Friday, December 7th 2012

Gaming PC Releases 4.6 GHz Windows 8 Gaming Rig Codename "The Beast"

Gaming PC, a leading company providing high quality customized gaming computers, announces the debut of their newest type of gaming computer, "The Beast" equipped with the latest Windows 8 operating system and an Intel Core i7 3930k Six Core overclocked at 4.6 GHz.

"The Beast was built with advanced and modernized services to ensure an amazing gaming experience for its users," said owner of Gaming PC. Game fanatics can be entertained more with its high performance machine, latest operating system and the fastest hardware ever.

Gaming PC features computer parts put together to create "The Beast". Essentially, a Motherboard Asus Rampage IV Extreme and a memory G.Skills Ripjaws X 64 GB. Additionally, it has a 2 X Nvidia GeForce GTX 690 4 GB Dual GPU SLI Video Card and a Primary Hard Drive which is Intel 520 series 240 GB 2.5IN Solid State Drive. For additional storage, it features a secondary hard drive of Western Digital hard drive 2 terabytes black. "Indeed, game enthusiast will have hours of fun and entertainment with the The Beast".
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39 Comments on Gaming PC Releases 4.6 GHz Windows 8 Gaming Rig Codename "The Beast"

~Technological Technocrat~
gamingpccaHah, we wish! Ram really isn't that expensive these days and 64 gigs of ram gives you all the memory you can wish for... and some bragging rights. While everyone else is doing 32 gigs of ram for their gaming machine, we figured we'd give it 64. It's going to be the standard in a few years anyways, so why not have it now ?
Sir, no disrespect but if you check the specs of 50 or even 100 TPU members machines and members of other hardware forums you will find out that probably less then 1% of the gaming/enthusiast/enthusiast gamer community etc etc community has 32GB ram let alone need anything close to 32GB for a gaming machine which this is being marketed as.

The average amount of ram that most people have is 8 or 16GB. In some rare cases even 24GB. Just because you can load out a PC with the maximum amount of ram that is physically possible DOESNT make it any more or less of a capable gaming machine then one that has 8 or 16GB. Maybe in certain situations it would apply - Some games load up loads of textures. long sessions of ARMA II can sometimes eat up all 8GB of my ram.

If you honestly think going from 8 or 16GB to 64GB makes any real world difference to gaming let alone real world difference then I will not be one of those people who is going to purchase one of your machines.
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseSir, no disrespect but if you check the specs of 50 or even 100 TPU members machines and members of other hardware forums you will find out that probably less then 1% of the gaming/enthusiast/enthusiast gamer community etc etc community has 32GB ram let alone need anything close to 32GB for a gaming machine which this is being marketed as.

The average amount of ram that most people have is 8 or 16GB. In some rare cases even 24GB. Just because you can load out a PC with the maximum amount of ram that is physically possible DOESNT make it any more or less of a capable gaming machine then one that has 8 or 16GB. Maybe in certain situations it would apply - Some games load up loads of textures. long sessions of ARMA II can sometimes eat up all 8GB of my ram.

If you honestly think going from 8 or 16GB to 64GB makes any real world difference to gaming let alone real world difference then I will not be one of those people who is going to purchase one of your machines.
I don't know if most people who purchase this class of machines definitively care for real-world regardless.
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My name is Dave
gamingpccaI'm Eric from Gaming PC and I'm happy to answer a few questions & comments.
Hi Eric. Please send W1zzard a PM, and get your ID confirmed, might go a long way in helping other identify you in this context.
FreedomEclipseIf you honestly think going from 8 or 16GB to 64GB makes any real world difference to gaming let alone real world difference then I will not be one of those people who is going to purchase one of your machines.
I want 64 GB, and I game more than anything else. The extra ram would be used for ram-drive for FRAPs recording.

Thing is, I can justify every single component here. Nobody really needs quad SLI, either. I've already posted pics of my rig, with a single 7950, playing BF3 perfectly fine @ 3600x1920,across three screens.

Every single part of this rig is overkill. That is the whole point, period. I can understand that...easily.
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Here For Good!
I'd kill for 64gbs ram too! I use up my 24 easily... disk caches, ram disks ect. The ram is the cheapest part of this system, why not 64gbs? I remember when people here used to say "why would you ever need more than 4gbs ram?".
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Fierce GuppyThis is what a grammar Nazi would look like in real life.
Great movie
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The machine is overkill for most purposes but as someone stated, so is a Ferrari or a Lambo. However, when you take advantage of it's full potential, it really shines and puts a smile on your face. (Same with the cars)

We have professional gamers streaming in the highest quality and this really takes advantage of ram/processing power. It's not uncommon for our customers to have Firefox open with 30 tabs+, Skype, MSN, Antivirus, Xsplit for streaming in 1920x1080 and Starcraft II, LoL, Farcry running on Ultra settings.

