Friday, February 28th 2020

AMD Releases the Radeon Adrenalin Edition 20.2.2 Drivers

AMD today released version 20.2.2 of their Radeon Adrenalin Edition driver suite. The new version brings with it support for the launch of Zombie Army 4: Dead War, so users can experience the latest and greatest performance available for AMD graphics cards on the new release.Perhaps more importantly, the new release also features a number of fixes for Black Screen errors in a number of scenarios and games, of which much has already been written over the internet. There are still a number of instances where black screens can occur listed on AMD's "Known Issues" checklist for this driver release, however, so make sure to check the release notes to see if this driver looks to fix your particular scenario. Of course, you're likely always better off updating to this latest driver version.
DOWNLOAD: AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition 20.2.2 Drivers

Fixed Issues
  • Performing a task switch with some Radeon Software features enabled or some third-party applications with hardware acceleration running in the background may cause a system hang or black screen.
  • Improvements have been made that allow for more responsive fan ramp up or fan ramp down times on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report lower than expected clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products during gaming workloads.
  • When Instant Replay is enabled, a TDR or black screen may occur when launching games or applications.
  • A black screen may occur when toggling HDR on in the game settings of Battlefield V.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt may experience an application hang or black screen during certain parts of the game or intermittently during gameplay.
  • Some video content in Chrome may appear as a black screen or be unresponsive on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products when hardware acceleration is enabled.
  • Metro Exodus may experience an application hang or TDR when choosing some specific dialogue prompts in the Sam's Story DLC.
  • Grand Theft Auto V may experience an application crash when invoking Radeon Software's overlay with third party OSD applications running.
  • Monster Hunter World : Iceborne may experience intermittent crashes while idle or on the character creation screen.
  • Some games colors may appear washed out when HDR mode has been enabled in game and Windows on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products
  • After a Factory Reset installation with the 'Keep My Settings' option chosen, Instant Replay could fail to function if it was enabled in the previous Radeon Software installation.
  • When invoking Radeon Software's overlay while a game is open users may observe flickering in the game or in the Radeon Software interface.
  • Radeon Software may experience a crash and error message when locking Windows or performing a sleep or hibernate with the Radeon Software Streaming tab open.
  • A loss of display with working audio may be experienced on a limited number of displays when performing a mode change on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Radeon Software may fail to launch if Radeon Software's overlay is disabled and a game is running in the background.
  • Battlefield V may experience an application hang or TDR after extended periods of play.
  • Some Origin games may fail to be detected or may detect the incorrect game title in Radeon Software.
  • Some productivity applications are being detected and listed in the Radeon Software games tab.
  • The Radeon Chill hotkey could sometimes continue to remain enabled once the user has removed or disabled the hotkey.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 may exhibit blocky textures on snow covered terrain.
  • After resuming from sleep, Chrome may experience an application crash if video content was previously playing on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
  • Radeon FreeSync status in Radeon Software may sometimes fail to update when enabling or disabling the feature through the display itself.
  • Fortnite may experience an application crash on Radeon RX 500 series Hybrid Graphics system configurations.
Known Issues
  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Enhanced Sync has been temporarily disabled from the gaming profile and any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
  • DOOM may experience an intermittent system hang or application crash during gameplay.
  • Desktop cursor may intermittently remain visible after toggling Radeon Software's overlay in some games. A workaround is to bring up the game menu or task switch to refresh the cursor.
  • A system crash or hang may occur when running the Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers benchmark.
  • The Gaming tab in Radeon Software may display some folder locations appearing as games.
  • Radeon Software may open with an inconsistent window size or may not keep its previously set size when opened.
  • Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
  • Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Some games may experience stutter while using Instant Replay or third-party applications that stream or perform screen capture. A potential workaround is to disable these features or applications while gaming.
  • Although Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.2 resolves many black screen issues, AMD is aware that some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay. AMD will continue to monitor and investigate reports of these issues closely.
Important Notes
This optional release of Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition is targeted towards resolving recent important issues identified by our community. We will be closely monitoring feedback on the release, and encourage users to submit issues they encounter at
Source: AMD
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109 Comments on AMD Releases the Radeon Adrenalin Edition 20.2.2 Drivers

fullinfusionPretty bold statement you have there froggy..

Want to put your talent to work in Vanguard?

PM me, or post here and I'll be sure you get in.
I don't make it lightly. I did my homework. It seems to be fixed in later bios revisions, but you still get odd screen flicker, so it isn't perfect. Could be related to the handover when near the top of the freesync range.

The soft powerplay table I made is a kludge, but it works. It just turns that PM flag off via a mask.

I appreciate the offer but I am already way too busy as is (I work as a security consultant now and I always have something to do) and probably should stop messing with my gpu. If things change though, I will let you know. It does sound fun.
Posted on Reply
CheeseballThis all depends on the games used for testing. DMC5 and BFV are heavily optimized on AMD cards, for example.

This is why I prefer purchasing video cards based on what games I plan to play or what engines they are/will be using instead of an overall/relative performance chart.
Yes, it depends on the games mix itself, too.

- games mix;
- PCIe 4.0 (gives 2-3% performance improvement on its own);
- Windows 1909 all updates installed;
- Radeon Software (latest WHQL preferably), settings there should be for maximum performance, should be tested for maximum performance;
- latest chipsets drivers (very important);
- appropriate Windows power plan.
Posted on Reply
Not a Potato
ARF- PCIe 4.0 (gives 2-3% performance improvement on its own);
Yeah, I agree with everything you wrote except this. I would say 1% or less.

This is waaaaaay more noticeable with the 5500 XT 4 GB because it would rely on system RAM once the VRAM is saturated, so the PCI-E 4.0 speeds would make sense in this situation.
Posted on Reply
CheeseballYeah, I agree with everything you wrote except this. I would say 1% or less.

This is waaaaaay more noticeable with the 5500 XT 4 GB because it would rely on system RAM once the VRAM is saturated, so the PCI-E 4.0 speeds would make sense in this situation.
Posted on Reply
sutyiDepends really on use case and software environtment it seems. I haven't had a problem with my new RX 5600 XT in the first 3 weeks, but then I had two black screen crashes basically on idle within 4 days.
Due to work related stuff I had to open up Chrome along side Firefox with hw acceleration enabled and after 2-3 minutes swapping tabs on Chrome I had a black screen crash and the computer restarded after a couple of seconds just like a BSOD.

Then had the same thing happen when I had Discord open and just did a right click on my Steam tray icon, menu still came up. But right after that it hardlocked the PC. After that I disabled hardware acceleration in Chrome, FF, Discord, even Steam. Even uninstalled f.lux thinking there might be some compatibility problems too.

Now with the new drivers I turned everything back on again, bar reinstalling f.lux. Will report back if I run into problems again.
You're right because my wife's Vega 64 system was fine. Three only black screen was during initial installation which is common with any driver install.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
CheeseballErr, try out those games first before concluding that OpenGL in the driver is broken. The OpenGL renderer for Doom (2016) hasn't been updated for a while. id concentrated on improving Vulkan since thats solely used for id Tech 6 (Wolfenstein II, Youngblood, Saber3D engine) games now.
I play a lot of old games that use opengl though and have no Vulkan alternative... so if AMD can't fix it... then I have to roll Nvidia. cause i enjoy my old games still :/
Posted on Reply
Not a Potato
lynx29I play a lot of old games that use opengl though and have no Vulkan alternative... so if AMD can't fix it... then I have to roll Nvidia. cause i enjoy my old games still :/
Okay, so OpenGL performance on Windows may be shot since the latest version of X-Plane 11 (with an actively developed OpenGL renderer) is pretty bad. The same game on GNU/Linux though seems to be excellent so it is the drivers at this point.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
R-T-BI don't make it lightly. I did my homework. It seems to be fixed in later bios revisions, but you still get odd screen flicker, so it isn't perfect. Could be related to the handover when near the top of the freesync range.

The soft powerplay table I made is a kludge, but it works. It just turns that PM flag off via a mask.

I appreciate the offer but I am already way too busy as is (I work as a security consultant now and I always have something to do) and probably should stop messing with my gpu. If things change though, I will let you know. It does sound fun.
No worries, you know how to reach myself and INSTG8R, FordGT90Concept, and AlienIsGOD . AMD is trolling the treads all over the web seeing what issues that are plaquing ppl. Honestly they are really trying to iron out these issues. I think mamma bear has turned up the fire under the RTG guys asses to get this stuff sorted out asap.

Also best to you on the job and hope it all works in your favor :toast:
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
CheeseballOkay, so OpenGL performance on Windows may be shot since the latest version of X-Plane 11 (with an actively developed OpenGL renderer) is pretty bad. The same game on GNU/Linux though seems to be excellent so it is the drivers at this point.
that was my original point, if the drivers aren't fixed by now after all this time, why should I trust them with big navi to be any better? makes more sense for me to play it safe, just get nvidia. not saying nvidia doesnt have issues, but they are much less in number and frequency, and tend to be fixed faster minus one or two specific things.
Posted on Reply
ARFAll YouTube videos show the same results - RX 5700 XT is in line with RTX 2070 Super / RTX 2080.

I don't know why TPU's results are so low for the Radeon - can be anything - software settings, Windows version, drivers version too old, etc.
TPU use uslees game in benchmark that not even 10% of ppl play
Posted on Reply
xkm1948WTFtech seriously??

