Wednesday, October 6th 2021

TechPowerUp Asetek ASUS ROG Strix RTX 3080 Ti LC Giveaway: The Winner!
TechPowerUp, in partnership with Asetek, brought you a rare chance to bring home a top-of-the-line ASUS ROG STRIX GeForce RTX 3080 Ti LC liquid-cooled graphics card. This card features the very best of Asetek's liquid-cooling technology, and is able the tame the beastly RTX 3080 Ti, so you can game quieter or overclock higher. The worldwide-open giveaway comes to a close, and we've picked a winner!
The Winner is Igor Precep from Serbia. Your card is shipping this week.
A Huge Congrats to you, Igor! TechPowerUp and Asetek thank you all for playing! We will return with more such interesting giveaways!
The Winner is Igor Precep from Serbia. Your card is shipping this week.
A Huge Congrats to you, Igor! TechPowerUp and Asetek thank you all for playing! We will return with more such interesting giveaways!
31 Comments on TechPowerUp Asetek ASUS ROG Strix RTX 3080 Ti LC Giveaway: The Winner!
Hello congrats.
Card was shipped from Asetek/California via UPS in October 2021... through Germany... Croatia... and it arrived to UPS Serbia on October 25th and that's where "fight with the final boss" has begun. Can't remember I ever saw/had so many issues with anything that was ever shipped to me via UPS, DHL... or with things I've shipped to someone else, complete and confusing mess started after parcel had arrived to UPS depot in Serbia.
I was checking package tracking on a daily basis, after parcel arrived to Serbia I've waited few days before calling UPS Serbia to ask if they need something from me and when can I expect for package to be delivered, their answer was usual/generic: "...parcel has arrived, be patient, few more days and we'll call you if needed...". Two days later called them again, got the same answer, OK, no biggie, I'll wait.
iirc on December 2nd somewhere around lunch got the e-mail from UPS about tracking update, opened the link and couldn't believe my eyes! I regret not making a screenshot but tracking status was something like: "...parcel is abandoned by both sender and receiver, it will be disposed of according to the local guidelines..." o_O WTH is going on here!? I've immediately called UPS Serbia: "...what is going on, how can you change tracking status to -abandoned- when I've called you twice in past few days to ask if you need something from my side?...". Lady who worked as UPS phone operator was confused too, think she was the one who answered my call few days earlier and she remembered my name. "...I'll... well... I'll check what is going on and give you a call later, OK?" ...she said. I've immediately contacted Shawn Sanders from Asetek by e-mail or via Discord not sure, probably both, he was my Asetek contact if anything about shipping/delivery goes wrong. Shawn was also shocked because he also got the same e-mail from UPS about package tracking status change to: -abandoned- ...and he too did make a call to UPS to ask what's the problem. Same day, few hours later tracking status -parcel abandoned- simply vanished (!?) and it was replaced by new tracking status: "...We're in the process of returning this package to the sender. / The parcel was undeliverable and has been disposed of according to the local guidelines. Belgrade, Serbia...". OMG, something really stinks here! Lady from UPS called me few hours later, or it was next day not sure: "...parcel papers are missing, papers/invoice was not send (what!?) buy the sender, we're going to contact sender through our UPS system..."... OK, I'll wait, but my panic mode was already activated.
Few days later... nothing. E-mailed Shawn if UPS Serbia contacted Asetek or him about mising papers/invoice... Shawn: ", they didn't...". Asked Shawn to send me parcel paperwork via e-mail and he did it right away. I've made a call to UPS Serbia: "...did you contacted Asetek and got paperwork about the parcel?..." UPS: "...we got nothing from them...". Me: "...OK, here you go, I'll send you all you need, I got this from Asetek's official who's in charge for my case...". UPS: "...OK, send everything to us via e-mail..." ...and I did. Few days later someone from UPS called me: "...this paperwork isn't complete...missing Incoterms... this... that...". I've explained to them that parcel content is a prize on a international giveaway contest, not for re-sale or anything commercial and it clearly written on (suspiciously missing, hmmm...) invoice Asetek has provided with the parcel, but now they, UPS Serbia, have those papers. UPS: "...we'll check this and give you a call...". I've send Shawn a message or two just to let him know what is going on, Shawn: " there anything you need - just ask..." and since that moment we were in contact almost on daily basis either via Discord or via e-mail.
