Sunday, March 4th 2007

Analyst view: Sony de-throned, Nintendo crowned in console wars

While Sony has seemed to have market dominance in the console wars ever since the PS1, times have certainly changed. Analysts at a company called "IDC" predicted exactly how the market would come out. They claimed that Sony would have the least sales of the three companies in the console market, Microsoft would ride high sales from the start, and Nintendo would have the best thing, due to innovation instead of going head-to-head with the hardware specs. IDC then goes on to predict that Nintendo will maintain those high sales well into 2008. After that, the future is uncertain, and Microsoft may become the winner of this generation of console wars.
Source: Nordic Hardware
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80 Comments on Analyst view: Sony de-throned, Nintendo crowned in console wars

Semi-Retired Folder
rybotoNintendo does not make Kid Games. That's the truth. Argue as much as you want, but the games ARE NOT designed for CHILDREN.
Well lets make a rundown of a few of the games "not designed for children" shall we:

Donkey Kong Jr. Math
Kid Icarus
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Clubhouse Games

Yeah, I am sure adults rushed out to the store to pick up Donkey Kong Jr. Math...

Now I didn't say Nintendo only makes kids game, just that they primarily make games that appeal to kids, in fact if you actually read some of my posts I state that they make some games that are geared towards adults like Super Smash Brothers. However the majority of their games are aimed at entertaining kids, not adults.
rybotoI like how someone said "sure the games are fun for a short time, or fun for simple minded people to play over and over, bright colors, pretty pictures, simple gameplay, nowonder you are in love with it"...fist, nice grammar in your posts, really commendable.
First, if you are going to rip on someone for improper grammar you better damn well make sure every single one of your posts was 100% perfect in every grammatical way, including spelling. Not capitalizing words, and mispelling words, then trying to rip on someone else for not using proper grammar just makes you look like an ass.

Secondly, this isn't an english paper we are writing here, it isn't formal writing. This is an informal forum. Which means you can check your grammar dictionary at the door, because no one cares(well no one except the person losing the argument that has nothing else to argue about).
rybotoSecond, I already said earlier, I like a DIFFERENT experience when I play consoles. Xbox and PS don't really differ much in their experience, i can play similar games on the PC, I want something quick that I can play without hassle, but you're right, that makes me simple minded "lol"!
Yes, we have already established that you enjoy the same types of games kids do. We are telling you that most adults don't find those games entertaining for more then a few hours. Adults want depth, they want a game that keeps them wondering what is around the next corner, what is going to happen next in the story.
rybotoIf the average gamer is 41, that's quite the bs to me. Of all the older men in my family, my friends family, my girlfriends family, all who are around that age, not one of them plays any sort of video game. I take that back, two of them bought Wi''s for their 18 year old "kids", and they frequently play.
If it is BS prove that it is, or at least show another study that says that the average gamer isn't an adult. The study I showed says the average is 41, if you can't come up with some form of independant study showing otherwise, don't claim BS, it is insulting.
rybotoLots of ADULTS with lives, jobs, families, don't have time for deep intense story lines, so simple gameplay is nice, it's quick, and easily sidelined if more important things come up. If you want to play again, you don't have to try and remember where you were in a level, you just play.
Most adults still have time for a rather involving hobby. Gaming is that hobby for a lot of them these days. Some ADULTS spend 20 hours a week building planes as a hobby, others spend that time working on cars, and others spend that time playing games. I find that I have more free time as an ADULT then I ever had while I was in K-12 school.
rybotoKeep on believing that they make "kid" games, i gues by your definition, a 19 year old is a kid.
Well I assume the 19 year old you speak of is you, I guess I should change my statment to they don't make games for mature people.
ryboto41 year olds are avg age for gamers..."O RLY?!" i wont even read that because based on the statistics among 8 families I personally know, no one over the age of 21( outside of myself) frequently plays video games.
Yep, 8 families vs. 1000 in the study, yep you sure have a winning argument there. I'll tell you this right now: I am 23, and adult, all my friends are 21 or older, all of use with the exception of my girlfriend play video games.
rybotoreally? doesn't seem to be helping your writing skills at all, well, I guess I can't say that, I don't know just how bad they were before. I guess I'm one of the few people that don't need a huge story line to play a game?? In the video medium, film does that for me.
See statement about grammar comments above.
Posted on Reply
I can't battle with super nerds. I didn't know that defending a point meant I had to defend nintendo from it's very birth. I willr rescind my statement that they don't make games for children. They have, and do, it's just not the only market they make games for.

Mr. book reader guy, congrats, you read, I'm happy for you. I'm happy that your opinion of film and television is different from mine. You have absolutely no idea what my tastes are, but that's ok, you can have your opinions.

First, if you are going to rip on someone for improper grammar you better damn well make sure every single one of your posts was 100% perfect in every grammatical way, including spelling. Not capitalizing words, and mispelling words, then trying to rip on someone else for not using proper grammar just makes you look like an ass.

Secondly, this isn't an english paper we are writing here, it isn't formal writing. This is an informal forum. Which means you can check your grammar dictionary at the door, because no one cares(well no one except the person losing the argument that has nothing else to argue about).
the kid uses so many abbreviations, it's aggravating, and the spelling mistakes are quite numerous.
Yes, we have already established that you enjoy the same types of games kids do. We are telling you that most adults don't find those games entertaining for more then a few hours. Adults want depth, they want a game that keeps them wondering what is around the next corner, what is going to happen next in the story.
Of all the fathers, uncles, professors, non-traditional students I know, none, not one, play video games. Maybe my corner of america is a-typical?
If it is BS prove that it is, or at least show another study that says that the average gamer isn't an adult. The study I showed says the average is 41, if you can't come up with some form of independant study showing otherwise, don't claim BS, it is insulting.
By simply thinking about the statement, that the average gamer is 41 years old, I can't even begin to consider the study you showed as very accurate, although, like I said, maybe I don't live in a reality similar to yours.
"Well I assume the 19 year old you speak of is you, I guess I should change my statment to they don't make games for mature people.
That's quite humerous. I'm not 19, I'm a graduate student. Be pretty impressive if i was a 19 year old Grad, nevertheless, your statement is not true. A "mature" person can play a simple game, it's that they don't make mature-themed games.
Yep, 8 families vs. 1000 in the study, yep you sure have a winning argument there. I'll tell you this right now: I am 23, and adult, all my friends are 21 or older, all of use with the exception of my girlfriend play video games.
I'm just giving an example, If the avg gamer is 41 years of age, among 8 males, I'd think at least one would play, I'll expand my sample group, how bout that! I'm the same age as you! If this is the adult market you speak of, I guess that's where we're getting our wires crossed. Nintendo makes games that can be fun for all ages. I still enjoy them. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy Half Life 2, or Fear, or BF2, or others, it just means I'm open to other entertainment that's not purely "mature" themed, or story based.
Posted on Reply
last thing insulting somebodys grammer and spelling.......childish at best, i actualy have an excuse for mine being so bad, its called dyslexia
never resort to attacking somebodys spelling or grammer as a way to disscredit them, where i truely in the mood to fight i could correct all of your posts, tho due to my dyxlexia it would take alot of extra time, i got a 98% in english 101 when i took it, only lost the 2% because i missed quite a few days of class(damned flu)
When someone calls me simple minded because one of my many interests happen to be simplistic, I take it as an insult. I'm glad you got a 98% in english, really.
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Enough bickering. If you can not argue in a civilized manner than no further arguement will be allowed to take place. Understood?
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Actually, Thermoplyae, I think they've already come to that. Anyone who thinks they have been wronged, drop me a PM with evidence, and I will ban the offender.
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