Thursday, March 8th 2007

Gears of War to come to PC

Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games, at the Game Developer's Conference 2007, said the game Gears of War will come to the PC platform soon. Mark pointed out that Epic is a small company, and therefore it cannot work on a multitude of projects. It is a second-generation company that is developing content using the potential of the targeted platform to the maximum.

Epic is planning on working on the conversion, but there are couple of buts before we can say what will happen and in what timeframe. The game is probably done and now needs tweaking and serious QA testing, which will come into order once Unreal Tournament III hits the stores. When, where and what - will be disclosed later.
Source: The Inq
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30 Comments on Gears of War to come to PC

FTW!! This is fantastic news!!!! Thankfully Epic is awesome and does give a crap about pc gamers so Im SURE this conversion will be wonderful!! :toast:
Posted on Reply
This is awesome!!!

Hopefully it won't be a Vista- exclusive game.
Posted on Reply
wow that rocks i thought itll be like halo 2 and take ages to come out for the pc
Posted on Reply
Def. going to get this and I hope it looks even better on the computer (since GPUs are more powerful in PCs).
Cant wait and I hope it isnt a crap port like Halo was.
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Bird of Prey
I hope it wont be a Vista only game. I do hope they have it in DX10 and it will work with DX9 without too much eye candy going away. This is just awesome news. GoW for the computer. I want to get it for the 360, but its just too much for me right now. For a refresher, this is an FPS right, not an RTS?
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUthis is an FPS right, not an RTS?
You sir are correct! :toast:
Posted on Reply
isnt it a TPS not a FPS (Third Person Shooter) i could've sworn watching my brother play it i saw his character
Posted on Reply
lol its third person shooter i played it at mates house once or twice it rocks a little like r6 vegas but more futuristic
Posted on Reply
this is about a month and half old news, one of the spokesman of the game says it inevitable that it will come for the pc...
Posted on Reply
I can't believe u guys haven't played it, SUCH a game! I got the 360 with it and COD3 4 xmas (what a gf I have!) and hardly touched COD3. It'll take a SERIOUS gfx card to play that game on pc, the detail levels are immense on character and textures.
Posted on Reply
i also heard it was undesirably short for the single player game
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Semi-Retired Folder
I was excited until a read the source...

I give it a 80% chance that this entire conversation with Mark Rein was made up.
Posted on Reply
wow, they must be god damn rich if they are a small company.
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I bet it will port over well. It's based on the Unreal III Engine, which, I'm pretty sure, is designed primarily for PCs considering their flagship franchise in Unreal Tournament.
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUI hope it wont be a Vista only game. I do hope they have it in DX10 and it will work with DX9 without too much eye candy going away. This is just awesome news. GoW for the computer. I want to get it for the 360, but its just too much for me right now. For a refresher, this is an FPS right, not an RTS?
Uhm... and that is not a 100% proof that you are just spamming one comment per news and then never ever clicking the thread again?

"Uh this is so cool and I hope this and that. Btw. what are we talking about?"
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
Good news for PC only users! I hope they improve the online, because I didn't like it much. The game is awesome, don't get me wrong. The best graphics, single-player, co-op ever for Xbox 360, but the online didn't cut it for me. Only 4 Vs. 4, and 3 game modes!?! This is the reason why I play Rainbow Six Vegas (X360) instead of Gears. Vegas just has a much better online. Numerous maps, modes, ranks. It's just the more complete package.

But I heard Vegas didn't turn out as good for the PC...
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I knew they were going to bring out for us:rockout:
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humm, i said this was coming months ago :P
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Freshwater Moderator
AshenSugarhumm, i said this was coming months ago :P
And i wrote it on the wall with lego while i was still an infant! Fear my jedi powers!

No really - i just got an 8800GTX, so god damn this game should look sweet :D
Posted on Reply
and just when i was thinking about getting a 360...
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Wile E
Power User
I have this game for the 360 and I gotta say, it's the flagship 360 game, imo. I hope they add content for the PC, if so, I may just have to buy the PC version as well.
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Semi-Retired Folder
I have played it on the 360, it was fun, one of the games that keeps making the 360 harder and harder to resist.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
Wile EI have this game for the 360 and I gotta say, it's the flagship 360 game, imo. I hope they add content for the PC, if so, I may just have to buy the PC version as well.
Don't you think, though, that the game is too easy? And the online isn't that great either. But besides those two little quirks, easily one of the best games ever released for the Xbox 360.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
Azn Tr14dZDon't you think, though, that the game is too easy? And the online isn't that great either. But besides those two little quirks, easily one of the best games ever released for the Xbox 360.
Yeah, it is a little on the easy side. But it's incredibly entertaining, none the less, well, imo at least. I've heard many complaints about the online component, but cant comment on that personally, because I only have a Silver account. lol
Posted on Reply
I wonder if the game will look any different on PC then it does on the Xbox ...... I would like to see more textures and details on the PC.
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