Tuesday, February 22nd 2011

Kinect for Windows, Gesture-recognizing UI Around the Corner
After Microsoft's evolved game controller the Kinect for Xbox 360 came to the fore, speculation among tech circles saw a future for the device in the PC platform right away, beyond being just a game controller. It looks like Redmond is taking steps in that direction, with the groundwork for Kinect's arrival on the Windows PC platform underway. Microsoft will release the Kinect for Windows software development kit (SDK) this spring, so developers can start work on it right away. This could include giving Games for Windows applications Kinect support which they enjoy on the Xbox 360 platform.
The possibilities are endless for non-game applications to make use of Kinect as a gesture-recognizing, and face-recognizing device. Gesture recognition UI and face-recognition are pitched to be some of the defining features of Microsoft's next version of Windows. Kinect for Windows SDK will be released on a non-commercial basis. "The hope is that the SDK will unleash a wave of creativity to add to the already exciting developments we've seen on top of Kinect. The SDK will provide access to Kinect's sensor as well audio and system API's," the company commented.
Next at Microsoft (Technet Blog)
The possibilities are endless for non-game applications to make use of Kinect as a gesture-recognizing, and face-recognizing device. Gesture recognition UI and face-recognition are pitched to be some of the defining features of Microsoft's next version of Windows. Kinect for Windows SDK will be released on a non-commercial basis. "The hope is that the SDK will unleash a wave of creativity to add to the already exciting developments we've seen on top of Kinect. The SDK will provide access to Kinect's sensor as well audio and system API's," the company commented.
38 Comments on Kinect for Windows, Gesture-recognizing UI Around the Corner
will make a great alternative to a mouse/keyboard/remote for HTPC's
Be cool in arma 2. But this is just for MSL so fuck'em if they want to limit it that much.
for non gaming use, they'll be a good step forward.
So we needs for PC HD cameras and at least an 60Hz output to match all the monitors/tv out there. Then I would be really interested.;)
very very excited to see where this goes!
How cool would it be to quickly mold rough copies of your ideas and then fine-tune with the mouse/keyboard or other specialized input device?
assuming it knows your on beer 4 of the six pack and you'll down another two before the delivery gets in.
Now to preface this I haven't fully thought out every detail of this idea and it would likely be more of a novelty at first than anything else but I think there's potential for it to progress into something else.
Using the Kinect and say a special version of Google Maps one could create a virtual world in which the user could create an avatar. Then using google or some other map program the Avatar would be uploaded to the virtual world and controlled through the Kinect. One could type in a retail store such as Best Buy and with the avatar walkthrough a virtual store adding items to a cart. What would make it unique would be the fact that retail stores could upload a 3d image of each product in the inventory allowing the user to grab the product and manipulate it to get a better idea of what the product would actually be like before purchasing it. Then when the user is ready to checkout the Avatar could either have a stored payment method or the user could hold up a credit card and kinect would read it. Then the user could use a finger to digitally sign it.
JMO but I think it would be sweet.
Also, while I like my Kinect, I am not inclined to move the thing around when I want to use it on my computer (especially as the PC doesn't have the Kinect port, we'll have to use another wall-wart), and I sure as hell ain't buying another one...
dont forget that it should work with just a hand, not your whole skeleton in view on PC.