Monday, February 5th 2018

Samsung Confirms Reports of ASIC Mining Chip Production at Its Factories
The "reportedly" has been confirmed today, with Samsung representatives confirming, in no uncertain terms, that the company has entered the mining ASIC manufacturing scene. News of this broke out just last week, citing "an unnamed client from China", who placed a gargantuan order for crypto-coin mining ASICs with Samsung. This news was somewhat confirmed later in the week, as Samsung's latest earnings report did mention higher than expected revenue in it semiconductor business due to "Samsung's acquisition of new China clients". At the time, we speculated this could have something to do with the reported ASIC customer hailing from that same country, and it seems we were correct.As it stands, Samsung has entered a pretty lucrative, somewhat as-of-yet untapped market from ASIC production. TSMC, another of the world's greatest semiconductor manufacturers, has been shipping ASICs to customers for a while now, joined by some small players such as Bitmain and Canaan Creative - companies that basically create crypto-mining ASIC designs that TSMC then produces. This move could increase competition in the space, thus increasing the number of ASIC systems in usage towards crypto mining, which could, at some point in the future, help ease the pressure on pc hardware enthusiasts' dear, dear graphics cards.At the same time, as DIY part requirements drop due to the usage of these ASICs, pressure on other components that are facing constrained supplies could also decrease, which would likely reflect in a healthier, saner (price-wise) hardware market. For now, these are all hopes, though. I'd just like to point the fact that this order from the unnamed China-based customer was enough to offset Samsung's expected revenue, by an amount sufficiently significant for it to be specifically called out on the company's earnings reports. Just imagine how high the value of that order likely is. And even as proponents and haters of cryptocurrencies fight it out for supremacy of their points of view, and all kinds of cryptocurrencies shed their value, there's always some news of another significant event that is sure to only garner even more attention - and perhaps even value - for crypto in general.
22 Comments on Samsung Confirms Reports of ASIC Mining Chip Production at Its Factories
So more companies getting into ASICs will only affect coins done on ASIC miners which won't affect GPU mining since we'll it would need to be on a gpu for that.
ASIC mining is also not the "most profitable" mining situation on any end. As can be reflected in the earning statements from AMD/Nvidia this year.
It would require a lot of RnD, so it havent happened in the past. But it could happen.
I'm sorry, but I do take much pride in wiping the glee off your face since you derived it from others misfortune. That's just ruining what I love about TPU and I see no greater detriment to us as a community as of late.
You think no one will cry for them. I hope you are wrong. It would make me lose some faith in my fellow man.
PS: WTF is a "high frequency trading bot?"
that is strange... I mean you operate in market where assets can swing +20/-20% in a day! ("you operate" - either you just buy and hold or trade or just mine and wait - you have those assets - crypto curency - so you do operate in that market). And you don't know what is a "trading bot" or "high frequency trading" ? in that case you don't know what is a "market maker high frequency trading" either... I would suggest you to google that so you wont get surprised the F out when suddenly see a multiple days in a row -20/+20% per day of your "next generation" crytpto currencies that were so needed as a payment and had future just few days ago.
"... since you derived it from others misfortune." - it is not others misfortune - it is greed/stupidity.. if someone would invest their money in a risky pennie stocks (with leverage) and loose it - would you call it misfortune too?
I just want to stop that useless CO2 emmison (from clocked gpu rigs running 24/7h... all PSU's for 1000w+ have been sold out and are running 24/7 right now - none is using those for gaming or scientific number crunching) and I want to stop that gpu market whenre midragne 2 year old gpus (new or used) costs no less than 500$. and yes - if you one invested bitcoin (or any other coin - those all rise and fall in sync) when bitcoin came down to 14k (when it just came down from 20k and was "an good opportunity to get in") - I will laugh in their face for their "misfortune".
High frequency trading I'm guessing you mean trade often? Uh, yes? It's unfortunate whether predictable or not. I don't laugh in people's faces as a general principle. Stupid people deserve empathy, too. Stop gaming cold turkey and I will believe you.
Bitcoin itself is currently in the $6000's and dropping. You must be thinking Ripple, Cardano or Stellar which are all under $1. Careful not to mix them up as they are not the same.