Wednesday, January 29th 2020

Support TechPowerUp on Patreon, Unlock New Features

People have often asked how to thank us through donations, to show their appreciation for our PC enthusiast content, free software and databases, but we could never find a good mechanism for that. Today we're officially launching our Patreon page, which gives you an easy method to financially support us in a simple way, and get some nifty site-wide features as our own way of saying thank you.

Over the past weeks I've worked on site engine changes to include additional benefits with Patreon membership, so you can actually enjoy tangible returns for your contribution. If you've never heard of Patreon before, it's a platform that lets creators receive voluntary payments for their work directly from the audience — a virtual tip jar. This does not mean TPU is in financial trouble, quite the opposite, we're doing better than ever, and our readership keeps growing — we're not going away. Some forum members have already discovered our Patreon campaign in the test phase and have contributed to it, and we greatly appreciate all the feedback they provided in the past few months that has helped shape this platform.

You can help us do what we do best, by supporting TechPowerUp on Patreon.

I've created three pledge levels that each unlock incremental features, so you may choose according to your financial situation. As always, we appreciate your time and consideration here, even if you are not able to sign up at this time.
  • Bronze: For as little as $4 a month, the entry-level tier, all ads on TechPowerUp are removed, including banners and sponsored content. You also receive a shiny new "Supporter" badge for our forums, and can access the otherwise hidden Patron-only forum where you're free to discuss anything.
  • Silver: Take it up a notch for $7 per month. In addition to all the features of the "Bronze" tier, you get the "single page view" feature in our reviews and articles. You can now read them seamlessly, by simply scrolling down, no more clicking "next page." We also let you pick a custom user title on TechPowerUp Forums.
  • Gold: This $9 per month tier brings with it early access to most of our unpublished reviews. Read coverage of products to help make your purchase decisions before others! You also get all the features of the "Bronze" and "Silver" tier.
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206 Comments on Support TechPowerUp on Patreon, Unlock New Features

lynx29GamersNexus works with Linus all the time, yet Linus does a lot of paid reviews and still gives honest feedback. I agree with you I don't want that to become TPU the more I think about it, but loads of people still trust and watch Linus, and know that there are certain reviews he does to take with a grain of salt, but he still gives honest brutal opinion a lot of times while still raking in the money. One of the reasons Linus could even talk about retiring in his early 30s recently is because of how rich he has become, can't lie, I envy that and would retire in a heartbeat if I had as much money in savings as I assume he does. yolo
Linus is filthy rich because he is a businessman first, an entertainer second, and a reviewer (distant?) third. Now, there is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, the guy is free to run his business/channel however he likes. Clearly it is working out for him on multiple levels. However, I dislike both his overall strategy and his style. I acknowledge that he manages to provide some honest opinions and data (to his credit), despite probably being sponsored by every hardware company on the planet, but simply knowing that he gets so many sponsorship deals makes me unable to trust him as much as I trust GN for example. Also, Linus's style isn't my cup of tea at all. I know his goal is to simplify/dumb things down, while also trying to be funny ("trying" being the key word here) so that he can reach the widest audience possible, but, by God, sometimes his videos come off as like a tech version of Sesame Street.
Posted on Reply
Just wanted to say TPU is my homepage. It's the first site I check out everyday. The layout has a lot to do with it. It's been very easy to scroll and see many posts; a lot less cluttered than most sites.

Personally I come to TPU because there tends to be more news and articles about lesser talked about products/accessories, etc instead of just more typical info on the 99999th iteration of the same GPU. I'd found so many cool / interesting things to buy because of TPU. I really don't mind the non-review posts.

So thanks a lot to the TPU team, really.

Does TPU accept BAT (basic attention coin)?
Posted on Reply
...maybe non-pretentious Steve can cut W1zzard a check for all the YouTube money he made on his 23 minute rant he was so quick to post...
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
The bills have to be paid somehow. Someone says they don’t like ads, well here’s a way to avoid ads. Anyone who thinks it should be ad-free and free-free has obviously never owned a business or run a business office for a company.
Posted on Reply
Not a Moderator
I am just sitting here laughing. Can't make everyone happy no matter what.

Wise saying "I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either."
Posted on Reply
>>...This does not mean TPU is in financial trouble, quite the opposite, we're doing better than ever...

Honestly, I don't believe in that. Then, why somebody should support:

- Absolutely Web-based company that spreads rumors ( that could really harm TPU reputation! / serious companies do Not spread rumors! Period! ),
- Could disappear in a matter of seconds
- Mixes politics and technology, and,
- The most important, does Not provide real names of all people which hold different positions at TPU on "Contact US" web-page.

With all my respect to TPU guys, why a person would give money to somebody he/she really do Not know? Just ask that question to yourself.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
ScaLibBDPWith all my respect to TPU guys, why a person would give money to somebody he/she really do Not know? Just ask that question to yourself.
Just because YOU don’t know his name doesn’t mean W1zzard is not a well-known and respected entity in the tech world.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieJust because YOU don’t know his name doesn’t mean W1zzard is not a well-known and respected entity in the tech world.
Wow, Really? I'd like to see his Wiki-page...
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
ScaLibBDPWow, Really? I'd like to see his Wiki-page...
You’re delusional. Do some research, then come back and join the conversation.
Posted on Reply
You have some serious anger issues...about tech review sites
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpPeople being butthurt over that is ridiculous. There is legit 0 issue with it and ive been running on a key off one of those sites for both Windows 10 and Office 2019 with ZERO issues for over a year.

If you wanna pay out the ass for that software, be my guest. No one is stopping you.
My coworker bought a couple of Office keys and they work without a problem. I second this.
Posted on Reply
ScaLibBDPWow, Really? I'd like to see his Wiki-page...
For most this site and its community having been around since 2004-ish, tools like GPU-z, TPUCAPTURE, MEMTEST64, etc., are his track record are plenty. For some that's not good enough and that's fine, stick around and see what this place is about, learn a few things, help some folks, enjoy your time here, that is what I tell folks.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
ScaLibBDP>>...This does not mean TPU is in financial trouble, quite the opposite, we're doing better than ever...

Honestly, I don't believe in that. Then, why somebody should support:

- Absolutely Web-based company that spreads rumors ( that could really harm TPU reputation! / serious companies do Not spread rumors! Period! ),
- Could disappear in a matter of seconds
- Mixes politics and technology, and,
- The most important, does Not provide real names of all people which hold different positions at TPU on "Contact US" web-page.

With all my respect to TPU guys, why a person would give money to somebody he/she really do Not know? Just ask that question to yourself.
I know several of the guys that work here in person and tend to meet them at least once a year. You're entitled to your opinions, but that's all they are. The guys are well respected in the industry, regardless of your baseless slander.
Also, ever heard of nom de plume? Ah, but you're not a writer, so I guess not.
Posted on Reply
cucker tarlson
dirtyferret...maybe non-pretentious Steve can cut W1zzard a check for all the YouTube money he made on his 23 minute rant he was so quick to post...
don't worry,btranrur's clickbaits pay triple.
Posted on Reply
crazyeyesreaperI am just sitting here laughing. Can't make everyone happy no matter what.
I for one will never be happy and there is not a darn thing any of you can do about it.

Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
I'm happy, the GPU database kicks ass.
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeI know several of the guys that work here in person and tend to meet them at least once a year. You're entitled to your opinions, but that's all they are. The guys are well respected in the industry, regardless of your baseless slander.
Yeah. I got to know names. You could try asking.
Posted on Reply
ScaLibBDPwhy a person would give money to somebody he/she really do Not know? Just ask that question to yourself.
I dunno, why do people support LTT, Hardware unboxed, Gamers Nexus, Jayz2c et al? People align themselves to whatever worldview they subscribe to & that's a fact.
Frankly it's a case of “everyone is naked in this bathroom” & that's all you should know, just that tubers get paid more for it.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
ScaLibBDPThe most important, does Not provide real names of all people which hold different positions at TPU on "Contact US" web-page.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this one makes the least sense. Not only can you not really FORCE someone to give you any real credentials online; but sometimes the content you read can only be written with the anonymity. Some of my own works across the web are bias in this regard.

Not because I could get in any real legal consequences but because what I write for example may look bad to my employer, or maybe I simply don't want certain entities to know I do or know those things, so it is not expected or asked of me in a personal or professional setting.
Posted on Reply
No offense but the backing tiers look like something from almost a decade ago. Course I'm sure some will like seeing special icons or badges on their profiles but, I question how useful it will be at getting some funding. I don't see the incentive.

First point: Adblock does it for free anyways. Even if you impose anti adblock measures, it will likely backfire. I honestly will not visit sites that are locked behind anti blocker walls. Unless there is a pressing reason for me to lift a blocker (and I use 3 of them), I just don't see the reason. If things got so bad where everyone employed it, I'd just investigate ways to block their blockers and get around it. Advertisements are the #1 means of getting malware on PCs. Adblockers have reduced infection rate on my PCs to zero. If I want to find a product, I'll go looking myself.

If I'm this way, I know others are too.

Second point: Badges and titles are not enough. You'll reach a saturation point and then need to find some new methods. Building the TPU brand beyond what you've done so far should be more of the focus. I came from xlr8yourmac and TPU's design was friendly and welcoming because it was from the same era. However, since then TPU really has been slow to adopt new things. A good marketer could take it much further. Expanding TPU more into video and generating a real personality.

I'd like to see incentives for backing for a year. Something beyond, maybe even physical items. Look at how Star Citizen does funding for their community information shows. They give both incentives for the present and incentives for the future. What about partnering with a tech reseller to give a discount after 12 months of backing? TPU gets supported, the tech reseller gets increased business, and the backers get whatever they want at a discount. That is much more of an attractive offer to someone like me who would seriously consider it for the discount.
Posted on Reply
NC37No offense but the backing tiers look like something from almost a decade ago. Course I'm sure some will like seeing special icons or badges on their profiles but, I question how useful it will be at getting some funding. I don't see the incentive.

First point: Adblock does it for free anyways. Even if you impose anti adblock measures, it will likely backfire. I honestly will not visit sites that are locked behind anti blocker walls. Unless there is a pressing reason for me to lift a blocker (and I use 3 of them), I just don't see the reason. If things got so bad where everyone employed it, I'd just investigate ways to block their blockers and get around it. Advertisements are the #1 means of getting malware on PCs. Adblockers have reduced infection rate on my PCs to zero. If I want to find a product, I'll go looking myself.

If I'm this way, I know others are too.

Second point: Badges and titles are not enough. You'll reach a saturation point and then need to find some new methods. Building the TPU brand beyond what you've done so far should be more of the focus. I came from xlr8yourmac and TPU's design was friendly and welcoming because it was from the same era. However, since then TPU really has been slow to adopt new things. A good marketer could take it much further. Expanding TPU more into video and generating a real personality.

I'd like to see incentives for backing for a year. Something beyond, maybe even physical items. Look at how Star Citizen does funding for their community information shows. They give both incentives for the present and incentives for the future. What about partnering with a tech reseller to give a discount after 12 months of backing? TPU gets supported, the tech reseller gets increased business, and the backers get whatever they want at a discount. That is much more of an attractive offer to someone like me who would seriously consider it for the discount.
I love this idea, as long as it's not a keysite that is...
Posted on Reply
News Editor
NC37No offense but the backing tiers look like something from almost a decade ago. Course I'm sure some will like seeing special icons or badges on their profiles but, I question how useful it will be at getting some funding. I don't see the incentive.

First point: Adblock does it for free anyways. Even if you impose anti adblock measures, it will likely backfire. I honestly will not visit sites that are locked behind anti blocker walls. Unless there is a pressing reason for me to lift a blocker (and I use 3 of them), I just don't see the reason. If things got so bad where everyone employed it, I'd just investigate ways to block their blockers and get around it. Advertisements are the #1 means of getting malware on PCs. Adblockers have reduced infection rate on my PCs to zero. If I want to find a product, I'll go looking myself.

If I'm this way, I know others are too.

Second point: Badges and titles are not enough. You'll reach a saturation point and then need to find some new methods. Building the TPU brand beyond what you've done so far should be more of the focus. I came from xlr8yourmac and TPU's design was friendly and welcoming because it was from the same era. However, since then TPU really has been slow to adopt new things. A good marketer could take it much further. Expanding TPU more into video and generating a real personality.

I'd like to see incentives for backing for a year. Something beyond, maybe even physical items. Look at how Star Citizen does funding for their community information shows. They give both incentives for the present and incentives for the future. What about partnering with a tech reseller to give a discount after 12 months of backing? TPU gets supported, the tech reseller gets increased business, and the backers get whatever they want at a discount. That is much more of an attractive offer to someone like me who would seriously consider it for the discount.
You seem quite offended though.
The ads here are non obtrusive and I don't know what corners of the internet you hang out on if you were getting multiple viruses from ads.

As for videos, it was tried and failed. I'm personally not keen on videos as there's to much waffling and blablabla in most videos, just get to the point already. It might work for some sites, but I doubt most of the content creators here would want to do videos.

The other things you're suggesting aren't going to work either, as the readership here is global and the site isn't based in the US. Maybe you could set up an international tech reseller that we all can get discounts from?
Posted on Reply
W1zzardI like the idea. "Opinion" is covered by "Editorial" already. "Leak"/"Rumor" are effectively the same. I guess "Rumor" could be best option?
Exactly, this way you can still publish the rumors while reminding the reader and replyers that this information has a lot of "IF's" and nothing has being confirmed.

Another thing that can be tried is, before any of the articles being published those same articles should be reviewed by an "Editor-in-chief" preferably one with English as the first language before being submited

That person can then "fix" the spelling mistakes, change the text, remove the mentions (the GN drama could be avoided just by removing the name of the channel from the article) or even discard it all together if it was missing sources, shady information, etc.
Posted on Reply
cucker tarlson
I'd pay for a subscription if there were actually any interesting,investigative articles here,sort of like pcgh plus.

paying for badges and nicknames - please,stop.
tpu is pretty much all advertisements for upcoming products in the news section and standardized performance reviews (charts).
if it weren't for the gaming thread there'd be almost nothing interesting here.
trom89the GN drama could be avoided just by removing the name of the channel from the article
the gist of the problem is really that tpu's senior news moderator takes conspiracy theories he gets from brand fanboys and publishes them with no verification.
Posted on Reply
cucker tarlsonI'd pay for a subscription if there were actually any interesting,investigative articles here,sort of like pcgh plus.

paying for badges and nicknames - please,stop.
tpu is pretty much all advertisements for upcoming products in the news section and satandardized performance reviews (charts).
if it weren't for the gaming thread there'd be almost nothing interesting here.

the gist of the problem is really that tpu's senior news moderator takes conspiracy theories he gets from brand fanboys and publishes them with no verification.
What about the reviews? You can take from TPU just what you think is worth reading. There are quite a few forums that I never read because I have no interest in the topic.
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