Monday, October 22nd 2012

AMD Recognized for Exemplary Corporate Responsibility with Listings on the Dow Jones

AMD (NYSE: AMD) announced today it has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) North America for the eighth consecutive year. The company has also been added to the FTSE4Good Index Series. These most recent acknowledgements highlight AMD's commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

"AMD is proud to be ranked among the world's leading sustainable businesses and to have our commitment to ethical business practices recognized by these influential investment indexes," said Tim Mohin, director, Corporate Responsibility at AMD. "This recognition is a testament to AMD's overall commitment to delivering products that enable our customers to address today's critical technology challenges while operating ethically and sustainably."

AMD technology powers computers and servers that enable a better world -- from helping scientists advance healthcare and climate-change research to optimizing clean energy and allowing cloud computing data centers to be more energy efficient. AMD's Accelerated Processor Units (APUs) include power-saving features like AMD AllDay Power designed to extend notebook battery life. APUs also enable developers to take advantage of the parallel processing power available in graphic processing units, which help applications run faster and simultaneously. In addition, AMD's APU design permits PCs to transition to lower power idle/sleep/off states for longer periods of time.

Multi-core AMD Opteron processors for servers incorporate power management features, including enhanced AMD Virtualization technology that helps cloud data center operators perform server consolidation, increase utilization rates, and reduce overall power and cooling requirements. AMD also recently introduced the SeaMicro SM15000 server, the most recent computing innovation from its Data Center Server Solutions group that cements its position as the technology leader in the micro server category. Micro servers deliver massive efficiencies in power, space and bandwidth. The SeaMicro SM10000-XE server is the highest-density, most energy-efficient system available, using half the power, one-third the space and delivering up to 12 times the bandwidth of today's best-in-class server. With the SeaMicro SM10000-XE server, the innovative trajectory broadens the benefits of the micro server to storage, helping to solve the most pressing needs of the data center.

"We are passionately committed to developing servers that takes less space and consume less power," said Andrew Feldman, general manager of the Data Center Server Solutions group, AMD. "Our technology brings the economic benefits of efficiency -- namely reduced total cost of ownership -- together with the social benefit of doing the right thing for the environment. And when you can do both, it is an easy decision."

Improving AMD's Performance
The DJSI family of indexes tracks the stock performance of the world's leading companies in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria. More than 2,500 of the largest companies across 58 industry sectors are assessed, and only companies that fulfill certain sustainability criteria better than the majority of their peers are included on their indexes. AMD has been a constituent of the DJSI family each year since their inception. This year AMD achieved a 16% increase in its overall score, with improvements across all three sustainability categories.

The FTSE4Good equity index series selects companies that have met stringent social and environmental criteria, and are positioned to capitalize on the benefits of responsible business practices. AMD was added to the FTSE4Good Index in 2012.

AMD is also included on three MSCI Inc. (formerly Morgan Stanley Capital International) socially responsible investment (SRI) indexes: The KLD 400 index; The World ESG; and The World SRI. In addition, AMD was selected by Triodos Bank in 2012, ranking third of 24 companies in the sector for investing based on sustainability performance. Another SRI analyst firm, Oekom, rated AMD as "Prime Status." The Oekom analysis resulted in AMD being one of only two semiconductor companies listed on the Global Challenges Index -- an investment index focused on the top global sustainability challenges of this millennium.

Sustainability Commitment
For more information about AMD's commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen, visit this page. A summary of the company's corporate responsibility report can be downloaded from here.
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55 Comments on AMD Recognized for Exemplary Corporate Responsibility with Listings on the Dow Jones

theoneandonlymrkIts called BS mate as AMD isnt going under, as i read the news story i thought oh no here come the trolls
Instead of the CEO and other execs dropping the number of millions they make from 40 to 38, they thought it is a better idea to get rid of some engineers.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
theoneandonlymrkIts called BS mate as AMD isnt going under, as i read the news story i thought oh no here come the trolls
Okay I am not so sure the word going under was right or even accurate, Now with all the other news from AMD laying off thousands and cutting there video card department and the 3Q report, One would think that things are not as great as the DOW would see. But hey whatever. The confusion is out there and the flip flopping is on.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
tricksonOkay I am not so sure the word going under was right or even accurate, Now with all the other news from AMD laying off thousands and cutting there video card department and the 3Q report, One would think that things are not as great as the DOW would see. But hey whatever. The confusion is out there and the flip flopping is on.
There is no flip flopping.

1. AMD cut some fat to survive a recession.
2. Dow Jones said, AMD cutting the fat will make it sustainable in the long run.

