Wednesday, September 16th 2020

Sony Denies Rumors of Reduced PS5 Launch Supply

It's rare when a company actually responds to rumors with more than a simple "we don't comment on speculations"; however, Sony has done just that in regards to purported reduced supply of PS5 consoles on launch. There are some likely reasons for this move from Sony; for one, the rapid uptake on mainstream media following the initial Bloomberg report may have garnered a little too much attention for comfort. Consider the fact that Sony's share price fell some 3.5% following the report, however, and you can see how these rumors may have forced the company's hand to stem the bleeding.

Sony quells this rumor with extreme prejudice, too. According to the company, speaking to, "While we do not release details related to manufacturing, the information provided by Bloomberg is false. We have not changed the production number for PlayStation 5 since the start of mass production." That should settle things - and mean there will be 4 million more PS5s up for grab out there at launch. It was, in any event, strange that the chip inside the PS5 was having such troubling 50% yield number as was advanced by the Bloomberg report; we know that Ryzen itself has been designed by AMD with manufacturing yields and cost-reduction in mind for some time, now.
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10 Comments on Sony Denies Rumors of Reduced PS5 Launch Supply

dont want to loose the chance for the other camp, now AMD should step up and deny the lies bloomberg trying to spread
Posted on Reply
Kohl Baas
Sony's share price fell some 3.5% following the report

Any more questions?
Posted on Reply
As expected, bloomberg's report was fud.
Posted on Reply
Super XP
The Launch is going to be within the 2020 Christmas season, I am sure both Sony & Micro$oft is working hard to get enough units out so people can put them under the Christmas Tree. Don't ya think? Bloomberg is a joke.
Posted on Reply
I gotta say, when I read launch supply in the title, and see that pic of two Playstations standing upright like that...

They're spaceships. Yep. I see it now. Can't unsee it. Damn
Posted on Reply
And let's be honest at their maximum output of 15million I think it was, supply Is going to be constrained in places Anyway, for MS too.
Posted on Reply
don't care, pre-ordered - DEMON SOULS LAUNCH TITLE!!!! :D
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~Technological Technocrat~
I mean werent they gonna take everyone's details then 'raffle' the consoles out to the whales in their community?
Posted on Reply
they are all doing the same to create a hysteria so they can push the prices up...Capitalism is all about greed and more greed...
Posted on Reply
Super XP
Bubsterthey are all doing the same to create a hysteria so they can push the prices up...Capitalism is all about greed and more greed...
I agree with the BOLD in Red fully.
Posted on Reply
Sep 28th, 2024 06:09 EDT change timezone

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