Tuesday, March 13th 2018
13 Major Vulnerabilities Discovered in AMD Zen Architecture, Including Backdoors
Security researchers with Israel-based CTS-Labs, have discovered a thirteen security vulnerabilities for systems based on AMD Zen processors. The thirteen new exploits are broadly classified into four groups based on the similarity in function of the processor that they exploit: "Ryzenfall," "Masterkey," "Fallout," and "Chimera."
The researchers "believe that networks that contain AMD computers are at a considerable risk," and that malware can "survive computer reboots and re-installations of the operating system, while remaining virtually undetectable by most endpoint security solutions," such as antivirus software. They also mention that in their opinion, "the basic nature of some of these vulnerabilities amounts to complete disregard of fundamental security principles. This raises concerning questions regarding security practices, auditing, and quality controls at AMD."Since this story went up some follow ups were posted:
2. "Ryzenfall" is a class of vulnerabilities targeting Secure Processor, which lets a well-designed malware stash its code into the Secure Processor of a running system, to get executed for the remainder of the system's up-time. Again, this attack requires administrative privileges on the host machine, but can be performed in real-time, on the running system, without modifying the firmware. Secure Processor uses system RAM, in addition to its own in-silicon memory on the processor's die. While this part of memory is fenced off from access by the CPU, bugs exist that can punch holes into that protection. Code running on the Secure Processor has complete access to the system; Microsoft Virtualization-based Security (VBS) can be bypassed and additional malware can be placed into system management storage, where it can't be detected by traditional antivirus software. Windows Defender Credentials Guard, a component that stores and authenticates passwords and other secure functions on the machine, can also be bypassed and the malware can spread over the network to other machines, or the firmware can be modified to exploit "Masterkey", which persists through reboots, undetectable.
3. "Fallout": This class of vulnerabilities affects only AMD EPYC servers. It requires admin privileges like the other exploits, and has similar effects. It enables an attacker to gain access to memory regions like Windows Isolated User Mode / Kernel Mode (VTL1) and Secure Management RAM of the CPU (which are not accessible, even with administrative privileges). Risks are the same as "Ryzenfall", the attack vector is just different.
4. "Chimera": This class of vulnerabilities is an exploitation of the motherboard chipset (e.g. X370 also known as Promontory). AMD outsourced design of their Ryzen chipsets to Taiwanese ASMedia, which is a subsidiary of ASUS. You might know the company from the third-party USB 3.0 and legacy PCI chips on many motherboards. The company has been fined for lax security practices in the past, and numerous issues were found in their earlier controller chips. For the AMD chipset, it looks like they just copy-pasted a lot of code and design, including vulnerabilities. The chipset runs its own code that tells it what to do, and here's the problem: Apparently a backdoor has been implemented that gives any attacker knowing the right passcode full access to the chipset, including arbitrary code execution inside the chipset. This code can now use the system's DMA (direct memory access) engine to read/write system memory, which allows malware injection into the OS. To exploit this attack vector, administrative privileges are required. Whether DMA can access the fenced off memory portions of the Secure Processor, to additionally attack the Secure Processor through this vulnerability, is not fully confirmed, however, the researchers verified it works on a small number of desktop boards. Your keyboard, mouse, network controllers, wired or wireless, are all connected to the chipset, which opens up various other attack mechanisms like keyloggers (that send off their logs by directly accessing the network controller without the CPU/OS ever knowing about these packets), or logging all interesting network traffic, even if its destination is another machine on the same Ethernet segment. As far as we know, the tiny 8-pin serial ROM chip is connected to the CPU on AMD Ryzen platform, not to the chipset or LPCIO controller, so infecting the firmware might not be possible with this approach. A second backdoor was found that is implemented in the physical chip design, so it can't be mitigated by a software update, and the researchers hint at the requirement for a recall.
AMD's Vega GPUs use an implementation of the Secure Processor, too, so it is very likely that Vega is affected in a similar way. An attacker could infect the GPU, and then use DMA to access the rest of the system through the attacks mentioned above.
The researchers have set up the website AMDFlaws.com to chronicle these findings, and to publish detailed whitepapers in the near future.
AMD provided us with the following statement: "We have just received a report from a company called CTS Labs claiming there are potential security vulnerabilities related to certain of our processors. We are actively investigating and analyzing its findings. This company was previously unknown to AMD and we find it unusual for a security firm to publish its research to the press without providing a reasonable amount of time for the company to investigate and address its findings. At AMD, security is a top priority and we are continually working to ensure the safety of our users as potential new risks arise."
Update March 14 7 AM CET: It seems a lot of readers misunderstand the BIOS flashing part. The requirement is not that the user has to manually flash a different BIOS first before becoming vulnerable. The malware itself will modify/flash the BIOS once it is running on the host system with administrative privileges. Also, the signed driver requirement does not require a driver from any specific vendor. The required driver (which is not for an actual hardware device and just provides low-level hardware access) can be easily created by any hacker. Signing the driver, so Windows accepts it, requires a digital signature which is available from various SSL vendors for a few hundred dollars after a fairly standard verification process (requires a company setup with bank account). Alternatively an already existing signed driver from various hardware utilities could be extracted and used for this purpose.
