Monday, November 29th 2021

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney Calls For Unified Digital Games Store

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney recently spoke at the Coalition for App Fairness conference in Seoul where he called for a unified digital store for game platforms. Sweeney stated that Epic Games had already begun working with publishers and service providers to create this vision of a unified store where customers could be confident that their purchases would work across all platforms. The system described by Sweeney would be a radical departure from existing ecosystems such as Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Nintendo, and Epic where digital purchases are often limited to an individual companies platform.

This new system would allow games purchased from any ecosystem to be fully playable on all supported platforms without requiring multiple purchases. The success of this vision is entirely dependent on game studios signing up to the program which will likely be a hard sell given the expected fall in sales. While there are limited options currently exist for cross-buy games the movie industry has implemented a similar program with Movies Anywhere which boasts large studios such as Disney, Sony, Universal, and Warner Bros.
Tim SweeneyWhat the world really needs now is a single store that works with all platforms
Source: Bloomberg
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119 Comments on Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney Calls For Unified Digital Games Store

MarsM4N"What the world really needs now is a single store that works with all platforms" Tim Sweeney

Sounds more like he wants to destroy the competition from the key shops. ;) If he wants a "ecosystem to be fully playable on all supported platforms without requiring multiple purchases", then we don't need 1 shopping window for everything, we only need a ecosystem that shares the game licenses for every system. Something like that already exists, it's called "Microsoft Account". Buy f.e. Forza Horizon 5 for your Microsoft Account & you can play it on Windows or your xBox (incl. shared archievments).

His idea would only drive up PC game prices. Not my cup of tea. I like capitalist competition. Bet this guy hates GG.Deals, lol. :D Man love love this site.

Pick one ;) And like you say, watch those ratings but I have honestly yet to encounter a problem with most of the stores here. One 'used' key, ever, and that was promptly fixed by a replacement after a single email. Cant say any big 3 publisher has that kind of support... nor Steam...

But this has zero relation to key shops I think. Resellers always exist and EGS is sorely lacking in promotion options outside the store. Unified platform is not going to go without a myriad of ways to buy in, and, its likely to work on license level because nobody wants to repurchase all their stuff. So if Sweeney wants to succeed, he is going to have to get all the goodwill ergo free EGS games alongside it. And then the others cant stay behind.

Note that even without EGS it was raining free content. Vanilla games on heavy discount for 2-10 eur a pop when expansions get released... there is a lot that EGS is just doing but isnt much different from the promotions publishers already had.

Either way. If you want to serve the market, be the servant. Otherwise people are simply going to give it the middle finger. Look at the goodwill Steam has developed over time. Its for good reasons - no nonsense gaming platform with rich feature set. The only deals that are sustainable, are those that are 'win-win'. Sweeney knows this as well as Gabe even if the method is different - the bottom line is you either get great features or you get loads of free games

Tell me again customers aint winning?!
Posted on Reply
silentbogoI think these days are the most convenient for gaming
Sure, if you don't care about your privacy. But if you do, it's a shitshow everywhere but GOG.
Posted on Reply
kapone32Well the first thing is to fix their broken system. Anytime you have to reset Windows or more recently update to Windows 11. We all know that you will have to either re-download or make a new folder on a different drive and start the download before you can move the data to get to play your game. That was not too bad 2 years ago but 2+ years of Free Games every Friday now means literally about 1.5 TB of data (BTW that does not include updates). Steam, Orign, Uplay and GOG do not have this problem or issue. A special mention for GOG. Doom Eternal was a Bethesda platform Game when I bought it and needed that when I updated to Windows 11. If GOG were saying this I would be all for it. Other than the free Games and what they have done for devs Epic actually sucks as a Gaming platform.
And its their loss. Ive honestly not bought more than two games there. The store / launchers are just too clunky, the framerate of the whole thing is 30 fps, the download manager is absolute shite. It downloads in sequence and you have no control. I really dont need much if anything from a storefront/launcher, but the basics have to work proper.
CobainBecause I want to have a custom menu on my taskbar with all the games installed, click on one and start playing it immediatly, without it opening a software first saying "logging in", "check our weekend offer!!!" "Are you sure you want to play that game instead or checking out our New cool free to play battle Royal?"

