Wednesday, November 30th 2011

AMD Still Committed To x86 - But Not In High End Desktop

Further to our article yesterday, that AMD was to give up competing with Intel, they have now made a statement which semi-clarifies their future strategy. AMD told The Verge, that they are still committed to x86, but have decided to concentrate on low power, emerging markets and the cloud:
AMD is a leader in x86 microprocessor design, and we remain committed to the x86 market. Our strategy is to accelerate our growth by taking advantage of our design capabilities to deliver a breadth of products that best align with broader industry shifts toward low power, emerging markets and the cloud.
This sounds very much like they are giving up competing with Intel in the high-end x86 CPU market, but will instead compete with the likes of ARM, NVIDIA, TI and Intel in the low power market. It doesn't seem like a good strategy however, not least because getting the power use levels of an x86 CPU right down to ARM levels and still have some semblance of performance seems to be an unachievable aim, as Intel has already found out. The problem is that the ancient and complex x86 instruction set dating from the late 1970s, requires complex decode logic and a bigger chip (more transistors) to implement. It also isn't very fast, which is why all the various "turbocharging" technologies and enhancements have had to be applied to it over the years to bring us the fast CPUs we see today. These are all very expensive on transistor budget, power and require a high clock speed. The fact that all modern x86 CPUs are actually hybrid x86 (32-bit) & x64 (64-bit) machines adds an order of magnitude to the problem, as they're almost two CPUs in one. Time will tell whether AMD were right to go down this road.
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87 Comments on AMD Still Committed To x86 - But Not In High End Desktop

I'm with btarunr on this one, I think this is negative hype.

As if they will drop out now when they have only just finally released bulldozer.

They will at least refine that architecture and release some competing products in the future, so they can't exactly be dropping out of the high end market.

When/if that is a success they will be showboating and gloating about their fastest cpus and all that typical stuff every company does when they're back on top.
Posted on Reply
btarunrIt's a decoy. AMD said the same thing about high-end graphics before launching HD 4000 series.
qwerty_leshI'm with btarunr on this one, I think this is negative hype.

As if they will drop out now when they have only just finally released bulldozer.

They will at least refine that architecture and release some competing products in the future, so they can't exactly be dropping out of the high end market.

When/if that is a success they will be showboating and gloating about their fastest cpus and all that typical stuff every company does when they're back on top.
true, somehow i see this as a tactic to get people to not pay attention then bam

here comes a massive improvement

if not then crap for all of us.
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The Exiled Airman
Perhaps Piledriver has considerably better arch than bulldozer does and the performance jump is much higher than once thought?
Posted on Reply
MikeMurphy Intel is a leader in x86 microprocessor design, AMD is just a distant runner-up. They always have been. AMD should stick to making low-power and efficient architectures and better graphics processors, which is where they're competitive. Forget Opteron, forget Bulldozer/Piledriver or whatever else architecture is coming down the pipeline. And forget DRAM modules too, that's a low-margin, cut-throat business that even Samsung, Micron, Hynix and other established players are having a hard time with.

It's time to make money before the ship sinks. :(
I'm guessing you're in your early teen years and weren't wise to the many superior products AMD had compared to Intel. Were you around for the Thunderbird? Or, our beloved Barton core? Or any of the A64 lineup? You know, life before Conroe?

Also, AMD isn't going to be manufacturing DRAM. They are simply arranging Radeon branded DRAM. Google the difference if you're still unsure.

Posted on Reply
Completely Bonkers
AMD cannot compete on performance. But they can compete on performance/price.

Therefore they wish for Intel to increase prices, so that they can maintain a profitable business in Tier 2.
AMD is was a leader in x86 microprocessor design, and we remain committed to the x86 market. Our strategy is to accelerate our growth by taking advantage of our inferior design capabilities to deliver a breadth of products that best align with broader industry shifts toward can serve low power, emerging markets second and third world economies, solar powered computing and the cloud cheap, low demand, internet servers .
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1Perhaps Piledriver has considerably better arch than bulldozer does and the performance jump is much higher than once thought?
Do you really think so?

I'm a fairly optimistic guy and I really doubt AMD is in the verge of making their turd architecture into a serious performer.

We'll see, but as of now I can't help but feel that my next system will be Intel based.
Posted on Reply
entropy13How can AMD "drop out of high end" if they weren't even there NOW? :laugh:
eidairaman1Perhaps Piledriver has considerably better arch than bulldozer does and the performance jump is much higher than once thought?
After the Bulldozer fiasco, it'll have to slaughter every Intel chip in existence performance-wise for any enthusiasts to even consider it. If Piledriver can't beat Ivy Bridge, AMD really should GTFO the high-end CPU business; at least then they won't be making promises they can't keep.

