Friday, January 31st 2014

How Will the PC Gaming Markets Do In 2014?

The old year has passed by us now, that would be 2013 for those not keeping track, and now the gaming analysts are setting their sights on exactly how they think that the PC gaming market will perform in 2014. It's a pretty foregone conclusion that PC gaming is dead. Wait! That must have been a Freudian slip, I meant to say PC gaming is doing very well, it's just that no one can seem to pin down exactly how well it will do in the coming year. Let's take a look at some of the numbers that the people who get paid to try and forecast these things are putting out, and then see what you think.

In a recent chat with GamesIndustry, research firm DFC Intelligence has given them their projections in advance of their filing a brief on the matter. They state that they forecast substantial growth across all platforms, but have now raised their initial estimates for the global PC gaming market from $22 billion to $25 billion dollars for 2014. They state that the Asian market is a large contributing factor, but surprisingly, the West showed an increase from 2012 to 2013, and they are forecasting 2014 to show good growth as well.

Last October, Gartner published a report that estimates the worldwide PC market for 2014 to be in the range of about $20 billion and a longer projection for 2015 at a little over $21 million. This is still in the ballpark of the DFC report, and given it was compiled about three months earlier may account for the variation in numbers for 2014 considering sales for big games in the last three months of 2013. While the numbers for all segments were not available from DFC yet, Gartner pegs the 2014 total gaming market at over $101 billion.

Back in May of last year, Microsoft dropped some numbers in their analysis as well. They showed a worldwide spend of $65 billion, with a PC gaming share of $12 billion. Given that this was approximately a half-year snapshot, if you do a little projection it still falls in line with a $20 billion plus PC market for 2014.

There is no argument that the growth in overall gaming revenue is substantial, and appears to be outpacing all other forms of revenue growth in other entertainment vectors (i.e. film, music, radio), but what exactly is spurring the growth of the PC gaming market? It's certainly not PC exclusive AAA games as there have been … well, none. There are only the indie, or niche, markets that cater exclusively to PCs. While the indie market is going extremely well and will continue to flourish, it does not generate the revenue that the big name AAA, multi-platform titles do by a long shot.

Some are positing that the new consoles are playing a big part in the upward trend of the PC market. With many of the games making a truckload of money in the console space, and with the fact that many games are being released for both consoles and PCs, AND allowing cross-platform play, that this is fueling the upsurge in the market.

Another is that as the technology of PCs marches onward, we are seeing lower cost PCs that are able to play more games than their counterparts just a couple of years ago. Tie this with the fact that developers are doing their best to optimize the games, in various ways, to run on less than enthusiast level PCs in order to garner a greater market in which to sell their products, and you now bring in millions of PC owners purchasing games that were unplayable for them before.

Thirdly, there is more information coming out as to the levels of the sales of PC games on digital distribution services than there was in the past. With the rapidly declining retail (boxed) sales of games, which is most of the numbers that we have seen in the past to indicate the health of the PC gaming market, it sheds new light on how well it's going. With the continued rise in the popularity of services like Steam, this comes as no real surprise, but given that people can now download games on virtually any platform it does not seem like it would be the definitive factor in the growth of the PC segment.

So, PC gaming, as always, is doing just fine. But inquiring minds want to know what YOU think are the factors in fueling the upswing in the PC gaming market and how far will it go in 2014. Feel free to join in the discussion at any time.
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42 Comments on How Will the PC Gaming Markets Do In 2014?

New generation consoles will help to say goodbye to all those mediocre games that where made with last generations consoles primary in mind and then ported to PCs. That only is going to help tremendously.
Posted on Reply
PC gaming's kryptonite is low-quality games.
Posted on Reply
the new gen is so underpowered that PC gaming will absolutely grow. Especially as 4K becomes the norm, and the xboxes start looking like crap.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
Looking at the most recent list of games slated for release in 2014 I am not impressed...
Posted on Reply
The community doesn't know the biggest perk of new consoles impacting PCs. They are now at Direct X 11.2, the latest API, and with many reasons to create games that will work on the PC too. Get that with new APIs like AMD Mantle and I am sure games will come out fast enough to be purchased by all platforms.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
Very insightful piece! I agree that the future for PC games is bright, with the only question being just how bright?
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Senior Monkey Moderator
phanbueythe new gen is so underpowered that PC gaming will absolutely grow. Especially as 4K becomes the norm, and the xboxes start looking like crap.
In my opinion, this will have no effect whatsoever on the market revenue of PC games in 2014. The prices of display devices that are over 1920x1080 are still high enough to prevent a mass migration to them, and 4K is going to be virtually useless to the vast majority of gamers. I think that the coming of age of virtual reality, such as the Oculus Rift headset, will have more of an impact in the near term.
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looking at maxwell/nvidia. hopê it will be good :lovetpu:
Posted on Reply
PCs are growing because its now easier than ever to play games on a PC. Its just that simple. Steam, automatic driver updates, low hardware requirement in games, decent power integrated graphics and more.

