Monday, March 5th 2012

Diablo III Release Date Leaked
A slip-up by online marketplace saw the release-date of Blizzard's hotly anticipated hack-and-slash RPG title, Diablo III getting leaked. That date is April 17, 2012. The date has since been removed from Amazon. What makes this slip-up a credible leak and not an error, is the fact that Blizzard has been talking about a Q2, 2012 launch for the game.
16 Comments on Diablo III Release Date Leaked
The only thing they can do to get a handle on it and TRY to control it is by not saying anything, otherwise it spirals out of their control, which leads to gamer-fan fear, which leads to gamer-fan hate, which leads to gamer-fan induced suffering....wait...wait...
you can farm in game to earn money, or 'cheat' and spend real world money to get the same stuff faster.
it may take you longer to craft or get random leet items than to buy them, but thats it. no time or money disadvantage.
in WoW, this would be a huge bitch: paying per month means you're wasting your time you could be on new, more difficult quests with the real money items, but D3 is a once off payment only.
Like starting a WoW character and buying the best possible weapons and armour, for your level, at various points in your character development.
So, there' s no sense of accomplishment, working your way to the end, the hard way, if you pay for items.
That slightly disgusts me. I hope for something more akin to the original Diablo, because Diablo II was so annoying to me that I eventually ignored it and played BG2.
one cool thing about the game is shared stash/cash between all your characters on the one account, so new chars actually do get easier/faster to start by default.
I could be wrong, I haven't been following D3 info since the lead designer left and they decided to "revamp" the game.
Even ship dates in proprietary retail inventory systems can be placeholders/guesses.