Posted on Reply
tricksonOkay I am not so sure the word going under was right or even accurate, Now with all the other news from AMD laying off thousands and cutting there video card department and the 3Q report, One would think that things are not as great as the DOW would see. But hey whatever. The confusion is out there and the flip flopping is on.
there is no flip flopping mate , Amd have stood by there plan , trolls have wrung the doom bell in threads like this and others with Amd in the title , Amd have now spoken to dismiss said trolls ,job done or you could troll on if you like;):p

and as for the layoffs, ive not spouted an opinion so here goes, Bang on Amd

you have division A, makeing cpu designs and devision B, doing Gfx designs but you need an amalgamation of these for Apu work,,,,, they get better at this then due to modular designs with pop in Ip and better tools,ie automated placement softwares and now a need for less hands on design doing in either cpu or gfx dept, and knowledge of cpus and gfx is better spread between divisions now compared to 2 years ago hey presto some guys arent needed so much anymore :D.

its exactly what would have been planned to occour regardless of market conditions imho and is exactly what any company does when it takes over and merges with another smaller company(Amd-Ati)

beatin me to it again MM:shadedshu
3870x2Instead of the CEO and other execs dropping the number of millions they make from 40 to 38, they thought it is a better idea to get rid of some engineers.
I am an engineer mate and due to the above std company practice ive so far been made redundant twice, bonus money to me and all that:) ,,Its bad for the guys looseing work and i do feel for them dont get me wrong, and i agree with your sentiment but this sh#t happens:(, to any of them id say chinup ive allways ended up better off in the end as more experience helps your cv next job.
Posted on Reply
More PR bullshit.

Hands up all those who don't realize that Dow Jones largely rely on the company for providing data for their sustainability index?

Much ass-covering when things go pear shaped

According to the Journal of Enviromental Sustainability, only 48% of experts in the fieldactually trusted the DJSI ( PDF).
Can't help but wonder how desperate AMD are for positive spin right now. I wonder if they'd trade the award for a few dozen tablet design wins for Win 8RT?
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HumanSmokeMore PR bullshit.

Hands up all those who don't realize that Dow Jones largely rely on the company for providing data for their sustainability index?

Much ass-covering when things go pear shaped

According to the Journal of Enviromental Sustainability, only 48% of experts in the fieldactually trusted the DJSI ( PDF).
Can't help but wonder how desperate AMD are for positive spin right now. I wonder if they'd trade the award for a few dozen tablet design wins for Win 8RT?
Yeah and? If they lie about their assets people go to jail. Nice try however.
Posted on Reply
HumanSmokeMore PR bullshit.

Hands up all those who don't realize that Dow Jones largely rely on the company for providing data for their sustainability index?

Much ass-covering when things go pear shaped

According to the Journal of Enviromental Sustainability, only 48% of experts in the fieldactually trusted the DJSI ( PDF).
Can't help but wonder how desperate AMD are for positive spin right now. I wonder if they'd trade the award for a few dozen tablet design wins for Win 8RT?
Didnt seam desing wins can stop this

FBR Capital downgrade Nvidia

Time to take that Green Team tin-foil hat off and look at reality.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Yeah and? If they lie about their assets people go to jail. Nice try however.
Tell that to AMD stockholders...

...maybe more than once..

...maybe more than twice.

Old news? Six of the eight board members that signed off on that clusterfuck still draw a paycheck at AMD.
Instead of a PR release selling a physical product ( no problem there), AMD are using meaningless self-sponsored accolades to sell their management. Doesn't seem as though the financial sectorare buying it, doesn't seem that AMD employeesbuy it, and it doesn't seem that hardware shoppers buy it...that leaves AMD cheerleaders and people waiting for the stock to bottom out...doesn't it?

Icing on the cake? The company that AMD have engaged to oversee the employee "restructuring"- McKinsey and Company. Couldn't be better.
XzibitDidnt seam desing wins can stop this.Time to take that Green Team tin-foil hat off and look at reality.
Stop trolling moron.
Anti-AMD's BoD =/= Nvidia
You want to start bashing- go start a thread.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HumanSmokeTell that to AMD stockholders...

...maybe more than once..

...maybe more than twice.

Old news? Six of the eight board members that signed off on that clusterfuck still draw a paycheck at AMD.
Instead of a PR release selling a physical product ( no problem there), AMD are using meaningless self-sponsored accolades to sell their management. Doesn't seem as though the financial sectorare buying it, doesn't seem that AMD employeesbuy it, and it doesn't seem that hardware shoppers buy it...that leaves AMD cheerleaders and people waiting for the stock to bottom out...doesn't it?

