Thursday, December 27th 2012

AMD FX-8300 Starts Selling, Lower TDP Comes at a Price

AMD started selling its FX-8300 eight-core processor, which has been in the news since early-November. The new chip comes with a relatively low TDP of 95W, compared to other eight-core FX "Vishera" processors, which ship with 125W TDP. Despite being slower than the other FX "Vishera" chips, the FX-8320 and FX-8350, its low-TDP appears to have given AMD a big enough selling point, to price the chip around $190. Based on the 32 nm "Vishera" micro-architecture, the AMD FX-8300 ships with a clock speed of 3.30 GHz, 3.60 GHz of TurboCore speed, eight cores spread across four modules, 2 MB L2 cache per module (8 MB total), and 8 MB shared L3 cache.
Source: Expreview
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97 Comments on AMD FX-8300 Starts Selling, Lower TDP Comes at a Price

Resident Wat-man
cadavecaTDP = cooling needed, not power draw. ;)

IF AMD is charging more, it's a better chip. I'll believe that, no problem. There is ZERO reason for a higher price, except that the silicon is better. 8350 is 4.0 GHz, 4.2 GHz Turbo.
Might help to re-iterate that TDP stands for "Thermal design power" for those who don't know.
seronxHeat comes from power wasted not power drawn.
Bingo! TDP measures leakage. Leakage just tends to be higher as you use more power. It's not always the case, but it generally is.
Krazy OwlI'm not into this shit because i understand nothing about threading and stuff but for me you all sounds like school kids fighting over the number of rebound a ball could do only based on it's colour.
Then you shouldn't have posted just to insult the quality of this thread if you have nothing to contribute because you're post just adds to the noise and disorder. I'm pretty sure I've gotten pissed off at one person already. I would like to be able to talk about AMD processors without either someone turning it into an Intel/AMD war or being insulted because of it. Next time you're thinking this, bite your tongue and don't post unless you actually have something useful to contribute. :mad:
AquinusAll you're doing is degrading the quality of this thread for people who actually want to talk about it.
Posted on Reply

I think you accidentally quoted yourself and argued with yourself in the post above lol
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man

I think you accidentally quoted yourself and argued with yourself in the post above lol
No no, I was using it as an example that there has already been another user spitting out useless posts to degrade the quality of this thead and that I called them out on it and I'm doing the same thing to Krazy for adding to the noise. Let me rearrange the quotes. Fixed. Thanks, Dent.
Posted on Reply
This thread has a lot of info, and destroying it with useless posts is like set fire on a library lol

I trully believe in this AMD archtecture, as we say here in Brazil, "has some fuel to burn". It clearly is a step ahead its time, but it IPC MUST be improved.

Even with worse IPC, the multi thread scales so well that it matches an Hyper-Threaded Ivy bridge. Imagine this thing with Sandy Bridge IPC... It would destroy anything.
Posted on Reply
Krazy Owl
AquinusMight help to re-iterate that TDP stands for "Thermal design power" for those who don't know.

Bingo! TDP measures leakage. Leakage just tends to be higher as you use more power. It's not always the case, but it generally is.

Then you shouldn't have posted just to insult the quality of this thread if you have nothing to contribute because you're post just adds to the noise and disorder. I'm pretty sure I've gotten pissed off at one person already. I would like to be able to talk about AMD processors without either someone turning it into an Intel/AMD war or being insulted because of it. Next time you're thinking this, bite your tongue and don't post unless you actually have something useful to contribute. :mad:
That's why I say it's like a kindergarden here. As soon as you express different opinion then some retards comes to "bully" you. The last time I saw this attitude was when I was at kid school. I did not mean to insult the quality of this thread but the lack of quality of some retards. :nutkick: I am an AMD guy but due to lack of budget I got an Intel setup. Fuck me right? :P
Posted on Reply
Tonim89This thread has a lot of info, and destroying it with useless posts is like set fire on a library lol

I trully believe in this AMD archtecture, as we say here in Brazil, "has some fuel to burn". It clearly is a step ahead its time, but it IPC MUST be improved.

