Wednesday, January 10th 2018

Crucial Shows Off Its MX500 M.2 SATA SSD
Crucial at CES 2018 has unveiled their M.2 version fo the prize-winning MX500 drive (you can read TPU's review of the MX500 2.5" drive here). The new M.2 SATA SSDs bring a much needed form-factor for Crucial's SSD line, with capacities ranging from 250 GB, passing through 500 GB, and ending in the 1 TB mark. All capacities have the same performance rating: 560 MB/s sequential read, 510 MB/s sequential writes, 90K random write and 95K random read IOPS.
17 Comments on Crucial Shows Off Its MX500 M.2 SATA SSD
these are as cheap as SSD, I hope? because they have the same performance.
For me it boils down to Sandisk X400 VS. Samsung Evo 850 something model as those are the ones with high access rate I/O rate and write fast enought
I mean, 850 EVO also hits 44MB/s:
Yet on Anadtech, it sits at around 34MB/s.
Been there, done that, so I will be more sincere in my future comments
If you look at the benchmarks, usually the bigger the capacity ssd is, the faster it gets because of software tricks and more memmory modules to write on.
I hope that the mx500 with less than 1TB feels fast that's all. Random bandwith should be important as i can't use samsungs "rapid" caching with 8GB Ram (And no there is no ram slot to upgrade)
Usually 128 and 256GB drives are bottlenecked, but with the piling up of layers that limit could go up so it's always wise to check first.
man i need space ^^