Icing on the cake? The company that AMD have engaged to oversee the employee "restructuring"- McKinsey and Company. Couldn't be better.
So the ATI buyout was a cluster-F#$k? lol man you MUST work for NVIDIA or a vendor. FYI this isn't AMD saying they are sustainable. This is the Dow. Deal with it.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78So the ATI buyout was a cluster-F#$k? lol man you MUST work for NVIDIA or a vendor
Overpaying by 100% for the worth of the company sound like good business sense to you? You MUST work for Rory or a vendor, because even AMD say AMD overpaid for ATI. And the debt they incurred...well, they're still paying it off. Of course what the f**k would they have done with all that interest repayment otherwise- spend it on some bullshit like R&D, or keep their fabs, or not have to sell their handheld graphics IP to Qualcomm ? Nah, you're right- better to pour money into debt servicing.
TheMailMan78FYI this isn't AMD saying they are sustainable. This is the Dow. Deal with it.
Since you're either too lazy to follow the link, or can't work out how to open a pdf, here's Wikipedia'sentry level take:
Using self-reported data as proxies for the social or environmental effects DJSI intends to reflect leaves the index exposed to corporate biases and additional credibility risks. it rewards companies with greatest capacity to respond to SAM's questionnaires and information requests rather than those with the best socially responsible practices. Secondly, relying on self-reported data carries substantial risks since information from companies may not be completely credible.An index based on biased information often underestimates real risk factors in the listed companies' operation, even in those instances when submitted information if verified by an auditing firm such as Pricewaterhouse Coopers . Ultimately, companies with challenging corporate environmental and social issues are more likely to devote public relations resources to minimize the perception of risk within their operations.
Of course, I'm only supplying factual analysis with accompanying documentation, whereas your all encompassing view comes :toast:
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HumanSmokeOverpaying by 100% for the worth of the company sound like good business sense to you? You must work for Rory or a vendor, because even AMD day AMD overpaid for ATI.

Since you're either too lazy to follow the link, or can't work out how to open a pdf, here's Wikipedia'sentry level take:

Of course, I'm only supplying factual analysis with accompanying documentation, whereas your all encompassing view comes :toast:
And again you miss the most basic point. If they lie on those questionnaires or purposely mislead investors someone will go to jail. That's the law and thats what the Dow is looking at. If in a year or so AMD gets investigated by the justice department you might have an argument. Until with it.

Also they didn't over pay 100% of what ATI was worth. :laugh: Nevermind the GPU division posts profits quarter after quarter.
Posted on Reply
It is the right time to buy AMD. mark this thread and my reply.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
drdeathxIt is the right time to buy AMD. mark this thread and my reply.
You know it! The big take over is coming soon. Buy NOW! :rockout:
Posted on Reply
drdeathxIt is the right time to buy AMD. mark this thread and my reply.
I agree. Super cheap right now. Minimal investment means minimal loss if things truly go bad. I bought stock in AMD at 11 bucks a share a few years ago. Lost half my money.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Buy low sell high.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78And again you miss the most basic point. If they lie on those questionnaires or purposely mislead investors someone will go to jail
It's not a 10-K filing. Financially all thats required is that AMD meets sound financial practice- and that is only one of the criteriaused.
Sorry to intrude on your private reality.
TheMailMan78Also they didn't over pay 100% of what ATI was worth. :laugh:
"Although goodwill and intangibles are just accounting plugs, with another $880.0 million of ATI-related write-downs, we believe AMD has effectively written off $3.0 billion (over 50.0%) of the $5.6 billion ATI purchase price in about 18 months," Piccioni said."
TheMailMan78Nevermind the GPU division posts profits quarter after quarter
How many years did it take for the GPU division to make back the $3bn in profit ?

Posted on Reply
tricksonGood god AMD is as bad as the American presidential race! First they say they are going under now they are saying they are the most sustainable company ???!!! Is Obama running AMD now?
They aren't saying they are. Dow Jones is.
Posted on Reply
erockerI bought stock in AMD at 11 bucks a share a few years ago. Lost half my money.
i bought nvidia at 34 .. cured from stock market since then :P
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
exodusprime1337They aren't saying they are. Dow Jones is.
Yes I know but wait for it and it will come from them in time. That is all I am saying. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
tricksonYes I know but wait for it and it will come from them in time. That is all I am saying. :rolleyes:
I just don't get all the hype people raise over AMD's choices. Bank of america has laid off thousands more that AMD will. Many other companies in different and similar business markets have done the same thing over the last few years. It's a tough time for a lot of companies, albeit that some fare better than others.

I think this speculation that AMD is on it's way out is completely false. Despite the poor earnings and the stock drops, AMD is still a performing company. They most certainly need some upper management changes, but like all companies feeling financial woes, they adjust and try different things.