From TPU's own latest GPU performance summary charts:

5700XT 183%
2070Super 196%

So 13% difference is the same tier now I guess?
I think you just responded too quickly because to calculate % of diff between 2 performers you just divide the one's performance metrics with the other's. So, here you should divide 196/183 to get 1,07=7% difference.
Posted on Reply
fullinfusionNo worries, you know how to reach myself and INSTG8R, FordGT90Concept, and AlienIsGOD . AMD is trolling the treads all over the web seeing what issues that are plaquing ppl. Honestly they are really trying to iron out these issues. I think mamma bear has turned up the fire under the RTG guys asses to get this stuff sorted out asap.

Also best to you on the job and hope it all works in your favor :toast:
Well I played my most crash prone game today, KSP, and said I'd "start work when it crashes."

It's still not crashed, so I'd better start work... but so far AMD is doing great at fixing things this release... and ruining my work ethic. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
fullinfusionHonestly they are really trying to iron out these issues. I think mamma bear has turned up the fire under the RTG guys asses to get this stuff sorted out asap.
Then why haven't they fixed the multi-monitor power consumption yet?
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorThen why haven't they fixed the multi-monitor power consumption yet?
While I don't disagree with you, and it should be looked at, would that be driver or vBIOS? It's a negligible issue, in that it just uses a few watts extra compared to the competition. I wish my clothes dryer used as much power as that.

Still on 19.1.1 with my RX480................
Posted on Reply
ARFWhat if the expected to launch soon Navi 21 turns out to be almost 100% faster than the RX 5700XT, thus obliterating everything including heavily overclocked RTX 2080 Ti ?
If it's bundled with a driver package like the current one where you can't opt out of all the garbage, hard pass.
Posted on Reply
lynx29It's almost Spring 2020 and you still can't play 2016 DOOM on a Navi gpu... ugh... I'm going nvidia next round sorry everyone. I tried to give them a chance but that is insane.
Are you kidding? I've played dozens of hours, no hiccups. Runs amazing.
Posted on Reply
No black screens on either 5700 xt I have in two systems since last driver update.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
R-T-BI don't make it lightly. I did my homework. It seems to be fixed in later bios revisions, but you still get odd screen flicker, so it isn't perfect. Could be related to the handover when near the top of the freesync range.

The soft powerplay table I made is a kludge, but it works. It just turns that PM flag off via a mask.

I appreciate the offer but I am already way too busy as is (I work as a security consultant now and I always have something to do) and probably should stop messing with my gpu. If things change though, I will let you know. It does sound fun.
Go for it, I'd join myself but im on a phone only right now
springs113You're right because my wife's Vega 64 system was fine. Three only black screen was during initial installation which is common with any driver install.
Not worried about the screen flicker from installing, that is the driver calibration.
Posted on Reply
SchmuckleyIf it's bundled with a driver package like the current one where you can't opt out of all the garbage, hard pass.
You do realize it comes with handy turn-em-off buttons, right?

Oh, and they literally provide Radeon Pro version with none of that I guess if you really want...
Posted on Reply
R-T-BYou do realize it comes with handy turn-em-off buttons, right?

Oh, and they literally provide Radeon Pro version with none of that I guess if you really want...

What gets turned off, you seeing it, or it running?

It literally doubled the amount of apps running on my comp at idle.
Posted on Reply

What gets turned off, you seeing it, or it running?
Not sure what exactly you are asking.

To get the Radeon Pro Drivers just claim you have a Radeon Pro equivalent card in driver selection. Say one of the W5000's and it will give you them for WIndows 7. They install fine. For some reason they only list them automatically for consumer cards on Windows 10.

This is where you turn the junk off, or so I tried. It may be running in the background, but it has no performance impact or net traffic so hell if I care.
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
lynx29It's almost Spring 2020 and you still can't play 2016 DOOM on a Navi gpu... ugh... I'm going nvidia next round sorry everyone. I tried to give them a chance but that is insane.
It will get fixed ("known issue") but it was scoped out of this release.

The Witcher 3 is older and AMD fixed an issue with it in this driver.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BNot sure what exactly you are asking.

To get the Radeon Pro Drivers just claim you have a Radeon Pro equivalent card in driver selection. Say one of the W5000's and it will give you them for WIndows 7. They install fine. For some reason they only list them automatically for consumer cards on Windows 10.

This is where you turn the junk off, or so I tried. It may be running in the background, but it has no performance impact or net traffic so hell if I care.
Thx for the info, now screenshot your task manager.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
NaterAre you kidding? I've played dozens of hours, no hiccups. Runs amazing.
then why is listed as an official issue in original post from AMD?
Posted on Reply
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