Sunday, January 15th 2012

SOPA Stalled!

Yes, you've read that right. The draconian and much despised internet censorship bill introduced by Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith and being steamrollered through Congress, backed by Big Media, who's interests it serves has been stalled due to a lack of 'consensus', reports The Hill. The serious backlash from companies large and small, plus boycotts of companies that supported it, such as GoDaddy, has forced this bill to be stalled. On Saturday, the House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) was promised by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) that the House won't vote on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) unless there is consensus on the bill. Issa said in a statement:
While I remain concerned about Senate action on the Protect IP Act, I am confident that flawed legislation will not be taken up by this House. Majority Leader Cantor has assured me that we will continue to work to address outstanding concerns and work to build consensus prior to any anti-piracy legislation coming before the House for a vote.
Note that this comes a mere hours after Smith was forced to back down on the website blocking provision in the bill (one of its central aims). The bill may still continue wending its way through Congress after a delay, however, it doesn't look all that likely, thankfully. Now the general public just need to make enough noise about PROTECT IP and ACTA so that they don't get in either, as they're really just the same thing by any another name.
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25 Comments on SOPA Stalled!

1 down, 2 to go. It's nice to see some good news. Thanks qubit.
Posted on Reply
yep, 2 to go. we cant take a breather just yet. we need to keep these issues alive

Congress are most likely going to reword it and attempt to shotgun it through inside another bill
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
Thanks to DonInKansas for this great lead. This story has made everyone's day. :toast:

Sorry about the delay, Don. I knew someone had tipped me, but couldn't remember who and couldn't easily tell who it was because it wasn't a PM, lol. :)
Posted on Reply
DonInKansasYou're welcome. :roll:
qubitThanks to DonInKansas for this great lead. This story has made everyone's day. :toast:

Sorry about the delay, Don. I knew someone had tipped me, but couldn't remember who and couldn't easily tell who it was because it wasn't a PM, lol. :)
Well that makes a lot more sense now.

Thanks Don.
Posted on Reply
Either delayed so i can be attached to another bill or delayed until after the elections so everyone can hope America will forget by the time the next round of elections come.

It's going to happen, regardless.
Posted on Reply
DannibusXEither delayed so i can be attached to another bill or delayed until after the elections so everyone can hope America will forget by the time the next round of elections come.

It's going to happen, regardless.
Don't be such a damn pessimist. Even though you are likely right, let's enjoy this small victory. No matter how fleeting it may be.
Posted on Reply
The Lurker
I agree that this is a small victory, but it is good to know that this has been at least stalled. We just need to keep up the complaints to our elected representatives. :toast:
Posted on Reply
JATownesI agree that this is a small victory, but it is good to know that this has been at least stalled. We just need to keep up the complaints to our elected representatives. :toast:
I just noticed we both have systems named Midnight :toast:
Posted on Reply
Qubit! You did it! :D

Edit: Sen Majority Leader Harry Reid is talking about it on Meet The Press right now.
Posted on Reply
We are still losers here... Now the big companies like Google etc are "Donating" to politicians. That was the whole point of theses stupid bills, to get richer.

The USA Government is being corrupted more and more, and the presidential candidates become more stupid by the minute. Barack Obama is a freaking Republican it seems like as he took what the Bush administration did and continued it and blames it on the Republicans, and the Republicans want to basically destroy the middle class and the poor and give billions/trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the rich. The only 2 people who won't destroy our country are Barack Obama and Ron Paul. Ron Paul is right on half the issues and crazy on the other half, but he's consistent and a man of his word, so maybe he will do the change Obama promised.
Posted on Reply
n-sterWe are still losers here... Now the big companies like Google etc are "Donating" to politicians. That was the whole point of theses stupid bills, to get richer.

The USA Government is being corrupted more and more, and the presidential candidates become more stupid by the minute. Barack Obama is a freaking Republican it seems like as he took what the Bush administration did and continued it and blames it on the Republicans, and the Republicans want to basically destroy the middle class and the poor and give billions/trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the rich. The only 2 people who won't destroy our country are Barack Obama and Ron Paul. Ron Paul is right on half the issues and crazy on the other half, but he's consistent and a man of his word, so maybe he will do the change Obama promised.
Make no mistake, there is no such thing as Republicans or Democrats any more. There is a show to keep sheeple busy and entertained. And Obummer can't be held responsible for everything, may be he actually would like to change something, but do I have to remind you how the last US president who wanted to change things ended?
Posted on Reply
EdgarstrongMake no mistake, there is no such thing as Republicans or Democrats any more. There is a show to keep sheeple busy and entertained. And Obummer can't be held responsible for everything, may be he actually would like to change something, but do I have to remind you how the last US president who wanted to change things ended?
Any democracy will eventually become an oligarchy. It's a law.

But I like that nickname. I think it fits. I mean, Bush was asshole but look at what he accomplished.. Obama may have his heart in the right place, but he's really quite ineffectual.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
pantherx12You love this word :laugh:

mix it up a bit man :P :toast:

Thanks for the update on SOPA though.
Hmmm... I might just take you up on your brutal, cruel, drastic, exorbitant, extreme, heavy-handed, oppressive, rough, severe, strict, very severe suggestion! :toast:

You're right though, I do love 'draconian'. It really gets across how bad and totalitarian these things are.
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This is exactly how I picture the Razer staff looking lmao. A mix of big, kinda pasty bearded white guys and skinny Asian dudes. Dressed in black with neon green accents and jeans. Totally.
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I hereby declare TPU as eligible for being shut down under the SOPA act for posting copyrighted material:

See you in the newspapers, lads!
Posted on Reply
Well I have never seen SOPA take any action on anything until now.
This is what pops up soon after looking at Eye of the Falmer on the elderscrolls wikia

Posted on Reply
Screw you SOPA....Censor this ,,!,,
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