As for the peole bemoaning the potential lack of competition... there already is no competition at the high end of the CPU spectrum. The only people buying "high-end" AMD CPUs are fanboys, cheapskates, or people who have been conned into doing so.
Posted on Reply
H82LUZ73 Intel is a leader in x86 microprocessor design, AMD is just a distant runner-up. They always have been. AMD should stick to making low-power and efficient architectures and better graphics processors, which is where they're competitive. Forget Opteron, forget Bulldozer/Piledriver or whatever else architecture is coming down the pipeline. And forget DRAM modules too, that's a low-margin, cut-throat business that even Samsung, Micron, Hynix and other established players are having a hard time with.

It's time to make money before the ship sinks. :(
You fail dude Intel had no fab way back when but who was it that made there first chips......I have one that says Intel made by ADVANCE MICRO DEVICES stamped on it... So yeah AMD is the leader in x86 manufacturing.Intel used them to get the fabs.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
btarunrIt's a decoy. AMD said the same thing about high-end graphics before launching HD 4000 series.
I hope so. AMD bought the graphics tech though and they didn't have to compete with formidable Intel on that front. This is a classic wait and see situation.
H82LUZ73You fail dude Intel had no fab way back when but who was it that made there first chips......I have one that says Intel made by ADVANCE MICRO DEVICES stamped on it... So yeah AMD is the leader in x86 manufacturing.Intel used them to get the fabs.
That's awesome - it'll be a collector's piece now. :rockout: Any chance of posting a picture of it on here?
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
qubitJust to rub salt in AMD's wound, Ivy Bridge's leaked official benchmarks are looking pretty good.

so were the bulldozer's leaked slides.
btarunrIt's a decoy. AMD said the same thing about high-end graphics before launching HD 4000 series.
Shh! this ploy has never been used before and AMD could never have something up their sleeve in the "oh shit" position.
Completely BonkersFIXED
Not really...As of right now their are tons of people buying netbooks and ipads. That is an emerging huge market. Low power K10 chips are cheap and readily available. It's not hard for AMD to bin some dual cores with no L3 to be good netbook chips, throw in an IGP based off of...oh wait its called FUSION.

To put things in perspective

I might aim for the 76% buying >$700 PC's as well.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
cdawallShh! this ploy has never been used before and AMD could never have something up their sleeve in the "oh shit" position.
Recalibrating sarcasm generator.
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Pro Indian Modder
H82LUZ73You fail dude Intel had no fab way back when but who was it that made there first chips......I have one that says Intel made by ADVANCE MICRO DEVICES stamped on it... So yeah AMD is the leader in x86 manufacturing.Intel used them to get the fabs.
Posted on Reply
H82LUZ73You fail dude Intel had no fab way back when but who was it that made there first chips......I have one that says Intel made by ADVANCE MICRO DEVICES stamped on it... So yeah AMD is the leader in x86 manufacturing.Intel used them to get the fabs.
de.das.dudePICS or
It's the other way around.


EDIT: So when's Virgo/Volan coming exactly, so that I can buy it? :D
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1Perhaps Piledriver has considerably better arch than bulldozer does and the performance jump is much higher than once thought?
I doubt it will be crazy, supposedly ipc will go up around 10% ( putting it on par with phenom)

How ever stock clock speeds ( and perhaps max over-clocks) seem to be on the cards as well.

Judging from the quite varied stock VIDs on bulldozer there was fab issue ( not enough to make the cpus unsellable apparently, but enough for bulldozer to come out at 3.6 when 4ghz was on the cards)

I think pile-driver top end will be 4ghz stock.

All speculation but based on things that I know.
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorOH NO YOU DIDN'T! XD

After the Bulldozer fiasco, it'll have to slaughter every Intel chip in existence performance-wise for any enthusiasts to even consider it. If Piledriver can't beat Ivy Bridge, AMD really should GTFO the high-end CPU business; at least then they won't be making promises they can't keep.

As for the peole bemoaning the potential lack of competition... there already is no competition at the high end of the CPU spectrum. The only people buying "high-end" AMD CPUs are fanboys, cheapskates, or people who have been conned into doing so.
I'm none of those things. I'm usually an early adoptor. I've gone through a dozen 2600k chips, and a couple of 2500k chips. Before that, I ran close to 20 different 1366 chips. One of my primary rigs is now back to AMD. Why? Well, frankly I'm bored with SB. I buy new hardware to play around with. I like to tweak everything. Sandy Bridge severely limits what you can tweak, and even an unskilled hardware noob can overclock the chips to 4.5ghz or better. Not to mention the lack of ram overclocking. Can't overclock the sticks to the next strap? Well you're out of luck, and you might as well forget about the extra 50mhz or so that you could get out of them. That's simply no fun. Don't get me wrong. I will keep a SB rig around for the raw power, and the ability to get a good "set it and forget it" overclock. However, it is now one of the family rigs, because there was simply nothing left to do with it. So, if I was gonna have any fun with tweaking, I was either gonna go back to 1366 or over to AMD for a bit.