Because I don't want Steam or Origin using 10% of my cpu and making my game performance worse. Yes it happens even on 16t cpus, that has been tested. Quake Champions, for example, has a 15% performance Hit by running with steam compared with self launcher you get from bethesda

Because I dont want to be prompted with daily updates for the software that runs games

Because I want full control over launch options for my .exe without the software trying to impose theirs

Because I want my own overlays if needed

Because I want to configure my controller the way i want and not how steam wants it to behave

Because When I close a game, now I need to close the software that also was opened when I started the game shortcut

Because I want to own my games, move them from disk to disk and computer to computer without software telling me I used too many hardware IDs to play that game

Because I want or have to be completly offline and still access all my games without restrictions

And a lot of other reasons

Launchers are a plague. Consoles have a clear advantage on that front. GOG is way ahead any other company too.

Reason I still use PC for games is the fact I found great and reliable FTPs with all pirated games
Your story falls flat when you say consoles do not suffer these problems.

They do and its way worse. You are now not just tied to a launcher... you are locked to an ecosystem with controlled (read non competitive!!) pricing structure and content on offer while on PC you can choose freely - want one launcher or ten, its your choice depending on what you want to play. You pay to use online. You need the right firmware to play content. You are always handshaking with authentication servers. The same games will demand always online. All games will force updates on you just as they do on PC.

You are tied even to the hardware - console fails and your stuff is straight up inaccessible, while Steam/etc. Accounts work irrespective of the hardware, now or ten years ago or ten years in the future. You cant play legacy on consoles either. I could go on...

The gist is, if you are advanced user enough, the PC wins on every single front. And if you think it doesnt, youre either lazy or not in the know. Console is fast food, PC is the real restaurant where the bread isnt plastic. All it takes is a bit more effort, for a much bigger and healthier menu. Even if you have to keep track of twenty pages of it ;)
silentbogoOh man... time and time again I realize how misleading can nostalgia really be....

I think these days are the most convenient for gaming, and honestly - f$%^ all this crying about "not owning things". I despise all the times where I had to buy a new game when my CDs got a few scratches cause you need to put it in every time you wanted to launch a game, I start sweating blood every time I think of Starforce and other early DRMs, and I sure don't miss having to call somewhere to "activate" my product. Also, pirating in 2021 is stupid. The only argument I understand is lack of demos which may or may not affect your purchasing decision, but pirating for the sake of pirating is without exaggeration - absolutely objectively stupid. You wanna risk becoming a part of a worldwide botnet for the sake of not paying for "not real ownership"? You want to lose your personal data and financial info to chinese or russian hackers cause you are too lazy to get some free games on Epic, or too cheap to splurge a few bucks on Steam's seasonal sale? Or you feel really generous and want to give some of your compute resources to random crypto-malware?

Hell, the concept of renting games or having game subscriptions is about as old as mainstream gaming. I remember back in elementary school you didn't even have to own a console - you can go to a place at a local mall or a shady booth at the local bazar, rent a Dendi or Sega Megadrive for a weekend along with couple of games(though you had to leave some sort of collateral in most cases), have some fun, and return it on monday before school. Americans even had more convenient options, like Gamestop or short-lived Gamefly (e.g. Netflix for games).
Even my 72y.o. stepdad isn't that stubborn, and plays his favorite RTS games on Steam, Origin and GOG, just like everyone else.

My Steam account has been alive for nearly 15 years, and I do accept the risk that if someday it closes - I lose all games. Just like I accept the risk of losing my physical media after tornado or break-in.
Yep... the market is vibrant, games are more diverse than ever, there is more content than ever, and all your old stuff still works on todays hardware, while I'm even still playing todays stuff on a GPU from 5 years ago. Its gaming heaven and still we whine and whine on and on.
About how many launchers we have to keep up with, even if we did choose each and every one ourselves when we bought products.
About not owning games, even if there is an extensive library on - and on top of that, we have ALWAYS just owned the licenses to use software, and as long as you buy your games that still applies.
About customizing stuff, even if we could and have always customized our desktops since 1990. What used to be a screen full of shortcuts is now a screen with five launchers.
Troubleshooting games is often taking you longer than it takes for a dev to push out a hotfix. And if he doesn't most if anything just works by clicking 'Install'. You're not even pointing at a folder because everything is done for you.
Hard life I know. And then you even have to download all that free stuff you get because the competition is better than it ever was because of the internet.

Spoiled brats.
Posted on Reply
Apparently most people don't read articles. Just headlines.

The system he wants is for the game to work on all platforms. No matter where its been bought. If you buy the game through steam, it works on epic. The game is the same, usually, on all platforms.

I can get behind the idea, but I think this might be the most uphill of battles ever.

A solution could be to just pay the dev or publisher directly and then be able to play the game wherever you want. It would be nice if I could just buy the game and be able to play it on playstation or xbox or pc. Of course we'd never get playstation exclusives on xbox. When talking PC games its tied to a specific launcher nowadays. I don't just own a PC game, I own a game through steam or origin.
Posted on Reply
ChomiqFfs, it's GOG not GoG.
I disagree.

Good ol' Games.


Change my mind.
Posted on Reply
Yeah, I am sure Microsoft and Sony would gladly give up their commission so that we can play on any platform. Buy games in the Epic Games Store, play them wherever you want!
Posted on Reply
bugThe launcher was always optional. I have always launched my games directly. But yes, you had to look in the game's folder, the shortcut placed on the desktop by default went through the launcher iirc.

However, even in the absence of DRM, cross platform is hard to achieve because games implement Steamworks and the like.
They are not optional, they just give a nice enough api for galaxy to still work, but you still have a dozen different crappy launchers installed and running.
isvelteFree games, sometimes better regional pricing than steam (main reason for me), making some console exclusive possible for throwing money at them(KH), and 12% dev cut sounds like a competitive advantage to me.
Aka throwing money at the problem until they can get enough people using the platform and enough market share to be relevant.
Deleted member 215115What if...Steam was the standard?
They are far from saints but have consistently been the lesser evil
isvelteI dont get why people are bothered by having 5+ different launchers installed, and making that argument on hating EGS, seriously PCs are so much faster now, 32gb ram, high capacity ssds that doubles speed every few years, 16 thread cpus are becoming a norm for gaming PCs, does it really matter if you have 10 launchers running on background? I get DRM, but launchers? Cmon... thats just laziness, make a game shortcut to your desktop ffs, that should auto launch the launcher+game.
Unless you just wooshed over everyones head you're just wrong, sorry
lexluthermiesterSure, if you don't care about your privacy. But if you do, it's a shitshow everywhere but GOG.
It will get worse before it gets better even worser now that drm and anti cheats with kernel access became acceptable for some reason :kookoo:
Posted on Reply
TotallyI disagree.

Good ol' Games.


Change my mind.
It was never called that. The former name of the site was Good Old Games, but it hasn't even been that since 2012. It's just GOG now, and the name of the CD Projekt subsidiary that runs it is also GOG. You're welcome to whatever headcanon you like, but it doesn't change the facts.
Posted on Reply
*Laughs in GoG Galaxy* One launcher...well more like launcherception (a launcher within a launcher) for my games. Including all those free games from Epic.
Posted on Reply
in my country, this EGS, still dont accept payment from all why i am wasting my time with this platfrom...... well, sometimes...... i have coming only for quick grab a lot of free pc games........
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CobainBecause I want to have a custom menu on my taskbar with all the games installed, click on one and start playing it immediatly, without it opening a software first saying "logging in", "check our weekend offer!!!" "Are you sure you want to play that game instead or checking out our New cool free to play battle Royal?"

Because I don't want Steam or Origin using 10% of my cpu and making my game performance worse. Yes it happens even on 16t cpus, that has been tested. Quake Champions, for example, has a 15% performance Hit by running with steam compared with self launcher you get from bethesda

Because I dont want to be prompted with daily updates for the software that runs games

Because I want full control over launch options for my .exe without the software trying to impose theirs

Because I want my own overlays if needed

Because I want to configure my controller the way i want and not how steam wants it to behave

Because When I close a game, now I need to close the software that also was opened when I started the game shortcut

Because I want to own my games, move them from disk to disk and computer to computer without software telling me I used too many hardware IDs to play that game

Because I want or have to be completly offline and still access all my games without restrictions

And a lot of other reasons

Launchers are a plague. Consoles have a clear advantage on that front. GOG is way ahead any other company too.

