Friday, July 21st 2006

AMD and ATI to ask shareholders for merger approval

A short while back information slipped out of a possible ATI-AMD merge. That information had been solidified with this new information.
TheINQACCORDING to an extraordinarily reliable source, AMD and ATI will on Monday pitch their shareholders with the proposition that the two companies merge.
TheINQ also says that AMD may not quite have the money to right out buy ATI, which is why a merge is more reasonable than a full buyout.
Source: TheINQ
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24 Comments on AMD and ATI to ask shareholders for merger approval

Apparently, this is not the "urban legend" that everybody thought it was?

(What do you guys think?)


* Pretty odd, imo, because the last time this was discussed here? Folks brought up a very interesting point in NForce being an NVidia thing & on AMD oriented mobos...

Odd imo & others, that AMD is trying to buy into ATI!

(Other than the fact Microsoft & VISTA "stress & use" DirectX intensively, & ATI traditionally does better with that than OpenGL (vice-a-versa w/ NVidia) & that OpenGL does not appear to be in VISTA (this I don't understand, other than MS pushing DirectX, & trying to "phase-out" OpenGL)).


P.S.=> Perhaps that latter point may be that the "Ghost (OS/Drivers/Softwares) does drive the Machine" in reality, & even @ marketing levels... not the other way around! apk
Posted on Reply
Thats put NVIDIA in the middle of the creek with no paddle....

This could be interesting
Posted on Reply
JudasThats put NVIDIA in the middle of the creek with no paddle....

This could be interesting
Not nessecarily, this just means Nvidia might develope a better relationship with Intel, and what better time to do that then the Conroe/Kentsfield Launches. Nvidia is still a incredibly strong company right now, much larger then ATI.
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This will boost AMD right into the hearts of gamers. Imagine on a 4x4 socket is an FX cpu and on the other socket is graphics card chip!?
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i hope this happens soon : )
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NamesDontMatterNot nessecarily, this just means Nvidia might develope a better relationship with Intel, and what better time to do that then the Conroe/Kentsfield Launches. Nvidia is still a incredibly strong company right now, much larger then ATI.
Time will tell ..Seems like intel have just might of hit the jackpot with their new conroe
and if Nvidia jump on board ...we will see some good results
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nVidia are not good bedfellows with anybody. They are not happy with MS - the feeling is mutual, Intel are not happy with them (regarding SLi as well as other less obvious factors), AMD and nVidia put up with each other... But both Intel and AMD prefer ATi to nVidia.

Sony and nVidia works though, 'cos Sony are paying over the odds for the RSX...
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Bird of Prey
This is good and bad. Ill just wait and see how everything does.
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These are great news even knowing that i'm an ATI/Intel user.
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there goes ati power full chipset and intels uber cpu... :(
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I don't want to say much regarding this because I'm an employee but... know how AMD integrates their memory controllers on their CPU? Well, they're looking to integrate much more than that... ahem.
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I gotta feeling if true that any new tech that comes from this will help the console or multi media arena...not pc...
AMD fan camp will rejoice and celebrate the news with block parties and open house. However, little do they know this will not benefit them one bit. Is it just me or can you hand pick the number of ATI/AMD owners? I believe there is a much larger scale to all this. I've learned that when something like this doesn't make sense. There's a much bigger picture that you are not seeing. Specially with the news that Intel may stop producing chipsets (broadwater appears to be the last intel chipset). I believe that this to is playing a major factor in the equation and I don't think it's "luck" that all this is happening around the same time. We simply can't see the how picture right now until it unfolds. What we do know is that it's not a good light on the PC market. We laughed at the idea of a console PC that has no upgrade path unless you buy a new unit (for example) but what if any of that is true?

Buy outs/mergers like this that reduce your ability to choose is never a good thing, no matter if the home team takes advantage of it or not. It's never a good thing when you cannot choose which product you want...period

I mean think about AMD doing this to help the PC Gaming Community/PC Community or are they doing this to help themselves? This is ultimately the question you need to ask yourself when threads are created regarding this merger/buy out.
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NyteI don't want to say much regarding this because I'm an employee but... know how AMD integrates their memory controllers on their CPU? Well, they're looking to integrate much more than that... ahem.
They said something a long time ago about the PCI-E bus aswell, integrated.. but intel has been mentioning their GMA stuff onboard with the CPU, so this could be part of AMD's answer to it too..

