Monday, October 30th 2017

Destiny 2's First Expansion "Curse of Osiris" Lands on December 5
Today at Paris Games Week, Bungie revealed Destiny 2 - Expansion I: Curse of Osiris. This is the first expansion to the Destiny 2 universe, which will be released on December 5, 2017 for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. Destiny 2 - Expansion I: Curse of Osiris, takes place after the conclusion of the Destiny 2 campaign where you are dispatched to Mercury on a quest to find Osiris, the most powerful Warlock to have ever lived, to discover the answers humanity needs to fight back against the Vex.
Curse of Osiris adds a new chapter to the world of Destiny 2, expanding the universe by adding an all-new cinematic story with new and returning characters, a new destination to explore, Mercury and its Infinite Forest, a new social space to visit called the Lighthouse, new missions, new strikes, new raid content, new free roam activities. a world quest to complete, and more.Youtube Trailer
Curse of Osiris adds a new chapter to the world of Destiny 2, expanding the universe by adding an all-new cinematic story with new and returning characters, a new destination to explore, Mercury and its Infinite Forest, a new social space to visit called the Lighthouse, new missions, new strikes, new raid content, new free roam activities. a world quest to complete, and more.Youtube Trailer
12 Comments on Destiny 2's First Expansion "Curse of Osiris" Lands on December 5
And while the general spirit of the game is in line with the first one, that was to be expected. However, it improves upon its predecessor almost everywhere.
Instead of that, why don't you list the reasons you don't like it
So I'll wait and see on Curse of Osiris. If it's another $20 "expansion" cash grab that is 2 hours of content and just raises the gear level, I'd suggest passing. If it's more like Taken King, I'd be all over it.
Note that I don't see 'content' as being endlessly re-used maps in a different setup or different objective. That's gameplay - or grind, if you will.
In the game as was released, there are 4 Destination, Locations, if you will, with maps that are simply huge, the way they are created, it simply gives the Feeling you are exploring a space that is similar to reality. Great Attention has been given to every Corner of this huge maps, even if you spend just a second passing by through some of the regions. You didnt got that Feeling exploring the maps in Destiny 1, where you had to g to Orbit, and then to each place, which then seemed more like a closed System, limited in ist exploring vastness.
The Locations are Titan, Earth(Europead Dead Zone), Io, and Nessus.
Probably each Expansion will give more us more Location to explore, which could be new, or old from Destiny 1.
Destiny 1 had Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars, as well as the Dreadnought.
Now if we were to be given a new Location with each Expansions which is so free to roam and explore and do our activities like the ones we have been given so far, i believe it is a fair trade. I understand they couldnt release 15 to 20 Locations with the original game. This way they release 4, and build from that having couple of months between Releases. It is perfectly acceptable in my view.
They could be bringing Locations from the first game here as well, tweaked, improved, and enlarged, they do have the base with which to work with. But it does take time to create something completly new out of it.
I heard we'll be getting Mercury this time, which is new. Cant wait to start exploring, still have stuff to do with my Character for now.
I must say that i am very pleased with this game. I dont know when i had so much fun playing a pc game 3d shooter last time on PC.