Monday, June 8th 2020 Announces $5 Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, Featuring 300+ Games is an indie game distributor that offers full game downloads absent of any client distribution - they give you links where you can download games and their full executables from their website. Now, the company has announced a new $5 bundle under the Racial Justice and Equality movement. The $5 is the minimum contribution amount users can give, and offers access to 300+ games out of a grand 742 asset total (includes both games' tilesets, assets, tabletop RPGs, comics, tools, as well as books, valued at $3400. The entirety of your contribution will be evenly split between the "NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund" and the "Community Bail Fund".

There are some known quantities among this bundle - including Oxenfree, Overland, and A Short Hike - but there are sure to be some more hidden, unknown gems out there (at least for some of us). Feel free to follow the source link for the full page. The bundle has already raised $2,328,972.22 (46% of its $5,000,000 target), with the average contribution sitting at $11,50 and the top contribution offering $5,000 to the selected institutions.
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50 Comments on Announces $5 Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, Featuring 300+ Games

Not a chance.
I call this aiding and abetting.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
Im not sure if this is what people call 'virtue signalling'??

They pretty much selected all their LGBTQ+ orientated games in their library and a few non ones, dumped it in a pile and said "go knock yourself out for $5"

Its like the shooting pigs tweet from Randy Pitchford the other day. Trying to use the current event & goings on to sell more copies of duke nukem. The only difference with is that at least the money is going to charity. But why now?

A lot of corporate companies have come out of hiding and started voicing their peice just to sell more stuff. The same way how celebrities that everyone forgot or dont care about have suddenly appeared on social medias to voice their peice and take digs at stuff to further their social standing and bring their existence back into relevance.

The only time companies care about peoples rights and equality is when there is something to gain financially.

Want to make a real change?? Hire more PoCs & people who identify as LGBTQ+. Be the real equal opportunities employer and not the employer that stays silent and hides 99% of the time then comes out and starts soapboxing when it suits them because money.
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All lives matter - will pass on this virtue signaling nonsense.
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Intoxicated Moderator
Before this thread goes dramatically sideways, please keep comments on-topic and don't agitate with innappropriate language or name-calling.
Want to make a real change?? Hire more PoCs & people who identify as LGBTQ+. Be the real equal opportunities employer and not the employer that stays silent and hides 99% then come out and start soapboxing when it suits because money.
While I agree with the equality sentiment, I believe in 'fair' employment, i.e. the person with the best qualification/experience should get the job. In that sense, reducing discrimination is a top-down policy, where CEO's need to lead from the front and cascade the message downwards. Policies to hire based on minority representation are themselves discriminatory, which further ingrains resentment and the usual backlash.

Equality can only happen, when we accept that intolerance requires cultural change. Box-ticking exercises don't solve the underlying problems.

All lives matter - will pass on this virtue signaling nonsense.
Unfortunately for your correct statement, many intolerant people don't apply that construct, therefore, we dont live in a world were 'All lives matter.' Ignorance of that is part of the over-arching problem.

As for the bundle - I'd look at the games and see if any suit your interests. If not, move on.
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidEquality can only happen, when we accept that intolerance requires cultural change. Box-ticking exercises don't solve the underlying problems.
Intolerance is caused by inequality, where a group may be given more equality than others.
Posted on Reply
Jesus christ people. It's $5 for a bunch of decent games, all for a good cause, nothing more
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kayjay010101all for a good cause, nothing more
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Posted on Reply
kayjay010101Jesus christ people. It's $5 for a bunch of decent games, all for a good cause, nothing more
I have heard of only one of those 300, so I personally could not call it decent.
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseIm not sure if this is what people call 'virtue signalling'??
Yes, another word for it is "pandering"

A lot of corporate companies have come out of hiding and started voicing their piece just to sell more stuff. The same way how celebrities that everyone forgot or dont care about have suddenly appeared on social medias to voice their piece and take digs at stuff to further their social standing and bring their existence back into relevance.

The only time companies care about peoples rights and equality is when there is something to gain financially.
Well yeah, BLM only exists to take advantage of people and push an agenda. Look at the money behind them, and it starts to make a lot of sense.
Want to make a real change?? Hire more PoCs & people who identify as LGBTQ+. Be the real equal opportunities employer and not the employer that stays silent and hides 99% of the time then comes out and starts soapboxing when it suits them because money.
Hiring people based on their skin color or sexual orientation is illegal. Also, its not going to fix anything. 96% of black people killed by cops are killed by BLACK cops. Hiring people because you want to virtue signal about being an ally doesnt fix anything, only propagates the notion that minorities can only be successful when their "white saviors" allow them to.

You want to fix the problem? Tell black fathers to stick around and raise their kids (children raised by a single mother are significantly more likely to become criminals, you see this same phenomenon in white and latino families). Tell them to stop running from cops or resisting arrest for basic crimes, it only makes things worse. Fight for greater transparency in police reports, fight for a fairer judiciary (they are the ones that sentence criminals, not the police), and fight for corrupt politicians that waste money on pork projects instead of fixing their communities to be removed from office or face criminal sentences if they waste enough. And also, fight this culture of irresponsibility, if you do drugs and pass counterfeit money you will get in trouble, STOP DOING THAT. ITS NOT THAT HARD TO NOT DO ILLEGAL THINGS.
Posted on Reply
What happened to George Floyd happens to every ethnic background, but when it happens to others ethnic background nobody says anything because that is how life is, shit happens everywhere and it can happen any time at any moment in life to any ethnic background. You don't see any "latino lives matter', "asian lives matter" or "indian lives matter" movement anywhere. This has become a political narrative and that is bad, equality happens when you don't put any racial issue up for discussion because the more you talk about racial issues the more racial issues and divisions will happen, remember the "divide to conquer" quote, it's political, has a purpose, the people itself will never gain anything from it, only the ones at the top will gain more and more power, so to me all lives matter.
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here's a tip: don't get political
Posted on Reply
JAB CreationsEquality is fascist propaganda.

To be equal and to have equal opportunities in life are two different things though.

That is also what killed communism... opportunities were not equal. And that is also why people go out on the streets today. This isn't about an all-encompassing equality between all things.... this is about fair play and fair systems. Its about core values that we may have in word and writing, but not in our actions. Note: the same core values we all thrive under. You're on thin ice here...

The vast majority is very capable of seeing and understanding people are not born with equal capabilities. Its common sense and anytime it is not, reality easily puts you in your place.
TheinsanegamerNYes, another word for it is "pandering"

Well yeah, BLM only exists to take advantage of people and push an agenda. Look at the money behind them, and it starts to make a lot of sense.

Hiring people based on their skin color or sexual orientation is illegal. Also, its not going to fix anything. 96% of black people killed by cops are killed by BLACK cops. Hiring people because you want to virtue signal about being an ally doesnt fix anything, only propagates the notion that minorities can only be successful when their "white saviors" allow them to.

You want to fix the problem? Tell black fathers to stick around and raise their kids (children raised by a single mother are significantly more likely to become criminals, you see this same phenomenon in white and latino families). Tell them to stop running from cops or resisting arrest for basic crimes, it only makes things worse. Fight for greater transparency in police reports, fight for a fairer judiciary (they are the ones that sentence criminals, not the police), and fight for corrupt politicians that waste money on pork projects instead of fixing their communities to be removed from office or face criminal sentences if they waste enough. And also, fight this culture of irresponsibility, if you do drugs and pass counterfeit money you will get in trouble, STOP DOING THAT. ITS NOT THAT HARD TO NOT DO ILLEGAL THINGS.
You keep up those ideas ;) Its a sure road to nothing, or perhaps a civil war. Denial, denial, denial... yet its so so obvious, heck the US even has racism embedded in several laws. Segregation... it was policy. This country has cultivated its own problem and all you do today is add more on top of that. Don't mix up cause and effect.

Its not like you'll be right one day... the only possible outcome of the stance you're taking here is conflict. The numbers don't lie... they only get twisted to suit a very strange, divisive agenda sometimes... of which the real question is who truly benefits... let me clarify that one for you: you're not the one, and neither is the society you live in.

I'm white, too... but I have to admit that more often than not I, 'we', don't even realize that what we're saying is actually racist or discriminatory. Another fact is that 'we' are not used to talking about it because in our minds and culture, everyone is 'equal', right? So we don't ever experience this sort of inequality, and therefore don't know it.

Its a bigger challenge than we might think.

Not going to go over all the false statements you made, but here is one example of real data being investigated. And it shows you that the world is already WAY past the archaic ideas you put forward. There isn't a question, and there hasn't been for the last decade (!) at least, that we apply bias in many ways in society.

Its a problem bigger than race because our societies (Western-) have always relied on foreign import to become successful. Whether it is knowledge, people, herbs and foods... Heck, even today when it comes to mass production...we IMPORT almost everything. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The US was built on immigration, and black hands did a lot of that work.

Note the above was just a random search on race gaps in applications. You can find TONS of similar papers.
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerN96% of black people killed by cops are killed by BLACK cops.
[citation needed]
TheinsanegamerNYou want to fix the problem? Tell black fathers to stick around and raise their kids (children raised by a single mother are significantly more likely to become criminals, you see this same phenomenon in white and latino families). Tell them to stop running from cops or resisting arrest for basic crimes, it only makes things worse.
Have you maybe considered thinking about WHY single parents are more common in black communities?

Is it really a cultural thing, as so many people (including you) seem to think?

Or is it a result of decades of institutional racism that create an endless vicious cycle?
TheinsanegamerNTell them to stop running from cops or resisting arrest for basic crimes, it only makes things worse.
Perhaps, if the police were trusted to dispense law and order instead of arbitrarily murdering people who may be innocent, perhaps then there wouldn't be so much resistance to arrest.

Crazy idea, I know.
TheinsanegamerNAnd also, fight this culture of irresponsibility, if you do drugs and pass counterfeit money you will get in trouble, STOP DOING THAT. ITS NOT THAT HARD TO NOT DO ILLEGAL THINGS.
Ah, so knowingly possessing a counterfeit bill means you should be murdered in cold blood? What about if you were given the bill by somebody who didn't tell you it was a fake?

Interesting that you somehow know that Floyd is guilty. Please share how you know this.
JAB CreationsEquality is fascist propaganda.

Your ignorance is white supremacist propaganda.
Posted on Reply
MetroidWhat happened to George Floyd happens to every ethnic background, but when it happens to others ethnic background nobody says anything because that is how life is, shit happens everywhere and it can happen any time at any moment in life to any ethnic background. You don't see any "latino lives matter', "asian lives matter" or "indian lives matter" movement anywhere. This has become a political narrative and that is bad, equality happens when you don't put any racial issue up for discussion because the more you talk about racial issues the more racial issues and divisions will happen, remember the "divide to conquer" quote, it's political, has a purpose, the people itself will never gain anything from it, only the ones at the top will gain more and more power, so to me all lives matter.
If Martin Luther king or Rosa Park listened to you, we would still have white people sitting in front of the bus, or asking a black person to give them their seat.

It's not just about what happened, but also the aftermath. Police fucking up happens yes, but when they are fucking up with a black person, the punition isn't as harsh, that's why "black live matter" is a thing because killing a black person shouldn't have a lesser punishment.

You need more context to understand why black people are more vocal about racial issue. The clichés that people got about other ethnicities are not as negative as those applied to blacks (" Asians are good at math and hard workers" "at least they keep a low profile" "they don't have funny hair").
I don't take pleasure into that "we suffered more" things, but that what history tells.

When europeans invaded america, they took native americans as wife and tried to convert them. Black people in america where just livestock.
Slavery wasn't just forced labor, breaking the humanity out of blacks was also part of it. It was a process that was really rationalised, and you had lots of propaganda about why black people are not smart, how they are obssesed with sex, and why brute physical work is the only thing that they could ever excel at. You can find lots of pictures with white people posing with naked black women, or an executed slave exposed as trophy. There is one black women who such an unusual figure for european standards, that white people literally took her around the world to expose her, and you had so call scientists examining her sexual parts.

Then you had the apartheid, the segregation, the KKK hunting down and executing black person was something really documented.( Maybe it happened to latinos and asian as well, but doesn't seems to be as well documented).
It's not even a matter of white against everyone else, there are real cases where indians, asians, latinos, would rather get involved with a white person rather that a black person, just because of the things that they are hearing about them.

So yes, black people are angry, because they feel like they always have the shortest straw. You hear more from them because they are angrier. They don't (for the most part) (get a "white pass" like some ethnicities.

When you are saying "all live matter" it's basically the same as saying that racial issues are not a thing.
"I'm not racist, I just don't like his face, that's why I didn't give him that house, even though he had a good situation".
"I'm not racist, I only called the cop on that guy doing his job because I didn't like his face".
"I'm not racist, I just didn't wanted to be rescued by that particular firefighter".
"I'm not racist, I decided to take my son out of my testament because I don't like the face of his wife".
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseThe only difference with is that at least the money is going to charity. But why now?
It could have something to do with the events in the country right now.

