Monday, March 22nd 2021

Acer Reportedly Hit By $50 Million Ransomware Attack
Acer has reportedly been hit with a REvil ransomware attack covering financial spreadsheets, bank balances, and bank communications. The actors are demanding a 50 million USD ransom which is one of the highest amounts ever demanded in a breach of this type. Acer has not confirmed the report instead stating that they "reported recent abnormal situations" to the relevant authorities. Communication between REvil and Acer began on March 14th with the attackers demanding payment in XMR cryptocurrency via a Tor website in return for the decryptor, a vulnerability report, and the deletion of stolen files. The cause of the attack appears to be a vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange which has now been patched but was not updated by Acer. The group is demanding payment before March 28th or the price will double to 100 million USD.
Bleeping Computer
AcerAcer routinely monitors its IT systems, and most cyberattacks are well defensed. Companies like us are constantly under attack, and we have reported recent abnormal situations observed to the relevant law enforcement and data protection authorities in multiple countries."
"We have been continuously enhancing our cybersecurity infrastructure to protect business continuity and our information integrity. We urge all companies and organizations to adhere to cyber security disciplines and best practices, and be vigilant to any network activity abnormalities.
10 Comments on Acer Reportedly Hit By $50 Million Ransomware Attack
This attack was swift and it's unfortunate Acer was stung. Hope they have good backups...
So now they're called "actors"
GO IT team :)
any simple way to dodge this kind of attack?
Seriously, mission critical data should be intranet only.