Many Thanks to Earthdog for the tip
The researchers "believe that networks that contain AMD computers are at a considerable risk," and that malware can "survive computer reboots and re-installations of the operating system, while remaining virtually undetectable by most endpoint security solutions," such as antivirus software. They also mention that in their opinion, "the basic nature of some of these vulnerabilities amounts to complete disregard of fundamental security principles. This raises concerning questions regarding security practices, auditing, and quality controls at AMD."Since this story went up some follow ups were posted:
- CTS Labs Sent AMD and Other Companies a Research Package with Proof-of-Concept Code
- CTS Labs Posts Some Clarifications on AMD "Zen" Vulnerabilities
- CTS-Labs Releases Masterkey Exploit Proof-of-Concept Video
- Initial AMD Technical Assessment of CTS Labs Research
- Windows Credential Guard bypass on Ryzen, proof-of-concept video
2. "Ryzenfall" is a class of vulnerabilities targeting Secure Processor, which lets a well-designed malware stash its code into the Secure Processor of a running system, to get executed for the remainder of the system's up-time. Again, this attack requires administrative privileges on the host machine, but can be performed in real-time, on the running system, without modifying the firmware. Secure Processor uses system RAM, in addition to its own in-silicon memory on the processor's die. While this part of memory is fenced off from access by the CPU, bugs exist that can punch holes into that protection. Code running on the Secure Processor has complete access to the system; Microsoft Virtualization-based Security (VBS) can be bypassed and additional malware can be placed into system management storage, where it can't be detected by traditional antivirus software. Windows Defender Credentials Guard, a component that stores and authenticates passwords and other secure functions on the machine, can also be bypassed and the malware can spread over the network to other machines, or the firmware can be modified to exploit "Masterkey", which persists through reboots, undetectable.
3. "Fallout": This class of vulnerabilities affects only AMD EPYC servers. It requires admin privileges like the other exploits, and has similar effects. It enables an attacker to gain access to memory regions like Windows Isolated User Mode / Kernel Mode (VTL1) and Secure Management RAM of the CPU (which are not accessible, even with administrative privileges). Risks are the same as "Ryzenfall", the attack vector is just different.
4. "Chimera": This class of vulnerabilities is an exploitation of the motherboard chipset (e.g. X370 also known as Promontory). AMD outsourced design of their Ryzen chipsets to Taiwanese ASMedia, which is a subsidiary of ASUS. You might know the company from the third-party USB 3.0 and legacy PCI chips on many motherboards. The company has been fined for lax security practices in the past, and numerous issues were found in their earlier controller chips. For the AMD chipset, it looks like they just copy-pasted a lot of code and design, including vulnerabilities. The chipset runs its own code that tells it what to do, and here's the problem: Apparently a backdoor has been implemented that gives any attacker knowing the right passcode full access to the chipset, including arbitrary code execution inside the chipset. This code can now use the system's DMA (direct memory access) engine to read/write system memory, which allows malware injection into the OS. To exploit this attack vector, administrative privileges are required. Whether DMA can access the fenced off memory portions of the Secure Processor, to additionally attack the Secure Processor through this vulnerability, is not fully confirmed, however, the researchers verified it works on a small number of desktop boards. Your keyboard, mouse, network controllers, wired or wireless, are all connected to the chipset, which opens up various other attack mechanisms like keyloggers (that send off their logs by directly accessing the network controller without the CPU/OS ever knowing about these packets), or logging all interesting network traffic, even if its destination is another machine on the same Ethernet segment. As far as we know, the tiny 8-pin serial ROM chip is connected to the CPU on AMD Ryzen platform, not to the chipset or LPCIO controller, so infecting the firmware might not be possible with this approach. A second backdoor was found that is implemented in the physical chip design, so it can't be mitigated by a software update, and the researchers hint at the requirement for a recall.
AMD's Vega GPUs use an implementation of the Secure Processor, too, so it is very likely that Vega is affected in a similar way. An attacker could infect the GPU, and then use DMA to access the rest of the system through the attacks mentioned above.
The researchers have set up the website AMDFlaws.com to chronicle these findings, and to publish detailed whitepapers in the near future.
AMD provided us with the following statement: "We have just received a report from a company called CTS Labs claiming there are potential security vulnerabilities related to certain of our processors. We are actively investigating and analyzing its findings. This company was previously unknown to AMD and we find it unusual for a security firm to publish its research to the press without providing a reasonable amount of time for the company to investigate and address its findings. At AMD, security is a top priority and we are continually working to ensure the safety of our users as potential new risks arise."