I also disagree with people segregating AMD's chip and gpu chip departments. It's all AMD now. Has been since 2006 whether the ATI name was there or not. AMD makes decent and powerful top end graphics cards. Personally i switched from Nvidia because the cards i got either died or just seemed sub par. I own 7970's now, and love them, and i've gone toe to toe with many a friends 680 and 680 sli setups, and still haven't seen a competitor come out on top. AMD makes decent mid to low end cpu's, decent APU's and stellar graphics. That's AMD in a nutshell.

Why don't we as techies, nerds, geeks, celler dwellers, sys admins, programers, graphic artists, and all the other various genre's stand behind these companies and hope for the best, because you all know that no competition is never good for business and if AMD goes by the wayside.. We'll all be paying more, intel, amd, nvdia, alike
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
exodusprime1337I just don't get all the hype people raise over AMD's choices. Bank of america has laid off thousands more that AMD will. Many other companies in different and similar business markets have done the same thing over the last few years. It's a tough time for a lot of companies, albeit that some fare better than others.

I think this speculation that AMD is on it's way out is completely false. Despite the poor earnings and the stock drops, AMD is still a performing company. They most certainly need some upper management changes, but like all companies feeling financial woes, they adjust and try different things.

I also disagree with people segregating AMD's chip and gpu chip departments. It's all AMD now. Has been since 2006 whether the ATI name was there or not. AMD makes decent and powerful top end graphics cards. Personally i switched from Nvidia because the cards i got either died or just seemed sub par. I own 7970's now, and love them, and i've gone toe to toe with many a friends 680 and 680 sli setups, and still haven't seen a competitor come out on top. AMD makes decent mid to low end cpu's, decent APU's and stellar graphics. That's AMD in a nutshell.

Why don't we as techies, nerds, geeks, celler dwellers, sys admins, programers, graphic artists, and all the other various genre's stand behind these companies and hope for the best, because you all know that no competition is never good for business and if AMD goes by the wayside.. We'll all be paying more, intel, amd, nvdia, alike
None of this means AMD is safe. AMD can be bought out just like ATI was. It is nothing more than a money game and seeing that stock that low is very troubling to me! I see a forced take over soon. Unless they can get that stock back up that is. All the restructuring in the world won't stop it. Some Shark will come out of the tank and buy it all up!
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HumanSmokeIt's not a 10-K filing. Financially all thats required is that AMD meets sound financial practice- and that is only one of the criteriaused.
Sorry to intrude on your private reality.

How many years did it take for the GPU division to make back the $3bn in profit ?

My privet reality? :laugh: You just cannot stand the fact AMD has been recognized by the Dow for making the right choices AND if you wanna mislead the dow jones for good PR good luck keeping investors confidence and avoiding a epic lawsuit. Because remember this isn't the first year they have won this award. Lying to the public about theoretical projections has never backfired. Just ask Barney Frank. :rolleyes:
W1zzardi bought nvidia at 34 .. cured from stock market since then :P
I bought AMD at 14 lol.
Posted on Reply
tricksonNone of this means AMD is safe. AMD can be bought out just like ATI was. It is nothing more than a money game and seeing that stock that low is very troubling to me! I see a forced take over soon. Unless they can get that stock back up that is. All the restructuring in the world won't stop it. Some Shark will come out of the tank and buy it all up!
I know they aren't safe, but then again, they can almost benefit by the horrible management. Some companies don't want to risk taking over such a poor performing company cause they don't want to have to write down all it's assets when they find out that it can't perform. Really we can only hope that they pull their head out of their ass and get the ball moving. They can perform, they just need to fix it and move on. Their graphics industry is testament to this. AMD graphics cards, have come a long way and there is a lot to be said about the changes they made and the performance they provide in today's computing world.
Posted on Reply
all this means nothing.... check TPU home page IBM, Intel... next expect to see a toxic waste disposal company and the adult film industry ......
Posted on Reply
W1zzardi bought nvidia at 34 .. cured from stock market since then :P

Do you work for Nvidia or on there Board of Directors ?
If you follow there trades they made out like bandits since last year selling there stock.

Brooke Seawell
50,000 shares sold almost half her shares.

William Miller
330,000 shares sold

Jay Puri
541,717 shares sold

Harvey Jones
204,795 shares sold

James Gaither
315,000 shares sold

Tench Coxe
162,338 shares sold

Mark Perry
175,000 shares sold

Just to provide some perspective in shares sold by company members or board of directors in the last 12months



If you want to make some money just keep track of stock dumps by people in the company that hold high positions.

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