Wednesday, May 17th 2017
AMD to Offer Liquid-Cooled Version of Its Vega "Frontier Edition" GPUs
Professional workloads are known to tax graphics cards like few do (well, Furmark would beg to differ, wouldn't it), and AMD is looking to cover all of its bases when it comes to the liquid cooling needs of its pioneers, its graphics professionals that will get a taste of Vega before any other consumer.This gold-colored graphics card will join its strikingly blue air-cooled counterpart in accelerating mission-critical data crunching and other machine learning tasks, with better cooling to boot. The fact that professionals are getting a reference-design liquid-cooled Vega graphics card could be a fortuitous sign of things to come towards the consumer, gaming Vega side of the market, but it's all still up in the air for the moment.
30 Comments on AMD to Offer Liquid-Cooled Version of Its Vega "Frontier Edition" GPUs
Not everyone understands terms from outside their country so I felt obliged to respond. :slap:
From the country that brought you "A face like a boiled cabbage", "Feck! Drink! Girls!" and other classics. ;)