Wednesday, January 29th 2020

Support TechPowerUp on Patreon, Unlock New Features

People have often asked how to thank us through donations, to show their appreciation for our PC enthusiast content, free software and databases, but we could never find a good mechanism for that. Today we're officially launching our Patreon page, which gives you an easy method to financially support us in a simple way, and get some nifty site-wide features as our own way of saying thank you.

Over the past weeks I've worked on site engine changes to include additional benefits with Patreon membership, so you can actually enjoy tangible returns for your contribution. If you've never heard of Patreon before, it's a platform that lets creators receive voluntary payments for their work directly from the audience — a virtual tip jar. This does not mean TPU is in financial trouble, quite the opposite, we're doing better than ever, and our readership keeps growing — we're not going away. Some forum members have already discovered our Patreon campaign in the test phase and have contributed to it, and we greatly appreciate all the feedback they provided in the past few months that has helped shape this platform.

You can help us do what we do best, by supporting TechPowerUp on Patreon.

I've created three pledge levels that each unlock incremental features, so you may choose according to your financial situation. As always, we appreciate your time and consideration here, even if you are not able to sign up at this time.
  • Bronze: For as little as $4 a month, the entry-level tier, all ads on TechPowerUp are removed, including banners and sponsored content. You also receive a shiny new "Supporter" badge for our forums, and can access the otherwise hidden Patron-only forum where you're free to discuss anything.
  • Silver: Take it up a notch for $7 per month. In addition to all the features of the "Bronze" tier, you get the "single page view" feature in our reviews and articles. You can now read them seamlessly, by simply scrolling down, no more clicking "next page." We also let you pick a custom user title on TechPowerUp Forums.
  • Gold: This $9 per month tier brings with it early access to most of our unpublished reviews. Read coverage of products to help make your purchase decisions before others! You also get all the features of the "Bronze" and "Silver" tier.
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206 Comments on Support TechPowerUp on Patreon, Unlock New Features

TheLostSwedeDude, you clearly have no idea how software licensing works these days.
You should be more careful with statements like that...
These keys are legit, as Microsoft sells more affordable software keys in certain regions, so what you're paying is most likely full price or more.
This is false. But what better way to defend your theory than showing us a proper Indian store (Microsoft Partner) selling Windows 10 for ~$15? . :)

And as you look for them (good luck), here's the official MS Store India:
10000 INR ~= 140 USD
However, said keys are technically not supposed to be used outside of those markets, i.e. China, Indian, Indonesia etc.
So if someone living outside of said markets buys them, is it against the license or not? It's good to have a software licensing expert on board. :)
Seriously, you need to get out more...
Seriously, just show us the licensing agreement for these keys and it'll end this argument (one way or another).
Posted on Reply
laszloi know what i'm saying, you? since when a domain shall be owned by same company who use it?
Maybe you need to look a little closer...
Posted on Reply
When W1zzard started the Patreon thing back in March of last year he left a post on that site that some of the funds would be used to buy hardware for reviews when samples weren't sent to tech sites.

This key reselling thing doesn't bother me but I don't buy from key resellers. If most of the keys are intended to go to schools for free then MS has already either wrote the expense off or accounted it to growing Win 10 use. The only thing that I can see is people buying these keys from key resellers aren't breaking the law necessarily they are just using the keys in a way that MS didn't intend them for.
Posted on Reply
notbSo if someone living outside of said markets buys them, is it against the license or not?
Not. The reason? Ultimately it is not relevant where a piece of software is purchased or even where it is used. It only matters that it was lawfully paid for. Software makers have learned that it is better to sell a legit discounted item and make some money, than to hardball everyone and watch those same people pirate said item. As a result, software vendors continue to exist with the blessing of the software makers.
Posted on Reply
64KThis key reselling thing doesn't bother me but I don't buy from key resellers.
But, clearly, it bothers some forum members.

