Tuesday, August 21st 2018

Blizzard at Gamescom 2018: An Ode to Past and Present Successes
We visited Blizzard's floor space at Gamescom 2018, and what a space it was. Easily one of the more expansive areas, Blizzard outdid themselves with their multiple staging areas for the multitude of their developed - or in permanent development - games. Naturally, the crown jewel of Blizzard's space was World of Warcraft, but Overwatch stood just beside it, as if a wayward child trying to look over its ancestors' shoulder.Areas for Heroes of the Storm, Starcraft II, and Diablo 3 were skewed off to the side. And even Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion, due out in September, made its way into Blizzard's space due to its exclusive distribution happening within Battle.net. Inside, visitors could partake in a game of Gambit - the PvPvE mode that pits real players against each other while thwarting armies of NPCs.While another, slightly off-center nerve point of Blizzard's efforts stood fully dominated by Heartstone, in a setting with enough tables to fit in a small army in times past.
3 Comments on Blizzard at Gamescom 2018: An Ode to Past and Present Successes
Even your season for D3 are just the same thing over and over again; no new gear, no new quest, nothing.
Considering they announced several Diablo projects (some sooner than others), I'd look at Blizzcon later this year. It'll probably be an older Diablo remaster/remake and probably a D4 announcement. With the remaster coming earlier.
It's a good franchise and I'm sure they can do something with it. Maybe D4 could be a real and loyal successor of D2, and a remake of D1/D2 would be welcome for sure.