That's pretty much the standard load... if they are multi-tasking they might also have Photoshop, Reason, etc open at the same time. (Some of our clients are Djs, architects and so on)

Quad SLI... hah, yes that's more than what you need right now. But then again, if you want the fastest FPS and want to be 'future-proofed', then it's a great way to go. This is designed to be the ultimate gaming machine... and it does a pretty good job at it.
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Fierce Guppy
$6580 vs $7700 == a good deal in New Zealand.

I did some research. If I were to buy all the parts for that rig, they'd cost me ~$7700(NZD) or $6412(USD) and I didn't include the cost of the water-cooling. It must be CPU only for the "basic" $5484(USD) edition because the GPU cooling is listed as an optional extra for $642.02(USD).

New Zealand prices are generally higher even with the currency conversion, so you could prolly get the parts quite a bit cheaper in the States and Canada, but that rig would be a good deal in New Zealand at $6580(NZD). I paid a lot more for my current four year old build. The NZD was very sickly back then at sixty something cents (USD). But, thanks to your government's continuing incompetence, the value of US paper money is eroding faster than ours and the Chinese government is daft enough to keep the Yuan pegged to it.
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Fierce Guppy
cadavecaHi Eric. Please send W1zzard a PM, and get your ID confirmed, might go a long way in helping other identify you in this context.

I want 64 GB, and I game more than anything else. The extra ram would be used for ram-drive for FRAPs recording.
You must record little snippets with Fraps because 1920x1200 recordings would fill that up in a gnat's fart, although possibly an extremely long gnat's fart, but short by human standards.
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Resident Wat-man
gamingpccaWe have professional gamers streaming in the highest quality and this really takes advantage of ram/processing power. It's not uncommon for our customers to have Firefox open with 30 tabs , Skype, MSN, Antivirus, Xsplit for streaming in 1920x1080 and Starcraft II, LoL, Farcry running on Ultra settings.
I've run games with multiple windows in the background of Chrome with 20-25 tabs a pop along with virtual machines and a game and I can tell you that I've never exceeded 14Gb of ram (in the most extreme of cases with the page file disabled). 64gb is overkill for any non-server purpose. A gamer in the next 3 years will never need that much and you would be better off investing in half as much memory that runs faster rather than focusing on amount. Also fully loading the IMC will not enable memory to overclock as well either. There are a lot of things about this PC that makes me think that someone with a stock i5 3570 and 8Gb of DDR3-1600 will run just as well as this rig if it has the same video cards in it. This is big, expensive, and has e-peen written all over it when it doesn't actually improve a gamer's experience. Unless I'm crunching or benchmarking, my 3820 feels just as responsive at 3.8ghz as it does at 4.8ghz, which is why I've chosen to under-volt my CPU and hold small OC of 4Ghz.

All in all, the only people I see investing in a machine like this are people who know nothing about computers but want the best they can get their hands on. Despite the fact that anything lesser would probably do just as well. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a nice PC but this isn't the place to expect a warm reception since most people here at TPU have some idea of what their doing and know that you don't need an Intel 6-core processor to play any game on the market at full graphics with 3 displays.
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AquinusI've run games with multiple windows in the background of Chrome with 20-25 tabs a pop along with virtual machines and a game and I can tell you that I've never exceeded 14Gb of ram
I am not saying that I wil not love having this Rig (The beast) but seriously @Aquinus is all the way right I am using 16 gigs and apart from games I am also using SQL server 2008 r2 while my system is a server in my LAN area (serving 4 pc's) but seriously it plays cool all the for now $5500 is really a huge amount...:)
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Resident Wat-man
saknidI am not saying that I wil not love having this Rig (The beast)
+1: Me either, but having an SB-E rig, I can tell you that I could upgrade for a faction of that cost.
saknid$5500 is really a huge amount...
Yeah, considering that will get you top-end video cards, an i7 EE, plenty of memory, and storage to boot for a fraction of the price. That is my gripe with this. It's overkill and it costs a ton. Yeah, it might be like a Lamborghini but why get a car that eats gas and is fast when you can get a BMW for a fraction of the price that accelerates just as well and probably uses less gas to do it and drives like a dream. Also like cars, computers have their limits too. What good is having a huge engine if the speed limit is still 90KM/h or 65 MPH? Computers are the same way, what good is having 6 cores (12 threads,) when the user most likely will only being using 4t. Fewer cores at higher clocks would benefit a gamer more.

It's like saying, "Oh, you have to dig a hole to plant a tree? Let me get you a bulldozer." :p
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Fueled by Sapphire
my machine can become a bigger monster then that..
allright aquinus where do you want your tree?

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AquinusIt's like saying, "Oh, you have to dig a hole to plant a tree? Let me get you a bulldozer."
You are right all the way bro...I know people around here will say that the sys is providing extra this and that but still thing is the same how much we use that would be the main monetary value to the asset.:toast:
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