Instead, TPU staff blocks comments under key advertisements and ignores discussions happening in other threads (I assume it's a policy rather than a coincidence).
So this is more about having a dialog and taking care of the community that generates "clicks" and is asked to donate - not about the particular issue at hand (which is sad as well).
If most of the keys are intended to go to schools for free then MS has already either wrote the expense off or accounted it to growing Win 10 use.
Absolutely not. MS is selling bulk licenses to institutions and companies. Sometimes they are very cheap. But it's a known user group.
It's software. There's no "writing off". There's no inventory and nothing is wasted.

Yes, it may happen that Intel sells 100 Windows copies to a school for pennies.
If 80 of them are then sold to private customers, they lose 80*$140. Simple as that.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterMaybe you need to look a little closer...
at both mentioned sites go to "About us" :

Contact Us (Support Requests, 24/7 Service)

Company name: AMZGAME CO.,LTD


Phone: 58525622


a company can buy,loan a domain so i don't really get your point...
Posted on Reply
News Editor
notbYou should be more careful with statements like that...

This is false. But what better way to defend your theory than showing us a proper Indian store (Microsoft Partner) selling Windows 10 for ~$15? . :)

And as you look for them (good luck), here's the official MS Store India:
10000 INR ~= 140 USD

So if someone living outside of said markets buys them, is it against the license or not? It's good to have a software licensing expert on board. :)

Seriously, just show us the licensing agreement for these keys and it'll end this argument (one way or another).
Retail vs. OEM license? :rolleyes:
These are still OEM licenses. Legally, OEM licenses should only be sold alongside a system, or at a minimum, a CPU, motherboard or hard drive.
Anyone can clearly buy and use a retail license. The idea with these types of licenses is that they're meant for specific markets.
You can still buy an OEM license anywhere in the world, just not as cheap and then you have right to use that with the system it was intended for according the license agreement.
I can find licenses for $10 locally online here too, or $250 if I want a retail packaged Windows 10 Pro.
Note that what these sites resell, are not bulk licenses, as they work differently.
Posted on Reply
notbBut, clearly, it bothers some forum members.

Instead, TPU staff blocks comments under key advertisements and ignores discussions happening in other threads (I assume it's a policy rather than a coincidence).
So this is more about having a dialog and taking care of the community that generates "clicks" and is asked to donate - not about the particular issue at hand (which is sad as well).
I assume the key reseller ads are blocked from comments because there was already a thread in the comments & feedback section that is 14 pages long and the staff don't want to rehash everything over and over again under every key reseller ad. Pretty much everything that could be said about the key reseller ads has already been said over and over on this thread:
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeOEM licenses should only be sold alongside a system
Therein lay the rub, yes?
Posted on Reply
notbBut, clearly, it bothers some forum members.
It's not the forum members business to tell TPU how to conduct it's own business. We're not talking about forum members being mistreated or forum rules being abused. We're talking about a business sponsorship deal that generates income.

So you, Laszlo and everyone else who has a problem with it just needs to shut up about the subject. It's none of our business and as 64K just pointed out, it's been debated to death already. Quit special-snowflaking and let it go.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
EarthDogTherein lay the rub, yes?
Possibly, but should and being strictly enforced are two different things, no?
Could Microsoft send the police around to close down a shop that sold OEM licenses without a CPU? I doubt it and I doubt they could even take them to court over it.
Posted on Reply
Actually, OEM copies of Windows can and are sold without hardware. The catch is it can not be REsold(ownership transfer) without hardware.

But I digress as we're steering away from the topic..
Posted on Reply
News Editor
lexluthermiesterActually, OEM copies of Windows can and are sold without hardware. The catch is it can not be REsold(ownership transfer) without hardware.

But I digress as we're steering away from the topic..
Right, that might have changed then or might be different between countries/regions. I know for a fact that a lot of shops wouldn't sell an OEM copy of Windows without hardware.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
I think all patreon funds will go to buying hardware for reviews not provided for us. This is a win/win.

I don't care about the morals and ethics of selling cheap cdkeys.
Posted on Reply
T4C FantasyI think all patreon funds will go to buying hardware for reviews not provided for us. This is a win/win.

