Monday, March 5th 2012

Diablo III Release Date Leaked

A slip-up by online marketplace saw the release-date of Blizzard's hotly anticipated hack-and-slash RPG title, Diablo III getting leaked. That date is April 17, 2012. The date has since been removed from Amazon. What makes this slip-up a credible leak and not an error, is the fact that Blizzard has been talking about a Q2, 2012 launch for the game.
Source: CVG
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16 Comments on Diablo III Release Date Leaked

The Knife in your Back
I personally felt this date didn't make sense. That would mean the game is just about ready to go Gold. And if you're going Gold in a week or so, usually you are 99.9% sure the games ready to go and you're willing to put out a release date. So you can start hyping your game for launch, with only a month to truly hype, that really isn't that much.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
1Kurgan1So you can start hyping your game for launch, with only a month to truly hype, that really isn't that much.
I hear what your saying, but its Diablo 3 they won't/don't need much time to hype a game that already has a loyal, cult-type following.
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I thought they were deliberately trying to not hype the release?
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Anti-hype is the most powerful kind of hype for all the fans of the franchise who are eagerly awaiting the release. Doesn't matter if they hype it or not, the anticipation increases either way they go with it.
The only thing they can do to get a handle on it and TRY to control it is by not saying anything, otherwise it spirals out of their control, which leads to gamer-fan fear, which leads to gamer-fan hate, which leads to gamer-fan induced suffering....wait...wait...
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Big Member
Im pretty sure this game will be pay to play. Example: Want a 1337 virgin taint crushing war hammer? $1.99
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
TheMailMan78Im pretty sure this game will be pay to play. Example: Want a 1337 virgin taint crushing war hammer? $1.99
Naah, isn't there an auction house though? I think it'll be more like WoW in that way: farming. But that was what D2 was about anyway, so that hardly matters imo.
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you could be another e-tailer and put a date on it and everyone would go nuts for it, that is where this game stands. the date probably isn't actual just amazon trying to get extra sales or something. those are my thoughts anyway
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Freshwater Moderator
TheMailMan78Im pretty sure this game will be pay to play. Example: Want a 1337 virgin taint crushing war hammer? $1.99
beta isnt like that. i've seen no options that cost real world money.

you can farm in game to earn money, or 'cheat' and spend real world money to get the same stuff faster.
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Freshwater Moderator
InceptorSo, pay-to-win.
since its not a competitive game, or pay per month... no.

it may take you longer to craft or get random leet items than to buy them, but thats it. no time or money disadvantage.

in WoW, this would be a huge bitch: paying per month means you're wasting your time you could be on new, more difficult quests with the real money items, but D3 is a once off payment only.
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So.... pay to not actually play. Make the hard/tedious parts easier, making it easier to play, and shorter to finish (in other words, win).
Like starting a WoW character and buying the best possible weapons and armour, for your level, at various points in your character development.

So, there' s no sense of accomplishment, working your way to the end, the hard way, if you pay for items.


That slightly disgusts me. I hope for something more akin to the original Diablo, because Diablo II was so annoying to me that I eventually ignored it and played BG2.
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Freshwater Moderator
i can see myself chucking $10 at it if i start a new character in a years time and want to speed things up to get into higher difficulties or something, and thats a smart system.

one cool thing about the game is shared stash/cash between all your characters on the one account, so new chars actually do get easier/faster to start by default.
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The Knife in your Back
AlienIsGODI hear what your saying, but its Diablo 3 they won't/don't need much time to hype a game that already has a loyal, cult-type following.
cult following doesn't matter if no one knows that the game even released. A months notice isn't enough time, some people haven't pre-ordered and saving up the money to get it within a month isn't always possible. And if they don't even announce it a month before hand, it becomes even more challenging.
Musselsyou can farm in game to earn money, or 'cheat' and spend real world money to get the same stuff faster.
Pretty sure I heard the real world currency auctions are gone. But I could be wrong.
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Deleted member 3
Stores have place holder release dates all the time. Why is this considered a leak and thus why is this news?
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1Kurgan1Pretty sure I heard the real world currency auctions are gone. But I could be wrong.
I think it's only gone for the Korean market, to get around the censors. Korea looked at it like it was gambling.

I could be wrong, I haven't been following D3 info since the lead designer left and they decided to "revamp" the game.
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DanTheBanjomanStores have place holder release dates all the time. Why is this considered a leak and thus why is this news?
That's true! Thanks for the reality check, I had completely forgotten that little retail arcana.
Even ship dates in proprietary retail inventory systems can be placeholders/guesses.
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