Monday, February 26th 2007
Macs Can Survive being Shot
If you're a Mac user and worried about your beautiful new MacBook Pro getting shot in the streets, then you will be pleased to hear that you shouldn't have a problem. In a rather bizarre event in Brazil, a mugging victim managed to protect himself from being shot by letting his MacBook Pro come between himself and the bullet. Fortunately for him, it worked a treat - but unfortunately for Mac haters, the laptop also survived. Despite a nice hole in the front of the notebook, the machine still functions (to a certain extent at least), but it is not recommended that you try this at home. Perhaps they could integrate that into the next Mac vs PC advert?
25 Comments on Macs Can Survive being Shot
Admittedly this is the type of story you normally post, but I got there first this time :p
maybe it's fake?
macs suck end of story
they think they can booste there sales with a story like this
its similar to MS having a cause to donate money to the katrina victims lol
People always trawl through these reports for a story so it would have come out one way or another. If they had kept quiet about it, when the story broke it would have been run as some sort of conspiracy theory (MS Secret Funds To Gulf States!!!)
The Mac story - its the modern day "The Bible saved my life" story where a soldier get shot in the chest but the bullet stops at the last page of his pocket bible. (Im not suggesting Steve Jobs is God)
I'm amazed it dodged his ram.. probably milimeters away.
And chances are, if you own and like 1 mac, you're gonna have more than 1.
Just a trend I've noticed from people that have them... Never a single mac, owner.
Now toughbooks, those are tough. Ive actually taken a hammer was messed up afterwards(really old toughbook by the way, I found it in a dumpster....dont ask)
It turned on....sort of worked.....I would imgaine the newer ones could survive a lot more then a 9mm or .22 pistol round.
full story