This will do well for Ati more than AMD imo, Ati will now have access to all of AMD's fabs whilst Nvidia will be stuck using TSMC still.

IIRC, anyways :P

I also don't see Nvidia and Intel going together.. Intel is way too big to even need Nvidia, and they already have their own graphics division..
Posted on Reply
This merger would only buffet AMD boost that they are better. There is no tangible reason to believe this will help the consumer in any way shape or form. It's likely to hurt Intel in more ways then we can think of right now. ATI is no chipset super power and never was. Although it was liked it's no major supplier. However, it's a raining GPU maker along with Nvidia. Now if AMD control ATI, the probability that future ATI GPU's will be more "agreeable" with AMD vs. Intel is believable (although far fetch) then any other theory one can mustard.

The merger/buy out will be more adverse to the PC Gaming industry because the likelihood:
-stumped competition reduces need to produce games
-relaxed innovation in new technology as ATI could be more geared for the CPU market then GPU leaving only Nvidia to look to. Wow, Voodoo’s calling and they want their cards back.
-lack of unbias competition in the market will cause game developers to flee (run for the hills) towards consoles.
-substantial increase in chipset and GPU costs which can turn away many PC gamers to Consoles in a heart beat.
-game developers get feed up and move to console to avoid the AMD/Intel wars that have crossed over into the 1 thing they could rely on most...GPU. If you think about it devs have development the most games based on GPU power then CPU power. With that new GPUs were being made within 6-12 months while it was years before we saw a new CPU. Now that this will change I would believe that gaming developers would move towards a more "friendlier" market arena such as consoles. Console markets don't change, you don't need to wait and see what new AMD/ATI video card or chipset or CPU that will be introduced into market so you can code your games properly, etc. Now do you understand?

Why would AMD want ATI...simple it's been rumored that the next great CPU will be GPU based...this seems like a turn in that direction in any future AMD CPUs. What better way to compete then to reinvent the K8 into a multi CPU/GPU dual core solution. You would no longer need a video card, only MB and ram. That's not too hard to believe. However, this reduces your selection of preference. So the cost of just a CPU/GPU, MB and ram will be double the cost for the typical GPU card, MB, CPU and ram. Maybe that's why competition is so keeps the price down.

This sort of basklash has the potential to destroy the PC gaming community as we know it today. As it stands now it's nothing like was 5 years ago. I call this (at the very least) 1 nail in the coffin for PC Gaming industry. So rejoice AMD fanbois, rejoice and celebrate, drink and be merry. But don't be surprised if you don't see any new, decent games or new video cards in the months/years to come. With DX10 on the horizon and all that money you spend to update your system for it. The look on a fanboi face when all is for not....priceless...

And to think...all this when their is no solution shown to the community to combat Core 2 Duo...
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleThe merger/buy out will be more adverse to the PC Gaming industry because the likelihood:
-stumped competition reduces need to produce games
-relaxed innovation in new technology as ATI could be more geared for the CPU market then GPU leaving only Nvidia to look to. Wow, Voodoo’s calling and they want their cards back.
-lack of unbias competition in the market will cause game developers to flee (run for the hills) towards consoles.
-substantial increase in chipset and GPU costs which can turn away many PC gamers to Consoles in a heart beat.
-game developers get feed up and move to console to avoid the AMD/Intel wars that have crossed over into the 1 thing they could rely on most...GPU. If you think about it devs have development the most games based on GPU power then CPU power. With that new GPUs were being made within 6-12 months while it was years before we saw a new CPU. Now that this will change I would believe that gaming developers would move towards a more "friendlier" market arena such as consoles. Console markets don't change, you don't need to wait and see what new AMD/ATI video card or chipset or CPU that will be introduced into market so you can code your games properly, etc. Now do you understand?

Why would AMD want ATI...simple it's been rumored that the next great CPU will be GPU based...this seems like a turn in that direction in any future AMD CPUs. What better way to compete then to reinvent the K8 into a multi CPU/GPU dual core solution. You would no longer need a video card, only MB and ram. That's not too hard to believe. However, this reduces your selection of preference. So the cost of just a CPU/GPU, MB and ram will be double the cost for the typical GPU card, MB, CPU and ram. Maybe that's why competition is so keeps the price down.

