Wednesday, January 29th 2020

Support TechPowerUp on Patreon, Unlock New Features

People have often asked how to thank us through donations, to show their appreciation for our PC enthusiast content, free software and databases, but we could never find a good mechanism for that. Today we're officially launching our Patreon page, which gives you an easy method to financially support us in a simple way, and get some nifty site-wide features as our own way of saying thank you.

Over the past weeks I've worked on site engine changes to include additional benefits with Patreon membership, so you can actually enjoy tangible returns for your contribution. If you've never heard of Patreon before, it's a platform that lets creators receive voluntary payments for their work directly from the audience — a virtual tip jar. This does not mean TPU is in financial trouble, quite the opposite, we're doing better than ever, and our readership keeps growing — we're not going away. Some forum members have already discovered our Patreon campaign in the test phase and have contributed to it, and we greatly appreciate all the feedback they provided in the past few months that has helped shape this platform.

You can help us do what we do best, by supporting TechPowerUp on Patreon.

I've created three pledge levels that each unlock incremental features, so you may choose according to your financial situation. As always, we appreciate your time and consideration here, even if you are not able to sign up at this time.
  • Bronze: For as little as $4 a month, the entry-level tier, all ads on TechPowerUp are removed, including banners and sponsored content. You also receive a shiny new "Supporter" badge for our forums, and can access the otherwise hidden Patron-only forum where you're free to discuss anything.
  • Silver: Take it up a notch for $7 per month. In addition to all the features of the "Bronze" tier, you get the "single page view" feature in our reviews and articles. You can now read them seamlessly, by simply scrolling down, no more clicking "next page." We also let you pick a custom user title on TechPowerUp Forums.
  • Gold: This $9 per month tier brings with it early access to most of our unpublished reviews. Read coverage of products to help make your purchase decisions before others! You also get all the features of the "Bronze" and "Silver" tier.
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206 Comments on Support TechPowerUp on Patreon, Unlock New Features

PC Gaming Enthusiast
64KThe Patreon Forum hardly ever gets used. It's not an incentive for me. Maybe that will change as more people become supporters and want to use that forum.
Having ads removed for me isn't an incentive because the ads were few and not intrusive at all anyway.
I don't get special treatment from the mods. It's not an incentive for me.
I don't really care about the Supporter bar in my avatar box. That's not an incentive for me.
I get a little earlier access to some reviews but that's not really an incentive for me.
What I do get by being a Supporter, and why I started it back in March, is that I get satisfaction from knowing that I'm doing my part to support my favorite tech site.
For members saying that we support this site to be put in a special class separated from the rest is a bit insulting tbh. It's akin to my fellow gamers on a gaming site that I visit calling me a sellout because I buy my games and I don't just pirate them.
You nailed it! The only reason I became a patron was to give support to the site. No special treatement is received and I wasn’t even aware I had any real incentives other than being able to read reviews as one single page.

Support is all the reward I get or want. It’s the same reason I patron a very talented up and coming music artist on youtube.
Posted on Reply
In any case, I have a few more social experiments to run and I'll make up my mind.

I would sign up in an instant if we could get feature to whitelist members who are allowed to comment on YOUR posts. That way you don't have to sift through 90% of dangerous advice to find the useful 10%.
lexluthermiesterIt's perfectly legal.
Perfectly legal doesn't address moral issues that people have. Consider abortion. Perfectly legal. However, massive variation in moral view points.
lexluthermiesterActually, OEM copies of Windows can and are sold without hardware. The catch is it can not be REsold(ownership transfer) without hardware.

But I digress as we're steering away from the topic..
Sounds like what key reseller sites do...
Posted on Reply
I think I'm in soon!
I Love TPU. I would love some merchandising too.
Posted on Reply
ThefumigatorI would love some merchandising too.
I have to agree with this, TPU TShirts would be excellent!
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
lexluthermiesterI have to agree with this, TPU TShirts would be excellent!
I want a tpu shirt that has a GPU, cpu and Mobo on it
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterI have to agree with this, TPU TShirts would be excellent!
Yes! we had some great graphic designers in the forums, where are they?

