Friday, February 2nd 2007
Vista Speech Recognition Flaw
Three days after being released, the first major flaw has been published for Windows Vista. For anyone with speech recognition enabled, malicious websites or audio files could potentially give commands to hijack the PC and tell it to delete files. It works by playing commands such as shutdown, copy or delete through the speakers which could then be picked up by the microphone, causing the computer to carry out certain tasks. Microsoft admits that the exploit is "technically possible" but doesn't see it as a major problem. This flaw is more down to new features than problems with the coding of Vista, and it shouldn't be a problem for most people.
BBC News
16 Comments on Vista Speech Recognition Flaw
For example, you decide you want to use the mic feature instead of text messaging and you say: opposing user's response when balloon pops up on screen = :wtf: "how did you do that?" opposing user's response = :twitch: "wait, stop that!"
[user disconnected]
Wash, rinse, repeat.
i'm using it as my primary os now seems ok to me.
* Odd, I agree, but VERY possible!
* PROOF, that it "comes w/ the territory" in this field, that being a "Sci-Fi" fan IS truly, part of the mixture required... & that I am NOT THE ONLY ONE!
But file commands... NO. Not unless it is designed for special purpose needs like "advanced handicapped input" for blind people. However, all it takes is for a meanie to walk into their room and say;
"change password to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius-muhaha-muhaha" followed by
"delete all pictures"
"delete all documents"
OUCH :roll:
I think you guys are right - built in voice control shouldn't have such power... but then again, to stop things like this you would need to prevent it doing certain tasks from a command prompt ect. and you can see it might get difficult to prevent all the apps that might have the ability to delete files.
Vista hears ' Format C:'
Gotta admit - its bloody funny.
I don't think Vista will actually execute system commands from a voice command without some sort of verification prompt...can it? If so that's a major fuk-up on Micro$haft's part.