Also PCs have tonnes of AAA exclusives, just because the genre is only on PC doesn't make games made in those genre any less AAA.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
john_New generation consoles will help to say goodbye to all those mediocre games that where made with last generations consoles primary in mind and then ported to PCs. That only is going to help tremendously.
this makes no sense. The PS3 was new when it was new and that didn't help.

The issue have nothing to do with consoles, it's people. And now, not casual gamers, I put the real blame on Bethsoft and Bioware.
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The Watchful Moderator
I am still waiting for Half-Life 3...
Posted on Reply
It's certainly not PC exclusive AAA games as there have been … well, none.
*cough* Heart of the Swarm, Arma 3, Company of Heroes 2, Dota 2, Path of Exile, SimCity *cough*

2014 is looking bright as well with upcoming titles as: Planetary Annihilation, The Elder Scrolls: Online, WildStar and EverQuest Next (as exclusives).
Nvm, EverQuest Next has been announced for PS4 as well.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
urza26*cough* Heart of the Swarm, Arma 3, Company of Heroes 2, Dota 2, Path of Exile, SimCity *cough*

2014 is looking bright as well with upcoming titles as: Planetary Annihilation, The Elder Scrolls: Online, WildStar and EverQuest Next (as exclusives).
Nvm, EverQuest Next has been announced for PS4 as well.
Elder Scrolls Online is for consoles as well.
Posted on Reply
tiggerNot forgetting Tom Clancy's The Division..........drool
Great ,another TPS.
I would hate to be confused with full immersion .
Posted on Reply
dwadePC gaming's kryptonite is low-quality games.
Interesting comment. I'm not sure how exactly you are measuring quality... Graphics, gameplay, campaign, multiplayer, or etc..? I will make a comment here. Two games have come to mind: League of Legends and Defense of the Ancients. League of Legends is like a dumbed down version of DotA. It's free, easy to jump in to, and very fun to play once you understand how the game works. DotA is free, not easy to jump in to, and fun to play once you understand how the game works. Both games are full of micro transactions. Both games don't have a campaign or single player. Both games have low quality graphics in terms of what we are seeing from current PC games.One thing both games share is they are extremely popular... Worldwide. They are also extremely competitive in terms of competitive PC gaming leagues.

PC gaming seems to be evolving and growing in to a world of free to play or nearly free to play games. Loaded with micro transactions every where you turn. This is good and bad. Personally I would rather buy a game for $60 dollars and it come with EVERYTHING. One thing is for certain in my opinion, PC gaming will always be around and will always grow.
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tiggerNot forgetting Tom Clancy's The Division..........drool
That one has been postponed until 2015 (sorry to disappoint you).
Posted on Reply
urza26That one has been postponed until 2015 (sorry to disappoint you).
I saw :cry:
KreijPC gaming is dead.
And if most games minimum requirements continues like that it won't get any better...
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Indie gaming will continue growing. I am more curious how far can indie gaming grow. Can it take over?
Posted on Reply
james888Can it take over?
No doubt. They are making great games, and much cheaper.

In my opinion, they are the few who are making things that can actually be called a game. Games don't need to utilize all the resources available in a system to be fun (see Tetris).
Posted on Reply
Super XP
PC Gaming has been gaining traction for several years now. I think most of the reasoning is due to the older console systems.
But I could be wrong. Now with the new XBOX One and PS4 (Still old tech versus the Gaming PC hehe), it may slow down a bit in 2014.

But you never know, a mouse and a keyboard rock any joystick in PC Gaming.
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The Exiled Airman
I will eventually join the Gamers Ranks again after i get all of my parts for my pc. 1 pc game series i really love to comeback is motocross madness
Posted on Reply
Also multiplayer for Xbone and PS4 are both terrible, you need to pay just to play online

Mouse is also more percise than those goddamn joysticks
Posted on Reply
Super XPa mouse and a keyboard rock any joystick in PC Gaming.
And you have the advantage of having many other buttons to replace if one dies... And keyboard is also much cheaper than a console joystick.

And in my opinion keyboard and mouse combination is far better than joysticks... For any game, all games, no exception (I've played many).
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