I would like TPU logo in a plush. We have to choose a TPU mascot
Posted on Reply
I was thinking, TPU should offer TShirts on the main site page. I would get a few.
Posted on Reply
I like the idea. Any volunteers to take over such a project?
Posted on Reply
W1zzardI like the idea. Any volunteers to take over such a project?
Oh, that's a good point, TPU would need someone to take the responsibility to set it all up...
Posted on Reply
Not a Moderator
lexluthermiesterOh, that's a good point, TPU would need someone to take the responsibility to set it all up...
We did have some Merch in the past with TheMailman having done designs and stuff but hes properly employeed these days and no longer trolls the forums.
Posted on Reply
For giggles looked up costs from a site I recently used.
@W1zzard I "borrowed" the TPU site logo only to create an example. Hope you don't mind.



Cost for Front or Back only.

Cost for print on Front and Back.

This is of course just an example.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpMy office key is tied to my Microsoft account. If Microsoft didn't like the key I'm sure they would have deactivated it by now
Try telling them.
TheLostSwedeThese keys are legit, as Microsoft sells more affordable software keys in certain regions,
Which is why buying them in your region is decidedly not legit.
crazyeyesreaperWe did have some Merch in the past with TheMailman having done designs and stuff but hes properly employeed these days and no longer trolls the forums.
How... unexpected. And boring. Seems the man gets to us all eventually.
lexluthermiesterSurprise Sucka! LOL!

I had to look that up. I didn't realize just how popular TPU is. That's very cool! Not surprising really, just didn't know.
Darn. I wonder if Alexa knows how much we despise her...
Posted on Reply
W1zzardMerchandising. I like the idea. Any volunteers to take over such a project?
Meghan sparkle Markle
Posted on Reply
very nice idea, Its optional and anyone who want support can took part.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterFor giggles looked up costs from a site I recently used.
@W1zzard I "borrowed" the TPU site logo only to create an example. Hope you don't mind.
This is of course just an example.
Wow, do they really have an embroided option? that's even cooler!
Posted on Reply
ThefumigatorWow, do they really have an embroided option? that's even cooler!
They do which is very cool, but it's pricey!
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterI have to agree with this, TPU TShirts would be excellent!
YES! I'd get one.. or 2 even!

Size: Large
Shirt Color: Black

Thanks! I'll be by later to pick it up.. :lovetpu:
Posted on Reply
Over the years I must have signed up to hundreds of forums but only ever return to a handful. TPU is one of those, mainly for the wide-ranging and friendly forum but also for the news and articles, which, on the whole, are very well written.
I also write for another tech site, run my own forum and the biggest challenge is attracting members and readers, and keeping their attention. TPU succeeds in spades, in my opinion, so I'm only too happy to chip in for what is, after all, a free service.
Posted on Reply
I think you should also have a mechanism in place for 1 time donations. Some people can't provide 4 dollars a month.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
sorry for being a Debby downer, but an ex employee told me what this site makes a month.. I'll give to a charity that actually needs it.

Love the site so don't get me wrong, but they isn't starving like some ppl :lovetpu:
Posted on Reply
Platinum certified Husky
People who get salty with benchmark and GPU reviews are hilarious. If you don't understand how benchmark works and think those data useless, how about stop showing your ignorance?
The same goes for tier list, it is not useless just because you don't understand and refuse to learn.
hurr durr BeNcHmArK ArE UsElEsS!!!!111!1 MuH MiD-ReNgE GPU Is ThE BeSt BeCaUsE IT RuNs MeDiUm SeTtINg FiNe!!!111!!!1
Just stop.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
fullinfusionsorry for being a Debby downer, but an ex employee told me what this site makes a month.. I'll give to a charity that actually needs it.

Love the site so don't get me wrong, but they isn't starving like some ppl :lovetpu:
Everybody that is in business, especially self-employed small business owners like W1zzard “need” it. Running what is effectively a small business is a precarious endeavor. Anyone that has run a business is well aware of this.
Posted on Reply
fullinfusionsorry for being a Debby downer, but an ex employee told me what this site makes a month.. I'll give to a charity that actually needs it.

Love the site so don't get me wrong, but they isn't starving like some ppl :lovetpu:
Everyone has to make their own choices, however, keeping an online business ahead of the game is no easy feat nowadays since it's a very crowded place. One has to work twice as hard to even get noticed on the Internet.
Unless of course you're a pouting, preening celeb on Instagram or YouTube.
Posted on Reply
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