Update March 14 7 AM CET: It seems a lot of readers misunderstand the BIOS flashing part. The requirement is not that the user has to manually flash a different BIOS first before becoming vulnerable. The malware itself will modify/flash the BIOS once it is running on the host system with administrative privileges. Also, the signed driver requirement does not require a driver from any specific vendor. The required driver (which is not for an actual hardware device and just provides low-level hardware access) can be easily created by any hacker. Signing the driver, so Windows accepts it, requires a digital signature which is available from various SSL vendors for a few hundred dollars after a fairly standard verification process (requires a company setup with bank account). Alternatively an already existing signed driver from various hardware utilities could be extracted and used for this purpose.
482 Comments on 13 Major Vulnerabilities Discovered in AMD Zen Architecture, Including Backdoors
And OMG "The researchers "believe that networks that contain AMD" they believe ?. If this was found on Intel they would dare to say shit yet.
Now, and considering that most of these vulnerabilities need certain uncommon conditions (special privileges and physical access), it doesn't seem to me that it could end up being a shitstorm, though it'd definitely be embarrassing... Maybe I could be waiting for some specific file to be transferred to the server? Or maybe I could be a creep and monitor all communications in and out?
Look at Equifax, the guys just sat down and held the doors open for themselves for a few months. What if someone did that with the NSA? Valuable data would definitely go through there, and there would be people very interested in getting it, no matter the cost. If that happened to the Pentagon's network... well, that could be really worrisome.
I go where the performance is. Intel just happens to be that. My original comment in this thread was a stab at the AMD fanboys because of the intel controversy not too long ago and how "amd is so much better" (paraphrasing here) and now we turn around and AMD is on the end of the pitchfork. It's just ironic.
So before you try and call me a fanboy, maybe you should do some research on me before trying to start something. ;)
Funny side note: at least for me. When you visit their site is says "not secure" in browser.
I get what is best for my money at the time of my upgrade. If I can afford to do a full upgrade path to AMD and they are superior, I will.
Also, I hear if you let a user take a hammer to AMD processors, they break... unlike Intel.
and one requires a bios flash from windows which is a risky proceedure
what exactly is new about any of this ? none of these are unpatchable with a bios update ....
also are we not gonna touch on the total amature job they did on their website and disclosure practice
I hate amd as much as the next blue blooded intel user but this whole disclosure stinks of SEC fraud and people with a agenda
cts labs didn't even exist a little over a year ago both of there websites are rife with bad engrish and stock photos and where registered in the last year
If a malicious actor has already gotten their hands on admin privileges, wouldn't you have bigger problems to worry about?
@btarunr can we get some corrections here or least a link to... wccftech.com/low-down-amd-security-exploit-saga-cts-labs/
Looks like computer security is a chimera. :rolleyes: No wonder the exploits keep coming.
EDIT: Ok, reading some of the comments, it seems that the veracity of this report may be in some doubt. Let's hope it's fake, but I'm not holding my breath.
...but in the meantime, can everyone turn down the fanboy? It's getting hard to hear. I can.
When it comes down to security, wordpress could have a zero day exploit, or one of the plugins, which hackers could download, analyse and write a script for it in order to break into. It's really hard to run through every line of code since most people rely on the functionality of the plugin or theme and just expect the developper to do his homework. Anyway, so lets say a plugin or theme gets hacked, it's a fairly simple task to 'upload' a file to the server, and execute it remotely.
It's called a shell. Now a shell is just a little script packed with all sorts of stuff to discover the server, configuration and even extra's to drop another payload. It's very populair these days. I've seen company's install wordpress under ROOT level (lol) which is screaming for trouble's. If a server has outdated or unpatched software it's just minutes work to pass through any flaws. But the main question is will the server itself be hackable in this case in order to get ROOT rights and start updating biosses.
If you get root in the first place, you dont need this specific exploit anymore since you can do whatever you want with the server.
If i'd sell motherboards on Ebay tomorrow with modified biosses, that already poses a security threat since i could program it to make a call to home. I'd know the user, the IP and i could do anything related to it remote, that's what this exploit is basicly about. But if you overwrite the bios with a latest and brand new one, pretty much as good as that the exploit is gone.
They have a point; there's lots you can do with it, but not as critical as Meltdown or Spectre was.
" Although we have a good faith belief in our analysis and believe it to be objective and unbiased, you are advised that we may have, either directly or indirectly, an economic interest in the performance of the securities of the companies whose products are the subject of our reports. Any other organizations named in this website have not confirmed the accuracy or determined the adequacy of its contents."
What exactly does "we may have, either directly or indirectly, an economic interest" mean precisely here? Did they make this white paper for free or was it commissioned by Intel?
Also I'm going to wait for another group to verify their claims. They specificly state here that it has only been validated by them. That's the problem though, many people absorb just the title. I don't think it's in any tech outlet's best interest when the community here can easily see red flags popping up. This is the reason the whole fake news thing started up, because websites were willing to sacrifice journalistic integrity for clicks. 24 hours to respond.... That's completely unacceptable. Their website comes off as trying to protect the general public but then if you read their disclaimer and that they only gave AMD 24 hours to respond and that they didn't verify their claims with any other group, these are major red flags. That's not even enough time for AMD to validate their claims.
I did some additional research on these guys and they started in 2017 and are pretty small themselves.