This sort of basklash has the potential to destroy the PC gaming community as we know it today. As it stands now it's nothing like was 5 years ago. I call this (at the very least) 1 nail in the coffin for PC Gaming industry. So rejoice AMD fanbois, rejoice and celebrate, drink and be merry. But don't be surprised if you don't see any new, decent games or new video cards in the months/years to come. With DX10 on the horizon and all that money you spend to update your system for it. The look on a fanboi face when all is for not....priceless...
wait... who says Ati will stop innovating for the GPU market? Infact, they will have access to MORE innovatioins- those used in CPU's!

How would an intel/AMD war change how developers make PC games? Like they arent already constantly throwing around new standards, new shaders and features?

You're basing this all on speculation- and you yourself stated the next cpu was "rumored" to be based on a GPU.

Its not "based" on a GPU, its just going to "evolve" into a GPU. They are continually getting closer. Look at the A64. its now got a memory controller. GPU's have had to have that for a while now ;)

It would be dumb to buy a GPU company because "the next wave in CPU's are GPU based" as a GPU and a CPU are VERY different to the extent a GPU wouldnt be a GPU anymore if it handled CPU functions...

Lets buy ford to make a tank factory! Its a vehicle isnt it? :roll:

Also, Lets not forget apple exists... and are gaining some pretty good steam.. Direct X 10 will hopefully have some competition with leopard...
Posted on Reply
Dippyskoodlezwait... who says Ati will stop innovating for the GPU market? Infact, they will have access to MORE innovatioins- those used in CPU's!

How would an intel/AMD war change how developers make PC games? Like they arent already constantly throwing around new standards, new shaders and features?

You're basing this all on speculation- and you yourself stated the next cpu was "rumored" to be based on a GPU.

Its not "based" on a GPU, its just going to "evolve" into a GPU. They are continually getting closer. Look at the A64. its now got a memory controller. GPU's have had to have that for a while now ;)

It would be dumb to buy a GPU company because "the next wave in CPU's are GPU based" as a GPU and a CPU are VERY different to the extent a GPU wouldnt be a GPU anymore if it handled CPU functions...

Lets buy ford to make a tank factory! Its a vehicle isnt it? :roll:

Also, Lets not forget apple exists... and are gaining some pretty good steam.. Direct X 10 will hopefully have some competition with leopard...
I hate seeing a fellow readier :nutkick: himself when posting rubbish and ignorance out of emo. But I will help you find the path of truth read this and learn something alhough short and brief it's only the beginning of my woes to come. More to come.
Several analysts however, indicated that the merger between AMD and ATI to be "out of strategy for AMD and out of focus. Stupidity is no barrier to tech mergers."
AMD has previously indicated that it would embrace embedded processor technologies for its Torrenza platform -- some of which would include math and physics co-processors. However, the company has recently exited all non-x86 processor design.
When its all said and done, like I said before ATI maybe forced to focus on CPU market moreseo then GPU market:
-thus decrease competition
-increase GPU prices
-decrease games in the PC market
-forcing PC gaming devs to console
-forcing some PC gamers to Console
-ready for a premium price in ATI/AMD MB's? Oh wait that can't be true...have you looked at Intel's MB prices lately, Muhuhahahahaha, Oh my stomach, Muhahahaha. No more $150 MB's Muhahahaha
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleI hate seeing a fellow readier :nutkick: himself when posting rubbish and ignorance out of emo. But I will help you find the path of truth read this and learn something alhough short and brief it's only the beginning of my woes to come. More to come.
rubbish and ignorance? You're the one assuming ATI will be squashed and absorbed into AMD's CPU manufacturing department..

AMD *NEEDS* their own chipset, DESPERATLY to be able to compete with Intel's new offerings now that they've realized their free ride is over. This will allow Amd to utilize Ati's excellent chipset thats... already made... and hopefully, can revamp Ati's slow and ineffecient management team to put Ati back on track. They have to push Crossfire and their chipsets more to compete with Nvidia.