I think there are many enthusiast just like me, who feel like they want to test everything, and run out of reasonable options in between platform launches.
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This is all a ploy. I feel a Athlon/Thunderbird resurrection is a coming! \[o_0]/!
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In any battle, one side must lose. We've witnessed that. Now that AMD is out of the way, Intel can proceed to rape our butts with pricing. What's from stopping them?
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
chronWhat's from stopping them?
The fact that people still don't have that much spending cash, and the fact there still are other affordable options?

AMD cannot stop making CPUs. They need the revenue to pay their loans. They just don't need to be taking Intel head-on in a performance war.

SandyBridge is a killer chip. I really think they are worth much more than they are sold for now. Why are they cheap?

So Intel can sell as many as is possible. The more units they move, the more they profit. And it's much harder to make profit by increasing prices. Heck, SandyBridge is so affordable based on performance, that I bought two chips, with one sitting on a shelf, collecting dust.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
cadavecaHeck, SandyBridge is so affordable based on performance, that I bought two chips, with one sitting on a shelf, collecting dust.
Spoken like a true enthusiast. :cool::respect:

A couple of years ago, I bought a brand new BFG 8800 Ultra off eBay for £100 for my graphics card collection. It now sits proudly in its box on a shelf, all gleaming and new, having never been used for more than an hour so for testing. I can't remember the last time I even looked at it, but I don't regret it for a moment. :D
Posted on Reply
i hate to see em leave but i can also see the merit of diversification. that being said it will not be easy for them considering AMD has the worst thermal envelope on x86 chips.

it does worry me that with amd not producing "competitive" chips anymore that intel will become another nvidia(as if their prices weren't high enough already).

as long as they are still in the gpu business ill be happy bc nvidia is aweful.
Posted on Reply
Pro Indian Modder
cadavecaThe fact that people still don't have that much spending cash, and the fact there still are other affordable options?

AMD cannot stop making CPUs. They need the revenue to pay their loans. They just don't need to be taking Intel head-on in a performance war.

SandyBridge is a killer chip. I really think they are worth much more than they are sold for now. Why are they cheap?

So Intel can sell as many as is possible. The more units they move, the more they profit. And it's much harder to make profit by increasing prices. Heck, SandyBridge is so affordable based on performance, that I bought two chips, with one sitting on a shelf, collecting dust.
qubitSpoken like a true enthusiast. :cool::respect:

A couple of years ago, I bought a brand new BFG 8800 Ultra off eBay for £100 for my graphics card collection. It now sits proudly in its box on a shelf, all gleaming and new, having never been used for more than an hour so for testing. I can't remember the last time I even looked at it, but I don't regret it for a moment. :D
some people have too much money/credit in their hands :pimp:
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
de.das.dudesome people have too much money in their hands :pimp:
Rubbish man, it's called "credit card"! :laugh:
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
de.das.dudesome people have too much money in their hands :pimp:
You're very young still. I have 4 kids and a wife, mortgages, and several business ventures that afford me some luxury, but not very much, TBH. Frankly, right now, because of my shoulder injury, I'm actually quite broke. Not that I cannot py my bills...but liek nearly everyone else, extras are harder to come by. $350 for a CPU is pocket change in the real world.
qubitRubbish man, it's called "credit card"! :laugh:
I don't use credit, and always suggest others don't either. I'd rather wait to buy something, then pay extra to get it when I cannot truly afford it.

Likewise, this sentiment seems to fit within AMD's forget the high-end space completely, and work on affordable products that are easy on the wallet. Rather than making designs to compete with Intel, it seems it's more prudent to create designs that meet customer needs instead. Enthusiasts have screamed loud enough that Bulldozer doesn't meet their needs, after all.
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Pro Indian Modder
fixed :D i still dont understand how credit cards work. i have a mastercard with 20$ in the bank :)
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Overclocked quantum bit
cadavecaI don't use credit, and always suggest others don't either. I'd rather wait to buy something, then pay extra to get it when I cannot truly afford it.
Indeed, that's good advice. I was having a dig at my own spending habits there. :p
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