Reason I still use PC for games is the fact I found great and reliable FTPs with all pirated games
Launching a game on any platform on either my gen3 and gen4 ssd takes less than ~10 seconds even including the launcher.

10% hit is BS, proof?

Open Steam's settings, go to the Interface tab and uncheck "Notify me about additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases". Youre welcome, and you can do this on pretty much any launcher.

Pretty much everything else you listed has a workaround, your just lazy to do it.
Posted on Reply
yes, the workaround for anything not found on gog's called tpb. fuck off launchers. fuck off drm.
Posted on Reply
YrdThe system he wants is for the game to work on all platforms. No matter where its been bought. If you buy the game through steam, it works on epic. The game is the same, usually, on all platforms.
He doesn't even want the games to be on all platforms.
Posted on Reply
Selayayes, the workaround for anything not found on gog's called tpb. fuck off launchers. fuck off drm.
Posted on Reply
TotallyI disagree.

Good ol' Games.


Change my mind.
Posted on Reply
Haven't heard that name in quite a while, probably half a decade since I last tried to visit.
Posted on Reply
R0H1THaven't heard that name in quite a while, probably half a decade since I last tried to visit.
Well, it isn't nearly as good as it once was. There are alternatives that are better.
Posted on Reply
CobainI have more than 200 pirated games.
Is that really something worth bragging about?
Posted on Reply
im well aware, i was just giving something meme as the arche-/stereotypical example since more detailed, public discussion of such a topic is -understandably- verboten.
Posted on Reply
YrdApparently most people don't read articles. Just headlines.

The system he wants is for the game to work on all platforms. No matter where its been bought. If you buy the game through steam, it works on epic. The game is the same, usually, on all platforms.

I can get behind the idea, but I think this might be the most uphill of battles ever.

A solution could be to just pay the dev or publisher directly and then be able to play the game wherever you want. It would be nice if I could just buy the game and be able to play it on playstation or xbox or pc. Of course we'd never get playstation exclusives on xbox. When talking PC games its tied to a specific launcher nowadays. I don't just own a PC game, I own a game through steam or origin.
That sounds good in theory, if you can trust a corporation that tries to pry business from others by giving money to developers for exclusive releases (not good for consumers). IMO it will never happen because corporations are greedy and not about what is good for consumers, and only care about making sustaining profits.

I agree, it would be great for us, but it's basically a fantasy or there is an ulterior motive.
Posted on Reply
So thinking about this got me wondering at how would this possibly work?

Right now if someone buys a PC game off the microsoft store, they automatically get a copy for xbox with their Play Anywhere policy (oh, look Microsoft is already doing something similar). Now hypothetically speaking say this person also own a PS4/5, does MS take a hit and Sony gets a kickback? Would Sony even agree in the first place because their trading a sale for some residuals. Say the customer doesn't own a Sony console does Microsoft take the hit and Sony get a kickback anyway? If no, what happens if the customer purchases a Sony console in the near future?

I understand that he and many others wants to do away with the walled gardens now but then when they were being built those same parties that are unhappy with the current were happily whoring themselves out.
Posted on Reply
YrdApparently most people don't read articles. Just headlines.

The system he wants is for the game to work on all platforms. No matter where its been bought. If you buy the game through steam, it works on epic. The game is the same, usually, on all platforms.
It doesn't really matter what Sweeny says, it's all the same underlying BS - get as many publishers on the Epic ecosystem. The only difference is that before their justification was "to end an unfair Steam's monopoly", and now they simply settled on competing with XB game pass (and because of Sony deal).
Posted on Reply
His idea of shared ownership across multiple devices is the first consumer friendly comment I have read he said.

However as others pointed out his fairy tale scenario has Epic running this store as a monopoly.

I believe Microsoft are already adopting multi platform for Windows/Xbox.
Steam already do for Windows/Linux.

Not sure what Sony are doing, they tend to be more anti consumer though so wouldnt be surprised if they keep to separate licenses.

We unlikely to see a shared ownership under competing consoles.
Posted on Reply
There are other ways besides piracy, it's promotion is not on here either.
I feel similar about DRM.

I just don't buy.

I just don't play.

Life goes on yet I committed no crime, just stood my ethical ground.

As for Sweeny's. Latest market grab attempt F him , he's not out for my best interest but his own.
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