I don't care about the morals and ethics of selling cheap cdkeys.
yes u maybe right but there is a "but" always you know

i'm really considering to be a future patreon; i aged along with tpu i may say; when i joined was 35 and now 50; i admit that back than i wasn't so full of morals&ethics like now...more full of sht ,anyway i don't really feel comfortable seeing those sites advertised on tpu- a site which make unbiased reviews( following moral&ethics no?) watched & followed by hundreds of thousands of people, as these two don't really match and make questionable everything

a quote from Larry Noble.... : "As a fund-raising strategy, it makes sense. As a matter of ethics, it looks terrible."
Posted on Reply
I am Patreon member here from the first wave. I had/ have no second thoughts about it. I do not make a lot of money. But the amount of information and learning I have gleaned from these Forums, is worth it to me. Over the year's, I have had the pleasure of conversing with people with specific knowledge of things I did not have a clue about, and coming out the other side of it much more clued in.

I spent nearly 2 years reading post's here, and learned enough to not only build a computer, but to then mod it and overclock it to 1GHz! (Socket A days). When I joined up, and started Crunching on the WCG team here, my new teammates scrounged around and built me a dual core AM2 box, to up my points!

I did some folding with a GPU , for TPU's team, that was sold to me for pennies on the dollar. Until that GPU was to old for folding, I was a regular on the Daily TOP 10.

TPU is still the best site on the Planet, despite the crap that people complain about.

I blame @W1zzard for all of it!!

Posted on Reply
Nice, forgive me it it has been addressed but is there a yearly option, say buy 11 months & get the 12th free.. I would enjoy a annual deal.
month to month seems silly to me. No refunds when I rage
Posted on Reply
laszloMicrosoft like it because they sold it already so they had no problem activating it; however you may have problems in case real owner will announce Microsoft that your key was lost(stolen) and than guess what ?
It's not going to happen.
laszloa quote from Larry Noble.... : "As a fund-raising strategy, it makes sense. As a matter of ethics, it looks terrible."
I say "who gives a shit so long as it benefits me and no blood is being spilt."
Posted on Reply
I understand TPU needs to do two things: 1. continue to fund itself in the future; staff, home offices, servers, etc., esp if there are new positions that need to be staffed, and good people cost money, 2. Provide a return on investment to the W1zz and other investors if any. However, the culture of TPU has now cracked, like Animal Farm, all members are equal, except some members are more equal than others. There is now a tiered level of in-the-club and not-in-the-club. I think that is a strategic mistake, and will raise a little cash in the short term, but is the gong of death to the huge spirit and goodwill at TPU that makes it a special place. There are other ways to raise funds, and even keep patreon, without creating this in- and out- club. Watch. People that find TPU as part of a Google search on a specific review or topic wont stay, some frequent and older members will pay a while to support, but not in perpetuity, others will drift away, and if the active discussions in the forum end up behind a paywall, then the open forums will die a little. Active members will NOT start posting more content, to maintain an equal presence on both sides of the paywall, and therefore there is a risk of less activity in the forums and review discussions that are the LIFE of TPU.

Posted on Reply
T4C FantasyI think all patreon funds will go to buying hardware for reviews not provided for us. This is a win/win.
If that is true (is it?), how many samples is that really for a huge site like this who can get nearly everything they want? I'd rather it go into an Editor looking over and improving existing content than to see more things. Raise the level, then expand. :)
lemonadesodaI understand TPU needs to do two things: 1. continue to fund itself in the future; staff, home offices, servers, etc., esp if there are new positions that need to be staffed, and good people cost money, 2. Provide a return on investment to the W1zz and other investors if any. However, the culture of TPU has now cracked, like Animal Farm, all members are equal, except some members are more equal than others. There is now a tiered level of in-the-club and not-in-the-club. I think that is a strategic mistake, and will raise a little cash in the short term, but is the gong of death to the huge spirit and goodwill at TPU that makes it a special place. There are other ways to raise funds, and even keep patreon, without creating this in- and out- club. Watch. People that find TPU as part of a Google search on a specific review or topic wont stay, some frequent and older members will pay a while to support, but not in perpetuity, others will drift away, and if the active discussions in the forum end up behind a paywall, then the open forums will die a little. Active members will NOT start posting more content, to maintain an equal presence on both sides of the paywall, and therefore there is a risk of less activity in the forums and review discussions that are the LIFE of TPU.

I think you are really off on this, honestly. People could give two hoots about a silly 'supporter badge' or the MEH (to me) benefits it brings. The paywall you describe is a crack in the sidewalk...very little difference from one side to the other. I dont see much dinero coming in from this either, but disagree this will cause a divide among members. Most wont give a damn, honestly. This will come and go with a few more yellow badges but still the same forum environment (whatever you may deem it as).
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
People are for the most part blowing this out of proportion.

Every site has it's issues.. TPU is in no danger of having a broken community, you will find hate when looking for it.. it's a tech/enthusiast site you will have fanboys and trolls.. you want a disaster look at videocardz comment sections..

I love it here, I work on the GPU database by myself and by choice.. I work best when I know everything with no worries of changes I didn't do.

The news is fine people complain too much it's ridiculous, I read the rumors and satire, clickbait is just how things work and I'm sucked in Everytime.. I don't care.

Cheap cdkeys illegal or not I just don't care.

The mods, news team and editors don't let the site die.. give them credit.. they deserve it.. it's incredible how much they care even when paid..

W1zzard is a genius programmer and nice guy. I do miss the booth babes though.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
lemonadesodaI understand TPU needs to do two things: 1. continue to fund itself in the future; staff, home offices, servers, etc., esp if there are new positions that need to be staffed, and good people cost money, 2. Provide a return on investment to the W1zz and other investors if any. However, the culture of TPU has now cracked, like Animal Farm, all members are equal, except some members are more equal than others. There is now a tiered level of in-the-club and not-in-the-club. I think that is a strategic mistake, and will raise a little cash in the short term, but is the gong of death to the huge spirit and goodwill at TPU that makes it a special place. There are other ways to raise funds, and even keep patreon, without creating this in- and out- club. Watch. People that find TPU as part of a Google search on a specific review or topic wont stay, some frequent and older members will pay a while to support, but not in perpetuity, others will drift away, and if the active discussions in the forum end up behind a paywall, then the open forums will die a little. Active members will NOT start posting more content, to maintain an equal presence on both sides of the paywall, and therefore there is a risk of less activity in the forums and review discussions that are the LIFE of TPU.

Sorry, but I think you've read something more into this than it is. My understanding is that the Patreon forum is simply a sub-forum where the Paterons (?) can talk more directly to the staff at TPU about things. Nothing else is going to change on the forums.
T4C FantasyEvery site has it's issues.. TPU is in no danger of having a broken community, you will find hate when looking for it.. it's a tech/enthusiast site you will have fanboys and trolls.. you want a disaster look at videocardz comment sections..
You forgot WCCFTech... :roll:
Posted on Reply
T4C FantasyI do miss the booth babes though.
Yeah, He hasn't done that in years! 2010 was the last time I remember.. Ah good times..
Posted on Reply
Hmm... support the site, or don't. W1zzard has made it abundantly clear the site is in no danger... unless you don't believe him... people have been asking for a while if there was a way they could donate to TPU, well here it is. Treat it as such, a donation, not payment for services.
Posted on Reply
The Patreon Forum hardly ever gets used. It's not an incentive for me. Maybe that will change as more people become supporters and want to use that forum.
Having ads removed for me isn't an incentive because the ads were few and not intrusive at all anyway.
I don't get special treatment from the mods. It's not an incentive for me.
I don't really care about the Supporter bar in my avatar box. That's not an incentive for me.
I get a little earlier access to some reviews but that's not really an incentive for me.
What I do get by being a Supporter, and why I started it back in March, is that I get satisfaction from knowing that I'm doing my part to support my favorite tech site.
For members saying that we support this site to be put in a special class separated from the rest is a bit insulting tbh. It's akin to my fellow gamers on a gaming site that I visit calling me a sellout because I buy my games and I don't just pirate them.
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