Friday, May 22nd 2015

Technical Director for Frostbite at DICE Reveals AMD "Fiji" Graphics Card
Johan Andersson, technical director for the Frostbite game engine at DICE, developers of games such as Battlefield, tweeted the first clear picture of AMD's next flagship graphics card, and it looks a lot [better] than this mockup render. We'd be tempted to call it the Radeon R9 390X, but older reports suggest that AMD could give it a fancy name, just as NVIDIA named its top-dog "Titan." That's not all, Andersson commented that "this new island is one seriously impressive and sweet GPU," referring to the card's GPU codename of "Fiji." AMD is expected to launch this card in the third week of June. Either to preempt that, or out of spook (with an effort to siphon off high-end GPU sales), NVIDIA is preparing the GeForce GTX 980 Ti, which will launch in the first week.
71 Comments on Technical Director for Frostbite at DICE Reveals AMD "Fiji" Graphics Card
People are aware 390X will only have 4GB HBM though, whereas 980ti is going to have 6GB of GDDR5. Bandwidth not considered, people may buy depending on quantity.
EDIT: Save for the 390X with 8GB GDDR5 non-HBM memory of course. Forgot about that one.
I actually hope nobody buys the 980ti because Nvidia are out to fleece people with this card before a proverbial wolf comes for the sheep.
But then again, if the sheep turn round and eat the red wolf, it's gonna get ugly.
And the the crap about MS tested AMD driver well ever thought that AMD just putting tons of time in to Win 10 as that's were most people be going to once MS release W10 for free for the 1st year.
They might need to put in some time for CF but other from that their time spent in getting win 10 drivers right is more important and who can blame them.
And yeah, I can remember only 2 Radeon driver issues in the past 7 years. And both times they were fixed in the next beta drivers, one caused BSODs in Firefox when viewing flash videos and another broke GPU aspect ratio scaling. The drivers aren't perfect, but in my experience they're not even nearly bad enough to deserve all the FUD. (Maybe if you run Crossfire, I don't have experience with it.)
Hopefully people will see AMD again for being innovators and working their roadmap no matter the constraints. Nvidia has held back waiting to employ what they have for this ambush, which makes it appear a little desperate.
On nvidia I got two Tegra based phones... enough support from me for while. Throw your wallet towards your wife... she will be pleased... lol
>2012 +3
At least the card looks nice
At least the argument is valid.
I just want the card to see how the new HBM ram is working:).
I can without any doubt still play my Tetris and FB games without any problems and the few games I have time to play.
I want to support the underdog no matter what, without the red team theres no development in GFX anymore.
Im a very happy owner of a R9 290 Tri-x OC from Sapphire, it runs everything I trow at it without any hickups and I will support AMD again.