Monday, September 3rd 2012

Black Mesa Coming September 14

After eight years in limbo the complete fan remake of the original Half Life game using the Source engine will finally be released. The remake will come with all the bells and whistles you have come to expect from the Source engine, including new textures, lighting effects and yes even new sounds. The only thing missing from the remake will be the "Xen" section of the game. The project lead 'cman2k' said that they are going to be releasing it later this year. They are making the "Xen" section of the game into its own expansion with new dialog added. You can already download the soundtrack here and the rest of the remake on September 14.
Source: Shacknews
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28 Comments on Black Mesa Coming September 14

Dedicated TPU Cruncher & Folder
Any price point on this remake? Would be nice if Steam offered it up for free. :-)
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I shall own this! :toast:
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stinger608Any price point on this remake? Would be nice if Steam offered it up for free. :-)
Correct me if I'm wrong - But I'm pretty sure its free!
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Finally! I have been waiting for this mod for sooooo long!
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Been looking forward to this for almost 7 years.
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More than a day passed since I saw the countdown, but I'm still not sure if I can finally believe it this time:/ I wish I could, it would be awesome=)
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WasleyCorrect me if I'm wrong - But I'm pretty sure its free!
Yea, It has to be free.. Unless they struck a deal with Valve. This will be great, but I hope Valve remakes the first one with the new Source engine 2 when ever it comes out with HL3.. :toast:
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Black Mesa Forever.

Hopefully it will have been worth the weight it will not be a letdown like the Duke Nukem game.
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IsenstaedtBlack Mesa Forever.

Hopefully it will have been worth the weight it will not be a letdown like the Duke Nukem game.
Well, the difference between this and the last Duke Nukem is that this is a mod of the original game, essentially an upgrade to the original game without actually altering the story itself. I'm sure everything but the graphics and audio still sticks to the original HL. Duke Nukem however, was a totally new story line etc.

I really can't wait to play this. Would be great to re-experience HL in a whole new and fresh look. Would be even greater that once I finish this, HL3 gets announced! lol! :roll:

Btw, if they say it's a mod, does it mean I have to have the original HL installed on my PC or it will be a full download of the game?
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Oh yeah!

I broke it first here but did not make a new thread as figured it deserved a News one! :p

Yeah it's free. And will run with simply the also-free Source SDK which just requires a Steam account.
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MT Alex
WrigleyvillainYeah it's free. And will run with only the free Source SDK which just requires a Steam account.
That's good news, but I hope these guys are getting some form of kickback other than karma.
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Yeah it is. Though even if it required HL2 installed no biggie IMO. 99 out of every 100 people on Steam (or who care to play this mod) have it. Or can get cheap.
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well they didn't switch through multiple game engines and they didn't have to worry about coming up with a good story since it's a remake. I'm sure it'll be a pretty good remake. I'm hoping they'll submit it to Steam Greenlight. I'm sure it'll get voted in in no time. Would be a lot easier distribution wise. I've been looking forward to this mod for many years now. I hope they remake the expansions too!
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xBruce88xI hope they remake the expansions too!
Heh, well, they still have to actually finish this one. They have decided to give us in ten days what is truly done now which is the whole game up to Xen ("8-10 hours"). Given the long wait etc this was definitely the right move IMO.
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And now I'll finally get a chance to play the original...heh.
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Too bad Source engine's been outdated for years, too.
TheMailMan78They are making the "Xen" section of the game into its own expansion with new dialog added.

Dialogue in Half-Life? Years and years and several sequels of monologue only, Dr. Freeman will have something to say?
This be a huge feat indeed if they do this.

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I would pay if the guys will do the same thing to the best game ever, the first DEUS EX!!
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I'm coming right now!

Premature, or no? I can keep at it until launch.
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largonToo bad Source engine's been outdated for years, too.

Dialogue in Half-Life? Years and years and several sequels of monologue only, Dr. Freeman will have something to say?
This be a huge feat indeed if they do this.

Yes, 38 hours of Dr. Freeman monologues are planned for that part.
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largonToo bad Source engine's been outdated for years, too.
Still better than HL1 engine. I played HL1, HL2 and the two episodes more than 10 times. I still play HL2 and its episodes. I want to play HL1 again but the graphics is too low. I'll give this one a chance for sure.
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^ Exactly. A bit hard to admit (heh) but I never got even halfway through HL1 back in the day and later attempts incl. "Source" never got far due to looking like shit, essentially.
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I wish they would produce remakes of more games. I never played the first one so, I'm looking forward to this.

Could someone make a remake of System Shock 2 please?
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Half life, what an excellent series. Nice to have another reason to play again.
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