Just so everybody knows... This is where your money will be going.

I'm all for EQUAL justice, but SOME organizations only help to further DIVIDE us into groups. ALL lives matter and justice for ALL.
Kinda sounds like those groups are for what you claim, frankly.
kayjay010101Jesus christ people. It's $5 for a bunch of decent games, all for a good cause, nothing more
Yeah, and people say TPU isn't toxic. Jesus christ.
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorUnderstood, and I thank you for doing what you can. I hope that our benevolent forum owner and overlord will set things right.
@W1zzard I hope this is seen and acted upon.

This cannot stand.
Posted on Reply
Did I just land up in the WCCFTech comments section?

Posted on Reply
On topic, that bundle's worth it just for Oxenfree and Night In the Woods.

DraciusDid I just land up in the WCCFTech comments section?

It's a certain segment of the tech/gaming population. It's embarrassing and depressing and it's why I'm often reticent to call myself of member of either. These are the sorts of people who think calling someone else an "SJW" is an insult, as if there'd be anything to be insulted by by wanting equal rights for everyone. They're not willing to acknowledge the inequalities that surround us but are also more than willing to fight for the status quo to ensure that those prejudices stay in place.
Posted on Reply
Oh, so they're going to donate the proceeds to Burglarize, Loot and Maime organization?
zmeulhere's a tip: don't get political
Anything that is talked about by a significant amount of people along with politicians and covered by the media automatically becomes political, so we can't talk about that because it happens to be a subject somewhere sometime, give me break. This is one of the worst statements out there.

Oh some politicians some 500 miles away talking about showering habits ... I'm dirty but I'm not going to shower tonight to stay out of politics.
Posted on Reply
Intoxicated Moderator
RoutedScripterOh, so they're going to donate the proceeds to Burglarize, Loot and Maime organization?
You mean like the Christian Crusaders?

But seriously, don't be so stupid.
Posted on Reply
There is so much ego clashing that there will never be a true fix for disparity between ethnicity and ideaoligy and social ego.

All of those 3 things add up to just a jumbled mess, good luck telling everyone to fit to a certain principle, it likely will never happen because humans are one of the most dumbest species on the planet and think they are the world and the world owes them something.
Posted on Reply
dyonoctisIf Martin Luther king or Rosa Park listened to you, we would still have white people sitting in front of the bus, or asking a black person to give them their seat.
I have not said past protests or movements were bad or wrong in that regard. I'm saying that it's been for sometime other races are treated much worse and yet nothing is said or done about it, shit happens to everybody nowadays and it does not matter your race or background, the world is so much different than lets say 50 years ago, even a black ethnic background person was elected as USA president and that was 2 terms/times. Has an asian, latino or indian ethnic backgroun elected as US president? No and latinos far surpasses black people in population size.

Hispanic and Latino Americans (of any race)18.3%
Black or African American13.4%
Native Americans and Alaska Natives1.3%
Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders0.2%
Two or more races2.7%
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidYou mean like the Christian Crusaders?

But seriously, don't be so stupid.
If they're both bad then what's your point, what makes me stupid if I call one of them out and leave the rest unmentioned, assuming that I automatically endorse anything I haven't mentioned is ofcourse an assumption, do I seriously have to list all x1000 organizations to not be stupid?

I'm not sure tho, what exactly are you referring to that's wrong in my statement there, the same communities who are talking about "justice and respect" are looting and destroying innocent small businesses, which makes them total hypocrates, so their solution to the injustice is to destroy their own neighbourhoods, great job, now that's stupid.

The message is fine but the actions and solutions are discrediting that and being the opposite, and besides, neither of these groups are 100% watertight, they're all a range of people with range of actions/believes and unfortunately the good-meaning branches get either overshadowed or converted by the manipulative actors who are exploiting these causes, probably to get the results that suits the donors.

Some of the various donors to BLM are: Cisco ($5 million), Airbnb ($0.5 million), Intel ($1 million), Dropbox (0.5 million), Ubisoft ($100K), Pepsi, OpenSocietyFoundation (George Soros)

They really care about small business don't they. As Intel says, benchmarks don't matter:
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