Also quote:
All-In-Wonder could be the first major victim of the July introduction of new RoHS laws as far as hardware and media enthusiasts are concerned, but isn't likely to be the last.
Good product, but probably didn't sell enough to warrant continued development. It doesn't help when the GOVERNMENT introduces laws to prevent and hinder development of them!

Anyways, that is completely unreleated to this.. thats a law causing something, rather than a merger..
When its all said and done, like I said before ATI maybe forced to focus on CPU market moreseo then GPU market:
-thus decrease competition
-increase GPU prices
-decrease games in the PC market
-forcing PC gaming devs to console
-forcing some PC gamers to Console
-ready for a premium price in ATI/AMD MB's? Oh wait that can't be true...have you looked at Intel's MB prices lately, Muhuhahahahaha, Oh my stomach, Muhahahaha. No more $150 MB's Muhahahaha
Ati focusing on the CPU market....... why? that makes no sense. Businesslike or from an engineering standpoint. The cad monkeys working on CPU's and GPU's have completely different worries at the moment, to be able to merge correctly...

You provide no actual backup for you're assumptions of "ATI being forced to concentrate on the CPU market rather than GPU's", just what you "think" will happen.

Games are a big, and growing market. The marketing people aren't going to overlook a gaming market!
Several analysts however, indicated that the merger between AMD and ATI to be "out of strategy for AMD and out of focus. Stupidity is no barrier to tech mergers."
Analysts also think music piracy is detrimental to the RIAA's profits.
Posted on Reply
Dippyskoodlezrubbish and ignorance? You're the one assuming ATI will be squashed and absorbed into AMD's CPU manufacturing department..

AMD *NEEDS* their own chipset, DESPERATLY to be able to compete with Intel's new offerings now that they've realized their free ride is over. This will allow Amd to utilize Ati's excellent chipset thats... already made... and hopefully, can revamp Ati's slow and ineffecient management team to put Ati back on track. They have to push Crossfire and their chipsets more to compete with Nvidia.

Also quote:
Good product, but probably didn't sell enough to warrant continued development. It doesn't help when the GOVERNMENT introduces laws to prevent and hinder development of them!

Anyways, that is completely unreleated to this.. thats a law causing something, rather than a merger..

ti focusing on the CPU market....... why? that makes no sense. Businesslike or from an engineering standpoint. The cad monkeys working on CPU's and GPU's have completely different worries at the moment, to be able to merge correctly...

You provide no actual backup for you're assumptions of "ATI being forced to concentrate on the CPU market rather than GPU's", just what you "think" will happen.

Games are a big, and growing market. The marketing people aren't going to overlook a gaming market!

Analysts also think music piracy is detrimental to the RIAA's profits.
LOL weak's not your approval of the subject matter that makes it true. Give it time and see for yourself. I have been on the planet long enough to know nothing good ever comes out of mergers/buy outs like this. All you see and ever will see is the your own tunnel vision opinion on 1 point that you have made. You will ignore the other adverse effects that do exis because of this.

Let me put your POV in another light: (Example)
-a cure for aids has been obtained
-only side effect is that it kills 1 out of every 10 people who use it

Your arguement is the fact that it cures 9 out of every 10 people and you will see no other point of it. To can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. When your purchasing power becomes limited to only 1 upgrade path (be it Intel or AMD) that will only increase prices and reduce competition. However I know better, nothing good ever comes of this...nothing...
Posted on Reply
I'm not for this. It will just make things less flexible. More AMD-ATI Intel-Nvidia bonds..
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleLOL weak's not your approval of the subject matter that makes it true. Give it time and see for yourself. I have been on the planet long enough to know nothing good ever comes out of mergers/buy outs like this. All you see and ever will see is the your own tunnel vision opinion on 1 point that you have made. You will ignore the other adverse effects that do exis because of this.
Weak rebuttal? I see no counter arguement to any of my arguements. I'd call that a weak rebuttal when it comes to comparing sides in a debate. But I have known many-a-person that enjoys just calling an arguement weak, making stuff out of their ass and preaching it as the word of god similar to the way you have.
Your arguement is the fact that it cures 9 out of every 10 people and you will see no other point of it. To can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. When your purchasing power becomes limited to only 1 upgrade path (be it Intel or AMD) that will only increase prices and reduce competition. However I know better, nothing good ever comes of this...nothing...
1 upgrade path? Theres AMD and Intel. Who else are you gonna buy... RIGHT NOW anyways?

