EA is under fire for predatory pricing of DLC and add-ons for its upcoming "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" release. Gamers complain of the company effectively pricing it above $80 just to play as Darth Vader, and giving game reviewers a faster in-game content unlock progression, compared to paying gamers, misrepresenting the product. Pre-orders of the game can be cancelled and so gamers took to Reddit, and other forums, to distribute links to the pages on EA's website that let you easily cancel your pre-order. With pre-order cancellations gaining traction, EA pulled out its bag of dirty tricks.
The publisher has reportedly changed the way you cancel pre-orders. Instead of simply clicking on a web-based form to cancel your pre-order and get the reference number to your refund, you now have to speak with a sales agent via chat to cancel your order. Trouble is, that the process is bogged down by too many people trying to cancel their orders (due to a finite number of agents), and thus EA has effectively made it impossible for everyone who pre-ordered to cancel. Only those who can endure the long agent waiting queue to chat with an agent, can cancel their pre-orders, as the November 17 release-date (beyond which you can't cancel pre-orders), looms closer.
58 Comments on EA Makes it Tougher to Cancel Battlefront 2 Pre-orders
Since Origin came into being this company has only produced shit half-games with the other half for DLC.
allways on internet for single player, etc, etc...
I've been boycotting EA since 2013 Simcity fiasco and that was only bought because I was a long time lover. (excluding simcity 2013) I haven't bought anything from them since 2010.
If they make something worth my time I will find other ways to play the games.... I WILL NOT GIVE THEM MY HARD EARNED CASH FOR SHITTY HALF-GAMES.
It's the gaming world that likes being stupid with their money. The specific demographics also lend to it. If 20-something males aren't outgoing social types spending $100 at clubs or bars, then they're less social types spending it on gaming shit. What they have in common is no family, no kids.. just a lot of disposable income for themselves. And worse than that, the other demographic are kids with their parents' credit cards.. who really don't care about responsible spending.
I'm in an older group, but used to be as stupid as the twenty somethings. Since I still don't have family, I still can be occasionally.
Not sure female 20 somethings stand in this. I do know the social ones get free drinks more. So they got that covered. But I doubt the others get free games. lol
the thing is, poeple can't simply make a paid game like a free-to-play game, which was the case... time limits on credits earned in arcade, buying crates with crystals... is this Clash of Clans?? Boom beach?? no!!! its a f**kin' Triple A game!