had to wait 3-4 months for drivers to resolve. by then i was done with the damned games. monthly drivers is awesome in comparison.

Do you think that because you waited longer, you got better drivers? i never saw that at all. i'd wait months and months, and get a driver that didnt spin the fan up in 3D, or caused BSOD crashes, or just made the driver fail every 20 minutes with that NVLKDDM has crashed bullshit.

complaints about 10.10e being newer than 10.11? it takes a week or two for WHQL. they arent going to wait 2 weeks every time they add something new, OR WE'D NEVER GET NEW DRIVERS. 10.10e had hotfixes added to the 10.10 drivers. if they'd added it to the 10.11 drivers, it would be called 10.11a

why didnt they just release it as 10.11? because IT WAS BUGGY. broken starcraft II, for one.

oh yeah, beta drivers. they're betas, or hotfixes, because most people dont need or want them. they get the latest driver and add one specific fix - be it for a game that has issues, for a new feature (like 6 way eyefinity) or support for a brand new card that isnt in the official drivers yet.

If you dont benefit from that feature, DONT DOWNLOAD THE DAMN DRIVERS.

seriously it seems every Nv driver thread is full of Nv users whinging about problems, and then whenever an ATI driver comes out they all rush over here to whine about how bad ATI is because they release drivers too slow, too fast, and actually fix problems and add new features (hah, nvidia drivers adding FEATURES, lol). shut up and deal with it, we LIKE new drivers.
Thank you For the link looks great will be getting it as soon as the wife will let me .
All the nV fanboys come out of the works just to crap all over ATI for giving us drivers ! They are just jellos because they have to wait for months to get an updated driver and I know this for a fact as well I had the GTX260 and only had one driver the whole time I had that card ! it was buggy and lacked what I get out of the ATI cards I have now !
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Spaceman Spiff
^ hehe. Jellos....

Sounds like a new Jell-o brand of cheerios.

Yes I have been drinking
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Spaceman Spiff^ hehe. Jellos....

Sounds like a new Jell-o brand of cheerios.

Yes I have been drinking
HAHA yeah I can not for the life of me remember just how the hell you spell that damn word ! I always seem to mess it up !
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erockerThey have in 10.10e's.
Yes sir, but not 10.12 :)
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alexsubriYes sir, but not 10.12 :)
No reason to use 10.12's if you want MAA. No performance benefits or any other kind of benefit to doing so.
Posted on Reply
erockerNo reason to use 10.12's if you want MAA. No performance benefits or any other kind of benefit to doing so.
Yea I agree, I just wanted to see what the CCC2 was all about. After work, I am going to play with some .ini files and see how I can enable it. Several people have gotten it working with other hidden features in CCC2
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Freshwater Moderator
at least 10.12 dont break starcraft, which would be nice to use MLAA with.
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I know, 16x MLAA in Batman Arkham Asylum looked so amazing
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Spaceman Spiff
Haha, my bad trickson. Thought you were purposely calling Nvidia fanboys "Jello's" as a play on words. It worked for me anyway, got a good ass laugh from it! And yes I agree they are jealous.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Spaceman SpiffHaha, my bad trickson. Thought you were purposely calling Nvidia fanboys "Jello's" as a play on words. It worked for me anyway, got a good ass laugh from it! And yes I agree they are jealous.
LOL see now you spelled it right why do I have such a hard time with that word ??? :mad:
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Better Than Native
using all 5 display outputs from one card is damn impressive! mad props to 6000 series cards really. :rockout:

I wonder if this hotfix will got thru b.c.d.e too :laugh:

I just want more regular mobility updates too, still no MLAA with official 10.12 on a Mobility 5650 :(
Posted on Reply
so if this driver will make my HD 6870 use DVI+DVI+HDMI configuration? without any DP?
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Not a Moderator
Spaceman SpiffDon't understand the hate for having more drivers to choose from. No 2 systems are the same just like no 2 chips are the same so certain drivers are gonna work better for certain people. I'm still using 10.9s with my x-fire 4890s cause they give me the best performance on my system with the games I play the most. For my laptop with a 6800go I'm using some old X-treme-G 91.47 drivers. They got me better performance than Nvidia certified ones. Just find the drivers that work best for your system and don't hate for having more options to choose from.