Even with worse IPC, the multi thread scales so well that it matches an Hyper-Threaded Ivy bridge. Imagine this thing with Sandy Bridge IPC... It would destroy anything.
it only scales with programs that can use 8 cores. look at any game, or any program not meant for 8 threads, and the fx falls in line with the core i3, not the i7. it would be nice if more games used those cores, but that probably wont happen for another 5 years at least. heck every game out today will still run on a dual core.....
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
seronxHeat comes from power wasted not power drawn.
That wasted power has to come from somewhere.;)
Posted on Reply
Krazy Owl
Work = Energy expense = Heat = Energy expense

Same with human muscles. If you don't cool the muscles down the work will produce energy and convert it in heat making you expense more energy to compensate the heat.

Something like that.
Posted on Reply
This might mean that for the same GHz, your cpu can do more work
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In Orbe Terrum Non Visi
Let's keep this thread going without the kindergarten behavior shall we?
Posted on Reply
AquinusEver heard of L1 instruction and data cache? Pretty sure that every core has both. So what does that mean? *cough* 8 cores. :p

+1: You just became my best friend for the day. :o
FYI that was a joke :D
bogmaliLet's keep this thread going without the kindergarten behavior shall we?
Great, now what am I going to do with the rest of my day.
Posted on Reply
Tonim89This thread has a lot of info, and destroying it with useless posts is like set fire on a library lol

I trully believe in this AMD archtecture, as we say here in Brazil, "has some fuel to burn". It clearly is a step ahead its time, but it IPC MUST be improved.

Even with worse IPC, the multi thread scales so well that it matches an Hyper-Threaded Ivy bridge. Imagine this thing with Sandy Bridge IPC... It would destroy anything.
the architecture is very good actually and very future proof, the only 2 downsides that need to be fixed is ipc for single thread, and multithread is excellent but still has more room for improvements. amd is targetting for perfect scaling with having dedicated decoders, so that is a 20% increase in multithread performance considering now scaling is around 80%
and add to that 20% ipc increase and you got urself a monster
I have been going through reviews lately and checking the multi thread reviews on the fx4300, and everytime you add 20% for ipc and another 20% for scaling you get yourself i5 2500k performance with the stock 4300 clocks, but then you also have the clock advantage to play with which amd has the upper hand on right now
so 20% IPC puts amd back in the game against ivy bridge, single thread would still be a bit lower, but then fx4000 would go against i5s, fx6000 against i7s, and fx8000 would then be competing with the six core intel extremes.
however if steamroller is what the rumors are saying with up to 45% improvements based on simulation, i will assume that is 20% better multicore scaling + 25% better ipc, that would sure would be competitive with haswell, again probably not in single thread, but if multithread is that good it will make up for it, aslong as the gap in single thread isnt as big as it is now
Posted on Reply
Super XP
Prima.VeraWell, Intel also have 4 fake cores and it goes to 77W...;)
Interesting, let's compare the 800 pound Garilla versus a skinny undernurished Monkey. Yet the monkey's been leading the way for many years which as of late have ever run into issues do to ridiculous management piss-poor desicions. :D
Posted on Reply
Just how low would you guys like it? The TDP that is.

It's an 8 core (true or not). Neither AMD or Intel has anything lower on their 8 core lineups, desktop or server.

I remember packing a 125w dual core that could not OC past 3.5 and nobody complaining about how high that TDP was, the chip also costed as much as this one here in the OP.

Give it time, the TDP's will drop for both companies on these hex/oct chips, but first we need more software that takes full advantage of them.
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNit only scales with programs that can use 8 cores. look at any game, or any program not meant for 8 threads, and the fx falls in line with the core i3, not the i7. it would be nice if more games used those cores, but that probably wont happen for another 5 years at least. heck every game out today will still run on a dual core.....
Games that use as many cores/threads as you can throw at them have been out for at least a couple of years already. Virtually every new game being released right now is multi-core optimized, and many are even AVX/FMA & GPU-accelerated. The 'future' has already arrived for the FX architecture. I already get awesome performance out of my FX-8350 today.
Posted on Reply
Super XPInteresting, let's compare the 800 pound Garilla versus a skinny undernurished Monkey. Yet the monkey's been leading the way for many years which as of late have ever run into issues do to ridiculous management piss-poor desicions. :D
So true, but hold on to your faith in AMD though, Super XP. Jim Keller is now back at AMD and is now 'Chief of Processor Group' and a senior Vice-President:

This guy coming back to AMD is kinda of like Luke Skywalker joining the Rebel Alliance. Without him, they probably don't stand a chance. With him, however, they actually have a very good shot at pulling themselves back up to the levels they were once at in 1999-2005. We may yet see another AMD Athlon/Athlon 64 vs. Pentium IV scenario play out, not to mention some likely very high performing 64 bit ARM-based Opterons. In fact, I picked up shares of AMD recently after it fell to $2.00/share, so I'm betting on it!
Posted on Reply
anubis44So true, but hold on to your faith in AMD though, Super XP. Jim Keller is now back at AMD and is now 'Chief of Processor Group' and a senior Vice-President:

This guy coming back to AMD is kinda of like Luke Skywalker joining the Rebel Alliance. Without him, they probably don't stand a chance. With him, however, they actually have a very good shot at pulling themselves back up to the levels they were once at in 1999-2005. We may yet see another AMD Athlon/Athlon 64 vs. Pentium IV scenario play out, not to mention some likely very high performing 64 bit ARM-based Opterons. In fact, I picked up shares of AMD recently after it fell to $2.00/share, so I'm betting on it!
i wont say athlon 64 vs pentium since that was mostly due to a major intel screw up, but aslong as amd has competitive products scaling from the low end all the way to the intel extremes then we might very well have price wars similar to those on gpus with performance doubling every other year.
Posted on Reply
AMD is about to file bankruptcy or be bought. Not sure if these processors are worth investing in.

Probably bankruptcy. Buying AMD would be a nightmare of litigation with Intel.
Posted on Reply
RavenasAMD is about to file bankruptcy or be bought. Not sure if these processors are worth investing in.

Probably bankruptcy. Buying AMD would be a nightmare of litigation with Intel.
Even if this was true (which it probably isnt). For the accountants, lawyers and shareholders from both companies come to a price they agree with could take years. So I don't see how this affects your purchase today.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
RavenasAMD is about to file bankruptcy or be bought. Not sure if these processors are worth investing in.

Probably bankruptcy. Buying AMD would be a nightmare of litigation with Intel.
any proof of this?
Posted on Reply
Prima.VeraActually there are only 4 REAL cores...;)
But you can spot 8 real cores in the lithography pic, and their shared resources.

Also, the thing is faster than a core i7 in encoding, something that would be impossible with 4 real cores, specially AMD cores...
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Has anyone actually found these for sale anywhere yet? I just don't believe the street price is going to be $190, newegg currently has the 8350 at $190 and I can't see this processor selling for the same price. Lower TDP or not, the processor just isn't worth that compared to the 8350.
Posted on Reply
Moderator - Returning from the Darkness
newtekie1Has anyone actually found these for sale anywhere yet? I just don't believe the street price is going to be $190, newegg currently has the 8350 at $190 and I can't see this processor selling for the same price. Lower TDP or not, the processor just isn't worth that compared to the 8350.
cpu world shows this model as an oem only processor atm?
Posted on Reply
rather than making low wattage models of their 8 core cpu, amd should focus on making their new apu, kaveri. it was supossed to come out in q1 2013, but is now a 2014 release..... c'mon amd. give us something to really drool about. like a 95 watt 8 core that still runs at 4 ghz
Posted on Reply
Super XP
RavenasAMD is about to file bankruptcy or be bought. Not sure if these processors are worth investing in.

Probably bankruptcy. Buying AMD would be a nightmare of litigation with Intel.
Nonsense. Since when do companies head for bankruptcy just because they are struggling a little? AMD's share price was $1.50 at one point, and they turned the company around and it hit over $40+.

AMD will be inside both next gen consoles, not to mention Trinity's replacement is coming along with the HD 8000 series. Then soon after we will see Steamroller which is suppose to be a game changer.
TheinsanegamerNrather than making low wattage models of their 8 core cpu, amd should focus on making their new apu, kaveri. it was supossed to come out in q1 2013, but is now a 2014 release..... c'mon amd. give us something to really drool about. like a 95 watt 8 core that still runs at 4 ghz
2014 Release? Umm, no its scheduled for Q1 2013 based on the official road maps. You probably mean Steamroller is delayed till 2014. Well AMD did not confirm this, so that is not official. Kaveri is coming in early 2013 to replace Trinity.
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