Monday, November 10th 2014

AMD Rolls Out Catalyst 14.11.1 Beta
AMD rolled out the latest version of its Catalyst software suite. Much like two of NVIDIA's recent "Game Ready" driver releases, the new Catalyst 14.11.1 beta is launched specifically for two of the hottest game releases of the season, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and Assassin's Creed Unity. Since neither title supports less than 4 GB of system memory, or even Windows XP, AMD's release is highly specific, and only covers 64-bit Windows 8.1 Update 1, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. Grab it from the link below.DOWNLOAD AMD Catalyst 14.11.1 beta
23 Comments on AMD Rolls Out Catalyst 14.11.1 Beta
Sucks that you're having issues with your 290X setup, but it doesn't make any of what you said factually correct.
I downloaded it specifically for unity. No you cannot say stuff like that, that's heresy! (Sarcasm intended).
Ive experienced crachses( A few) but not nearly as much as on my other machine which allways have been Nvidia.
WHQL is only a stamp microsoft puts on it, to say its stabile with the system, thats it. I allways use beta drivers if they are stabile and produce some extra power, otherwise I dont change it or I roll back if I experience any problems.
By the way my last crash with catalyst drivers was back in september 2009 when HD5850 came out, all has been good ever since.
I cant say that about my other machine with Nvidia card, 1 driver fried the card and i had to buy another GFX, ustability in beta drivers, low framerates(spikes)...just a peice of shit.
And no its not the card, its these beta drivers causing the problem ;)
Friday when my RMA 290X comes in I may post different results but so far so good for benching, so farrr ;)
Shit man, I've been using these drivers all night, and testing the crap out of em. On a single card rig They work great! I haven't had one black screen all day ;)
just a tweak here n there do wonders, and well could be just enough of a tweak that some un-reported solutions are never added in the news. And alas, "no bLAcK screen's"
just make sure you search again after changing it (f3), there is more than one.
LMAO!!!! NO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!