Few days later... nothing from UPS Serbia, I've made a call. UPS: "...this invoice Asetek has made is not valid... we don't need invoice but proforma invoice with incoterms defined...". This was followed by my another message to Shawn Sanders and he was confused why official paperwork/invoice was not valid proof this parcel content is a giveaway prize... So he made another one and send that one to me via e-mail, I've forwarded that one to UPS Serbia, few days later their answer: "...this one invoice is also not valid...".
At that moment I really didn't know what to do. Shawn did what they've asked and still it was not valid paperwork for UPS Serbia for them to continue customs procedure.
Few days later UPS asked me to write and sign my statement about what's inside the parcel package, that it's a prize on contest, free of charge, not for commercial use... and also they send me some papers to sign, it was authorisation from my side for them so that they can continue with customs procedure on their side. After that they'll take care of everything with additional fee and I was fine with that, I'll pay anything just to finish with this, oh boy how I was wrong...
Few days later, UPS: "...proforma invoice is not correct (again!?)...". Me: "...OK, listen, send me a blank proforma invoice the way you want to be written, I'll forward that one to Asetek official, he'll make valid proforma invoice and valid that one with a signature and I'll forward that one to you...". I've contacted Shawn via e-mail with UPS's blank proforma invoice, he filled that one with needed data + his signature and sent that one to me and I've forwarded that one to UPS via e-mail. At that point I was asking myself: "...why am I doing all this, I gave my authorisation to UPS Serbia (Express Courier d.o.o.) and still I'm the one doing this paperwork nonsense, they're going to charge me for that at the end and I'm the one doing all the legwork for them?! I stupid, or they're lazy... or what!?" :kookoo:
Again after few days of waiting, UPS: "...on new proforma invoice incoterms field is missing...". Me: "...but you've sent me YOUR blank proforma invoice without any incoterms field on it?!..." :wtf: UPS: "...we did?... well... whatever, incoterms are missing, we can't continue without incoterms information..."... Another message to Shawn Sanders, he made new proforma invoice with incoterms, I've forwarded that one to UPS.
Few days later, UPS: "...field: description of goods ...isn't defined well, we need to know what exactly has been send to you...". My another e-mail to Shawn, field description od goods has been changed from: Video card Asus ROG-STRIX-LC-RTX3080TI-O12G-GAMING ...made a new proforma invoice, signature ...and he sent that one to me via e-mail, I've forwarded that one to UPS.
Later that week, UPS: "...value of goods on proforma invoice isn't right, we need real value for parcel content...". Atm I had to call them: "...what are you doing, I've gave you my authorisation signed document, you should contact Asetek directly, why am I doing all this paperwork?..." ...and gave them e-mail of Shawn from Asetek and his mobile phone number: " you go, call Asetek official and he'll give you everything you want and need to know, stop bothering me anymore or else I'll find another shipping/customs agency to finish the job you're unable to do!...".
That above was late December 2021, 2 frikin months package was waiting at UPS Serbia depot and they did nothing but efficiently wasting Shawn's and my time and nerves. Mind you through whole this agony Shawn Sanders was always there for me willing to help, available almost 24/7 :respect: but of course because of time difference between Serbia and California I've contacted him via e-mail or Discord only when it was midday in California.
At that moment I was one step away from giving up completely, just wanted to message Shawn and ask him to demand parcel to be shipped back to USA, I was simply exhausted with all this paperwork with UPS Serbia, calls, e-mails... Really felt guilty about wasting Shawn's time, but lucky me, Shawn still wasn't ready to give up on this, he was waiting what's going to happen next...
