Tuesday, February 28th 2017
NVIDIA Announces DX12 Gameworks Support
NVIDIA has announced DX12 support for their proprietary GameWorks SDK, including some new exclusive effects such as "Flex" and "Flow." Most interestingly, NVIDIA is claiming that simulation effects get a massive boost from Async Compute, nearly doubling performance on a GTX 1080 using that style of effects. Obviously, Async Compute is a DX12 exclusive technology. The performance gains in an area where NVIDIA normally is perceived to not do so well are indeed encouraging, even if only in their exclusive ecosystem. Whether GCN powered cards will see similar gains when running GameWorks titles remains to be seen.
31 Comments on NVIDIA Announces DX12 Gameworks Support
This might be a counter to such a move or could be an attempt to play nice with Dev/Publishers towards Nintendo Switch and make it appealing to cross platform (Switch/PC).
NVIDIA must sense this is going to happen soon (likely through Direct3D work) so they unshackled GameWorks because Microsoft will destroy PhysX on Windows where the bulk of gamers are. PhysX is really the only API in GameWorks that has gained a lot of traction namely because it was really the first to market via Ageia. As far as I know, it is still the only GPU accelerated API that is reasonable for developers to use. Most that use Havok just run it on CPU.
I really wish Microsoft would have acquired Havok sooner so the PhysX nonsense would have ended quicker.