Tuesday, February 13th 2007
Banpresto DangerBomb Clock - defuse the Alarm or else...
There are many of us, who have gotten so used to their alarms, that they do not even notice when they turn it off. This new alarm clock from Japanese firm Banpresto actually requires a bit of brain power to defuse/turn off. The user has to connect the red, yellow and blue cables together in the right order, otherwise the bomb "goes off" with an audible explosion. It should be available from GeekStuff4U for $38 USD and a mere $19 USD in Japan. This should make for a great gift.
11 Comments on Banpresto DangerBomb Clock - defuse the Alarm or else...
Not exactly $19.
Your problem is that you go to bed too late because you are internetting until early hours :roll:
Dont blame the wake-up clock... blame the "going to bed" machine! LOL