Weirdest thing is that at UPS tracking (for about two months every few days there was something new) almost all of the tracking info/status between October 25th and late December 2021 simply: dissapeared :eek: nothing weird has ever happened. More than few times tracking status has been changed to: Delivered (delivered to whom!?)...after few days: Unable to deliver ...again: Delivered Unable to deliver ...then: Clearance information required ...Delivered ...Unable to deliver ...OMG did I got stuck into some kind of time loop or something!? :banghead: If I knew all those weird tracking info will just dissapeared I would make screenshots every few days, now I don't have almost anything (except tons of e-mails from/to UPS Serbia and from/to Shawn) as a proof of shady work happening in the background od UPS depot in Serbia.
January 12, 2022... Around 4:30pm, call from unknown number on my mobile phone: "...UPS Serbia here, just to let you know everything about customs/paperwork is finished, you can expect package to be delivered to you in next day or two... you have a small fee to pay (around €30) for our service... have a nice day!...". Me screaming loud: "YYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSS, Shawn we did it!!!" :clap: ...crew on ISS orbiting around Earth: "...WTF was that!?..." :D
January 14, 2022, around 11:45am... This awesome graphics card is finally in my hands! :rockout:Took it home after the work, kids are taking pics with it, they never saw anything similar, younger son: ", my Strix 1070 OC Edition almost looks like a toy compared to this!...". Me personally, I'm nothing but blown away with it, words can't describe how good this beast looks and feels
My future plans with this beast... Atm I don't have big enough case to fit it inside. Tbh I have one almost completely DeepCool themed build (tons of DeepCool ARGB fans, case, AIO, ARGB remote... everything DeepCool) with big enough DeepCool CL500 case to fit this card in np, but that build is so perfectly looking that I don't want to touch anything inside/outside of it.... and it's rather old, great but old X58/5675@4.55GHz ...and honestly speaking this awesome 3080Ti deserves better than this X58 combo (will 3080Ti even POST on X58 with motherboard's legacy BIOS?). Have one spare trusty Z68/2600K@4.6GHz combo atm without RAMs waiting for some future project, but... this 3080Ti really deserves something more powerfull to show its muscles and at least 1440p high refresh monitor, all of ours gaming PCs at home are still using 1080/75Hz monitors. Atm my wallet is in not so good shape lol, tons of feasts and whatnot past 2 weaks or so dried up my wallet almost completely so I'll have to wait late January or early February for enough cash to start building my new gaming PC. Last PC build I did for myself was from early 2014, after 2014 I was just building/upgrading gaming PCs for our three kids, had to give up building/upgrading my own gaming PC because there was not enough time... and cash. My plan in late January/February is to buy another one DeepCool CL500 case, I really like CL500 and the price is really reasonable here, to put this beasty 3080Ti inside + at last 12400 or 5600X, really would love to buy 5800X or 12700 but we'll see about that (read: need to consult my better half for approval :D Guess all this thrill about building my new gaming PC after almost 8 years will push me back to my gaming roots, at least I hope so :)
That's all folks, sorry about the rant, thanks to those who stayed with me reading this wall of text... anyone.... (crickets sound) :D
Regarding all written above I wish to send thanks to, without competition on the #1 place: Shawn Sanders from Asetek, this man has nerves of steel, patience and will to help like... I don't know... quite comparable to my mother, man is a real champ, enough said :D Without help and persistence from Shawn's side no way this would be possibe. He is a true example of how marketing PR of any company should act and offer help in critical situations like this. Really hope Asetek knows how to appreciate people like him, they're rare these days. Hats off to you sir! :respect:
And of course many thanks to TechPowerUp, Asetek and Asus for this awesome giveaway prize. After 30+ years as a gamer I've retired from gaming back in Avgust 2014 (40y.o. backthen, dissapointed when last Crysis 2 Multplayer PC servers were closed) but now with this extreme 3080Ti by my side I feel like I'm in my gaming prime again (lol), I'll frag anyone!!! :D Oh well, we'll se about that "prime status" when my kids start to obliterate me while gaming online together :laugh:
Thank you!
Cheers TPU folks!
Few pics of this beast abput half an hour ago:
^^^^ OMG: Raytracing ON is so obvious on last 4 pics!!! :D
When such things happen i always remember my experience with EMS and airsoft stuff shipped in plastic bags. %)
Dealing with idiots at parcel companies and customs is part of the daily reviewer business, and makes life SO difficult especially when working with review launch dates under embargo