In other news, my 6970 is on its way and should have it on the 20th (take that crazy!) and Ill do some tests with a whole lotta drivers to find the best one with my config. Im looking forward to the jump to DX11 since BC2 is my most played game at the moment and MLAA for Dead Space since that is one of my favorite games ever and I've been dying to get some AA on the jaggies and try it out with my HT Omega Claro and ATH700s.

Crazy any way you can test power consumption on your system with 2 6970's? I only ordered one so I can get some comparison with my 2 4890s and 1 6970, but power consumption is even higher than a 4890 so i need to see if my 750 watt can hold 2 6970s with all the other crap in my system too.
your fine man i was running 2x 5850s that i had up to 1.35v at 1000+ core for some bench testing and my older 750w silencer ran them fine at those voltages i was hitting a tdp range around 240w per card your fine man no worries 6970s can be limited to 190w max and can be given room up to 250w max so even then your still perfectly fine if you got a decent 750w
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Freshwater Moderator
wahdangunso if this driver will make my HD 6870 use DVI+DVI+HDMI configuration? without any DP?
i think so, yes.
Posted on Reply
tricksonThank you For the link looks great will be getting it as soon as the wife will let me .
All the nV fanboys come out of the works just to crap all over ATI for giving us drivers ! They are just jellos because they have to wait for months to get an updated driver and I know this for a fact as well I had the GTX260 and only had one driver the whole time I had that card ! it was buggy and lacked what I get out of the ATI cards I have now !
Man he changed his tune fast. He was the biggest complainer on this thread and the minute a mod tells people to stop bitching, he turns into the biggest fan of ATI. You really do live up to your name I see.
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Spaceman Spiff
Nooo! Newegg has "Adverse Weather Conditions" for my tracking on my 6970! Its sitting in Tennessee. Damn UPS drivers. Get some snow tires!
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Will have to download these when I get home. I was about to switch to 10.10e to see how the MLAA looks in games. I believe I have 10.11's installed will see I guess its a toss up. If the new drivers give better performance and the 10.10e give better image quailty will have to see.
Posted on Reply
Eh what the hell, i'll try Catalyst 10.12 today. I'll just hack it open to get MLAA. It's really tiring for me not to have the very latest drivers even though 10.10e work great. I must have teh latezt drivz0rz!
Posted on Reply
erockerPretty much since the beginning of time, ATi has released a WHQL driver once a month, usually in the middle of the month. A monthly driver update is nice, though I agree with you, how often do you see any other hardware manufacturer release a monthly driver update? Rarely. That being said, there is nothing telling anyone that they must use the latest driver. If you are good with your current driver and nothing in the update notes relating to your current configuration stick with what you are using. I actually like the fact that ATi is now releasing beta drivers (they call them "hotfixes") to the public. Those who find they are having certain issues on any driver might find a fix with these "a" and "b", etc. revisions. Nvidia has been releasing beta drivers for some time. Beta is exactly what you say, relying on their customers to use them and find problems with them, that's is why they are "beta" drivers.
Well that's fine for betas, but the monthly updates are WHQL. Just seems like the update cycle negates it's own benefits. For every new feature or game compatibility update there's usually something that breaks for someone, and we often then see people rolling back drivers to prior versions and sticking with them. I imagine some will be on 10.10e for awhile. I'd feel fairly safe in saying a bimonthly cycle would help that issue.
Posted on Reply
Give them drivers monthly and they complain , give them 4 drivers a year and they complain , give them nothing and they would most likely complain , simple explanation - they are just people.
Even for free things people bitch so no shock to see this or try to change , they are people and that is the end story of this bitching thread.
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alexsubriI know, 16x MLAA in Batman Arkham Asylum looked so amazing
16xMLAA ??!? What's that?? :eek::eek::eek::wtf::twitch:
MLAA has no settings. Maybe there could be a number of taps used to filter the image, but i don't think morphological filter works that way.
Posted on Reply
yep, MLAA is just a post processing filter applied by the driver. Has nothing in common with traditional AA. ;)
What we are missing here is that these new drivers need to be tested on the HD 6970 and HD 6950 to see new performance benchmarks.

I am guessing that they might improve the HD 69xx series performance from an underwhelming release.

Can anyone with a H69xx series please post some benchies and compare against the various website benchmarks out there please?
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