Monday, February 26th 2007

Blu-ray coming down in Price

Although most will agree that the best value way to obtain a Blu-ray player is still to buy a PS3 (from as little as $499), Sony is planning a new Blu-ray player due for release this summer which will be cheaper than current stand alone player. The Blu-ray player offered by Sony at present is the BDP-S1, which retails at around $999 and is only attracting a very small number of customers. However, the new BDP-S300 will soon become the cheapest standalone Blu-ray player with a price tag of $599. According to Sony, the new player will offer the same features as the BDP-S1, along with the ability to play CDs as well as being more compact - about the same size as your average DVD player. This is still noticeably more expensive than the cheapest HD DVD players, which can be found for under $400, but it should help to further boost Blu-ray disk sales, which have already been helped by the PS3.
Source: DailyTech
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14 Comments on Blu-ray coming down in Price

Completely Bonkers
There's no way in "HD-Wars" that HD-DVD manufacturers won't match price cuts to keep a good price lead over Blu-ray. They've got to keep and grow relative market share to win the format war. (Or at least ensure the format survives)

That's going to be good for consumers later in the year. HD-DVD will be $300 in minutes and easily $200 by end of year.

Looking forward to watching HD-DVD movies next Xmas! :)
Posted on Reply
Completely BonkersThere's no way in "HD-Wars" that HD-DVD manufacturers won't match price cuts to keep a good price lead over Blu-ray. They've got to keep and grow relative market share to win the format war. (Or at least ensure the format survives)

That's going to be good for consumers later in the year. HD-DVD will be $300 in minutes and easily $200 by end of year.

Looking forward to watching HD-DVD movies next Xmas! :)
Meh, just download them on your xbox360 :)

If there is a winner of this format war, they'll not hold the title for too long. I see mainstream downloading of movies not too far off.

**** in the meantime HD DVD FTW WOOT!
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Bird of Prey
Blu-Ray FTW to you two HD DVD supporters! This is cool news though. However, Sony's BDP-S1 is selling here for 799
Posted on Reply
Alright, this is good news.. Now there will be more HD movies online wich I can download onto my Hard Drive. Dont see the point in disks when i got a 500GB Hard Drive for 100$.

But also.. if the current player is 1000$, how can they be bringing out a better one for 400$ less?
Posted on Reply
C.AshBut also.. if the current player is 1000$, how can they be bringing out a better one for 400$ less?
Because Sony finally realized that ridiculously high prices don't make people more eager to buy. How the hell can they sell a player for $1000 when you can get a PS3 (a much more advanced/multifunctional device) for $600?
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
C.AshAlright, this is good news.. Now there will be more HD movies online wich I can download onto my Hard Drive. Dont see the point in disks when i got a 500GB Hard Drive for 100$
Because an uncompressed BluRay and HD-DVD can take antwhere from 15-50GB EACH.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
ill wait a year and they will be 200 bucks and they will play all formats and so mp3 disks, wma, xvid the whole shabang
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Heedless Psychic
Both media types will eventually be adopted, theres no way to seperate the two really, both offer ideal solutions. Once prices drop (<£150) everybodys a winner really.
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Wile EBecause an uncompressed BluRay and HD-DVD can take antwhere from 15-50GB EACH.
Yeh, and my Hard Drive is 500GB. A dual-layer BD must cost more than 10$, so 500GB for 100$ is actually a BETTER deal. Not to mention I dont have to care about HDCP and having a million disks flying around or having to pay for anything.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
That's good, lower prices. But I'm going for HD-DVD because I have an Xbox 360 (the main reason why I go for HD-DVD), but they are releasing more movies on both formats and the LG Dual Format player too.
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Azn Tr14dZ
BenpiMeh, just download them on your xbox360 :)

**** in the meantime HD DVD FTW WOOT!
I would download, but for the meantime can't you only rent movies, not buy? And the 20GB HD is going to kill it! Maybe a bigger HD from Microsoft?
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Im telling you, they should have just friggin combined. Had they formed one massive team of Battle Ready Technology Monks We Would be using Blu-HD Ray DVDs, that hold 250GB and play at 2000000000000000000000PPPeXtreme and can fly Space Shuttles without instruments.

And also I have seen the Sony Blu-Ray player for 650$ here, and I never saw it for a 1000$ anywhere. I'd like a Dual Format Drive for the PC that reasonably priced, isn't retardily loud, and actually does everything at incredible speeds!
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Wile E
Power User
C.AshYeh, and my Hard Drive is 500GB. A dual-layer BD must cost more than 10$, so 500GB for 100$ is actually a BETTER deal. Not to mention I dont have to care about HDCP and having a million disks flying around or having to pay for anything.
But at some point you will either run out of room/ports in your computer, or it will just become impractical.
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