Wednesday, June 11th 2014

Dean "Kreij" Kortenhoven: 1959 - 2014

Dean "Kreij" Kortenhoven, our dear friend, and one of TechPowerUp's most respected community members, moderators, and contributors; who not only contributed to TechPowerUp, but also held a key editorial position in our sister publication NextPowerUp, passed away yesterday (Wednesday, early morning Central European Summer Time, Tuesday evening, Wisconsin USA local time). He passed away peacefully, in the august company of his family. He was 54.

A true cyber-citizen, Dean made his presence online strongly felt, in each forum post, each slap on the wrist as a moderator, and each richly worded article he wrote for our publications, despite constraints from a crawly satellite ISDN connection, which he joked, rather than complained about. It goes to show that willpower beats infrastructure, in an age where we're constantly surrounding ourselves with increasingly powerful infrastructure, often without pausing to ask ourselves, if we're able to make the most of what we have by empowering it with our wisdom and willpower, before moving onto something more powerful out of the box.

Dean also contributed to the Jeep online special interest group, and often talked about the benefits of the frugal, effective engineering Jeeps offer, in comparison to modern SUVs. Before we spun off GeneralNonsense, our off-topic forum, into a full- blown forum website, we remember Dean making motivational posts to cheer up fellow users who faced personal tragedies, or who were plain stressed out and needed a release, even if that came from someone sitting thousands of miles away. It enforced his personal belief - which we strongly share - that behind every gamer, and online forum member, is a human being, with human achievements and shortfalls, and that if the Internet marked a breakthrough in human evolution, it was because people powered it, not just websites.

Farewell, Dean "Kreij" Kortenhoven, we will miss you.
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107 Comments on Dean "Kreij" Kortenhoven: 1959 - 2014

Rest in peace man! Thoughts to all the family and friends!
Posted on Reply
very sad, I was just chatting with Dean a month or two ago :(

my deepest sympathies to his family.
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No words can describe how much we miss you...
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My name is Dave
Sad news. We truly lost one of the good ones.
Posted on Reply
Dean. Thanks for the laughs, the conversations and the kindess you've shown everyone throughout the years. I'm happy your struggle is over, I'm sad that we lost you. Rest in peace, my friend.
Posted on Reply
I remember him writing about his cancer treatment without letting go of his humour. Also very kind person, helpful to the community and indeed like an "uncle" to many around here.

He shall indeed be missed.
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Rest in peace - we will miss you :(
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News Editor
Was good to know you Dean.
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My condolences to the family. May he rest in peace. :(
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RIP kreij
may you have better place there
Posted on Reply
The guy seemed to be able to find the positive in anything....
Haven't really had a conversation with him in a few years...
But here is some of what I remember...random Kreij from GN
Magibeg;38623I'm drinking tonight! :P

Anyone else?
Kreij;38626Sorry Magi, I just can't be bothered to post in this thread every night.
Kreij;27101No rest for the fart thread ...

A man and his wife have gone to bed. After laying in bed for a few minutes the man lets rip a fart.
Wifey rolls over and growls, "What in God's name was that?"
Man says, "TOUCHDOWN, I'm ahead, 7 to nothing!!!"
A few minutes later the wife lets rip a Scorcher.
Husband says, "Crikey, what was that?"
She replies "Touchdown, tie score."
The man lays there for about 10 minutes trying to work one up. He tries so hard he craps in bed.
The wife asks, "Now what in the world was that?"
He replies, "Halftime, switch sides."
Kreij;30634Hey "Mom", haven't seen you in awhile. How are you?

For me it's not about ethnicity, race or creed. It's about diet.
If you are willing to eat raw meat, good chance we'll get along.
If you're a tofu munching, sprout sniffing snot bag ... well ... probably not.
February, 17 2010
Kreij;27542What are you doing to fulfill your latest dream/want/need in life?
Not at work, but at home.

We are simple northern rednecks, so here is what we are up to ...

I'm working daily with the contractors to get my new garage built. It's been great fun.
It was supposed to be finished mid-November of last year, but I keep adding features. I told them there is no hurry.

My next project is to finally get a decent garden so we can eat in case the government is overthrown by anarchists.
My wife said that if I want a garden I am on my own as she does not want to deal with it.
Today she was picking out things to grow in the garden.
She still cuts wood faster than me, so I have no problem with her suggestions.

My wife is researching land purchases on Carribean islands (although I cannot fathom how she intends to pay for such).
Her most recent at home project is to get the contractors to build an additional four-seasons room with a built in swimming pool attached to the back of the house. (see above on how the heck to pay for it).
Don't get me wrong, my wife is far better at handling finance than me. If she says go, we do it, but her dreams outshine or financial abilities a the moment (mostly because I am spending all our money building my garage :D )

I don't have any plans on upgrading my computer as it's doing what I need it to do for now.
Instead I just take a few bucks and try to help people on the TPU and GN forums if I can.

So what are you looking at doing in the next year or so?
Kreij;24992My dog started running in circles barking one day when there was nothing appearant happening.
I was sure he was sensing an impending earthquake, so I dove under the bed to take cover.
Turned out he just got stung in the scrotum by a wasp.

Nothing like when you want a relaxing evening to make up crap. lol
He is off to Sto-vo-kor

One thing is for sure and that is he will be missed by many...
My condolences to the family
and I pledge to drink many beers while eating lots of meat in the name of Kreij.
My condolences. I never got to know him well.

Pain is only limited to flesh and now you are forever free of pain .

You will be missed.
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In memoriam! Kreij...
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RIP Kreij
Condolences to your family
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Farewell Dean. Your contributions will not be forgotten.

Robert (a.k.a. rjohnson11, EVGA volunteer forum moderator)
Posted on Reply
jmcslobThe guy seemed to be able to find the positive in anything....
Haven't really had a conversation with him in a few years...
But here is some of what I remember...random Kreij from GN

February, 17 2010

He is off to Sto-vo-kor

One thing is for sure and that is he will be missed by many...
My condolences to the family
and I pledge to drink many beers while eating lots of meat in the name of Kreij.
yeah hes kinda nice person, i got some small talk (cant remember where its)
although i never knew the man before, thats kinda sad to hear this
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RIP Kreij and best wishes family .
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TPU addict
He will truly be missed and i would like to say i will truly miss the good games we had back when we actually got in a few games a few years ago.

Rest in peace my friend..
Posted on Reply
Jesus, Dean was always so positive despite his situation. I remember the post a while back about his bad health, and I remember the stubborn guy refused to take any soppy crap from us. He straight out said he didn't want our pity and was very "moderator" about it :laugh:

Kinda sad, I genuinely thought he might make it through this one, at least he seemed to make out he might.

I remember reading the last story about a good guy on TPU who died of cancer, but I don't remember his name. I do however remember everyone clubbed together and gave a struggling family a PC to use or something. Maybe we could do the same, in honor of Kreij
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Gone Fishing
Dean, BP and I became Moderators at the same time, and then again Senior Moderators, I didn't know him that well before then even though we had been here together for several years, in our 4 years as moderators I got to know him pretty well, whilst I appreciate this is a "virtual" community, what I can say is he was one of the finest gentlemen I have ever known and it has been a honour sharing this place with him, I can't imagine the pain his family is going through now and my thoughts are with them.
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