Thursday, December 16th 2010

AMD Releases Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update, Adds Radeon HD 6900 Series Support
AMD today released the first hotfix update to the recently released Catalyst 10.12 driver suite. A hotfix is an interim update before the next driver release. The new hotfix introduces two important things: first, it adds official support for the newly-released AMD Radeon HD 6970 and AMD Radeon HD 6950 graphics cards; and second, it adds a new Eyefinity mode that lets you use all five display outputs on the HD 6000 series graphics cards (i.e. two DVI, two mini-DP, one HDMI) for a 5 x 1 Eyefinity configuration.
DOWNLOAD: AMD Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update
DOWNLOAD: AMD Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update
149 Comments on AMD Releases Catalyst 10.12a Hotfix Update, Adds Radeon HD 6900 Series Support
Now all I need is 4 more monitors. :laugh:
Driver Packaging Version
You are right, it makes NEW hardware run faster and better, you officially have a series old graphics card.
Complaints about drivers that are for a new series when you don't own a new series is well,
you fail, at failing
No that isn't a double negative to positive transient, it means your attempt at failing, has failed.
I ran 3dmark11 and with a score of P5287 I am no longer going to bitch about them making drivers every week !!! :twitch: I am lovin it :D
Oh and my complaint isn't so much that they are making drivers every week it is I have a limited internet and well I pay as I go so yeah it is a pain but one I can live with now !
I fail to see were I have failed steevo maybe you can enlighten me ?
What, AMD driver devs been too busy surfing the web for Xmas presents rather than testing the drivers themselves?
I have to say this rev, a, b, c, d ,e business is fuel for the nV fanbois to point out how lame the drivers have been for the AMD cards since the 6xxx series had been released.
Nvidia is not the issue but good drivers are and this is what I finally have a good driver that has made my cards faster and perform much better as well .
I do not like Nvidia any way they take forever to update drivers and give little performance for the time it takes to DL them . At least ATI finally came out with some real top dog drivers for me !
Before that I had 10.11 with a few tweaks.
Nbitor, tray tools for Nvidia, etc.....
If you read the fixes and whats wrong sections of Nvidia drivers they read almost the exact same as ATI drivers, except Nvidia releases drivers that kill your cards, calles theirs "beta" instead of hotfixes, waits to see what the loyal green customer finds wrong before fixing more. ATI fixes releases and reacts to those who have issues with their fixes.
So, like a car, you would rather have one that has "beta" tire patches, crashes more, and con randomly burn and die?*
Not you, but Nvidia users who complain about ATI drivers, and all users who like crackheads update every driver every time when there are no performance improvements likted for their cards in the notes, then complain it breaks something.
Sometimes we have to stick with the same driver if later drivers are not suitable.
It's not a bad thing but often looked as it is.
Why improve on what isn't broken.
Personally I don't update drivers often if the release notes say nothing in the way of performance increase with whatever current card I own.
Now if could only get SmartDoctor to actually install so I can play with voltages I would be happy :(
In other news, my 6970 is on its way and should have it on the 20th (take that crazy!) and Ill do some tests with a whole lotta drivers to find the best one with my config. Im looking forward to the jump to DX11 since BC2 is my most played game at the moment and MLAA for Dead Space since that is one of my favorite games ever and I've been dying to get some AA on the jaggies and try it out with my HT Omega Claro and ATH700s.
Crazy any way you can test power consumption on your system with 2 6970's? I only ordered one so I can get some comparison with my 2 4890s and 1 6970, but power consumption is even higher than a 4890 so i need to see if my 750 watt can hold 2 6970s with all the other crap in my system too.
funny how people react to a couple of words lol
and no im not a fanboy, far from that, i just use what i can lay my hands on, atm its nvidia cause i got a awesome deal
would had been 5850s if i didnt fold and only gamed
i just found it funny that AMD releases a driver, every week, and then the day after a hotfix is out, why not test it for a few mroe days, or go back to the one driver a month thing they had/has going
but yeah.
and yeah now that you say it in that way i can see the good in it :toast: