Sunday, January 14th 2007
Cooler Master 1000W PSU has has some exclusive screenshots of Cooler Master's first 1000W power supply unit. Named RS-A00-EMBA 1000W, this PSU comes with modular design, six +12V rails and a max wattage of 1000W. The biggest thing to note in RS-A00-EMBA is the inclusion of two types of PCI-e connectors 4x 6pin connectors or 2x 8pin varient specially for NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX Series video cards. Cooler Master is still putting the finishing touches to their brand new power supply. There's no official release date, but if you want to see some more pictures, please click here.
9 Comments on Cooler Master 1000W PSU
my 8800gtx use a 6 pins pci-e connectors.
plus modular power suplies is a bad thing, u only get tidyness but wired ones are much better, e.g underload they stay closer to 12.00v, y do u think pc power and cooling have no modular power supplies, i read an artical on it saynig how modular and dual rails or more is a no no