Oh wait.. same choices..

What about video cards? well, there'll be.. Nvidia... Ati/AMD, and Intel... still 3 options if I remain correct? ofcourse theres always a few like Via and S3... Via also makes CPUs, if you didnt know. so you could argue theres a third competitior...

This isn't a Video card+video card manf. merger. Its a CPU+video card/chipset/embedded manf merger.

Its like combining Ford with goodyear. You can now buy the goodyear tires for the ford, and it comes from the same people.
Posted on Reply
DippyskoodlezWeak rebuttal? I see no counter arguement to any of my arguements. I'd call that a weak rebuttal when it comes to comparing sides in a debate. But I have known many-a-person that enjoys just calling an arguement weak, making stuff out of their ass and preaching it as the word of god similar to the way you have.

1 upgrade path? Theres AMD and Intel. Who else are you gonna buy... RIGHT NOW anyways?

Oh wait.. same choices..

What about video cards? well, there'll be.. Nvidia... Ati/AMD, and Intel... still 3 options if I remain correct? ofcourse theres always a few like Via and S3... Via also makes CPUs, if you didnt know. so you could argue theres a third competitior...

This isn't a Video card+video card manf. merger. Its a CPU+video card/chipset/embedded manf merger.

Its like combining Ford with goodyear. You can now buy the goodyear tires for the ford, and it comes from the same people.
Problem is there is no exclusive rights to goodyear if you buy Ford as a consumer. You've made my point and you don't even know it.

Oh wait let's break this down some more:
Ford owns Jaguar...So if I own a Ford do I get some sort of discount on a nice new Jag because Ford bought out Jag? What about a Land Rover? Or do I have to haggle for it no different then someone who owns a Honda? Well...I don't see any benefits as a consumer because of these buy outs and mergers.
If I said it once I will say it again...nothing good will come of this merger if it goes through.

Just as the example I mentioned earlier, there will be no benefit to the consumer if ATI/AMD merges. They can call themselves whatever they want but ultimately the future of ATI video cards are at hand. It don't look pretty, it don't look good and a major strike in the PC community as we are limited on the products and services we once hand in a free market enterprise.
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleOh wait let's break this down some more:
Ford owns Jaguar...So if I own a Ford do I get some sort of discount on a nice new Jag because Ford bought out Jag? What about a Land Rover? Or do I have to haggle for it no different then someone who owns a Honda? Well...I don't see any benefits as a consumer because of these buy outs and mergers.
If I said it once I will say it again...nothing good will come of this merger if it goes through.
If I run a PC repair business, and a fast food resturaunt, if you repair a PC, why should that earn you free food?

That makes no sense.

Care to make a logical point, with something to base your assumption on, rather than just saying OMG ITS TEH END OF TEH WERLD!


Answer this: Why is Ati's video card production at stake?

Theres a LOT of money to be had for making video cards, and its only going to increase as HD and games get more popular, and especially with windows Vista being the PIG it is when it comes to a 3d UI.

Money to be made is the sole reason Ati exists to begin with. They dont exist "for fun", Businesses exist to make money.

Just dumping video card creation would be like milking half a cow, then slaughtering it. Why slaughter it for good if its still producing milk?
Posted on Reply
DippyskoodlezIf I run a PC repair business, and a fast food resturaunt, if you repair a PC, why should that earn you free food?

That makes no sense.

Care to make a logical point, with something to base your assumption on, rather than just saying OMG ITS TEH END OF TEH WERLD!


Answer this: Why is Ati's video card production at stake?

Theres a LOT of money to be had for making video cards, and its only going to increase as HD and games get more popular, and especially with windows Vista being the PIG it is when it comes to a 3d UI.

Money to be made is the sole reason Ati exists to begin with. They dont exist "for fun", Businesses exist to make money.

Just dumping video card creation would be like milking half a cow, then slaughtering it. Why slaughter it for good if its still producing milk?
:toast: Thanks for making my point...
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandle:toast: Thanks for making my point...
The PC world is not doomed. I didn't make your point...:laugh:

Money makes the world go round...
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