Monday, February 21st 2022

Intel Targeting 2024+ for 'Ultra Enthusiast' Arc Celestial GPUs
Intel has recently unveiled its plans for their 3rd generation Celestial Arc graphics cards to compete with NVIDIA and AMD in the "Ultra Enthusiast" GPU market. The Arc Celestial GPU series is now scheduled to launch in 2024 with the architecture currently under active development. These cards will target future flagship cards from NVIDIA however in 2023/2024 we should see the launch of 2nd generation Arc Battlemage products that may narrow the gap. The timeline Intel shared indicates a launch date of 2024+ for Celestial GPUs so the launch date may slip into 2025. This was previously the year which Intel was rumored to launch 4th generation Arc Druid graphics cards so it remains to be seen if this official timeline will hold.
25 Comments on Intel Targeting 2024+ for 'Ultra Enthusiast' Arc Celestial GPUs
Hey Pat, you wearing Raja's socks today or what?
And Alchemist is going to cover the 2020-2021 midrange in Q2 2022... hopefully?
Riiiight, sounds like a winner.
I don't know if what they are offering will be as good as mid ranged GPUs from Nvidia or AMD, but I sure as hell welcome a third member into the duopoly of GPU land, even if what Intel bring tails current gens from the other players.
I hope Intel comes along and stomps the shit out of the competition....realistically, I don't see it happening. Realistically I can see them coming in around 3060/3070/6600XT/6700XT range of Nvidia/AMD, but at the current pace they're going they may be almost a full generation behind AMD and Nvidia, if those two companies are planning on releasing their next gen around Q3/4.
And this high-end GPU gunning for 2024, means that Nvidia will have out it's Ada Lovelace successor by then!
We did also have the hype everything times... was that so much better? Perhaps the current state of affairs is a direct result of the state of market and economy right now, alongside clearly visible global issues surrounding (e-) waste and pricing / demand-supply.
Last I saw this sort of negativity was when intel produced the umpteenth quad core gen at premium price.
But realistically these markets were never healthy. A third player is likely not going to change that. What we have is saturated markets and high demand in non gaming segments. Even if Intel does manage to be competitive, are we going to notice or is mining going to seize the glory again?
When I read 2025 my first thought is 'oh thats a new 4 year crypto cycle?'
So yes. Bags of salt are definitely included. Blind optimism is yesterdays news. The world changes and it echoes in everything.
That Intel hired Raja Koduri from AMD to head up their GPU division, is also not a particularly auspicious omen. Raja was not and is not the second coming of Jesus that many have made him out to be; he was responsible for overseeing the launch of Vega, a GPU that can charitably be called poor and itself suffered from driver issues (aka "fine wine"). And this almost-failure occurred despite all the experienced GPU engineers at AMD; Intel doesn't have that depth of GPU experience, so having Raja lead their GPU team strikes many as the partially-sighted leading the blind.
And then there's the fact that historically, Intel's marketing department output has been inversely proportional to the quality of the actual product being marketed. In other words, when Intel has a product they know is a stinker, they cover that up by marketing and hyping it to the hilt... and Arc has been marketed and hyped to the hilt.
Finally, I simply have very little patience for marketing and seeing a "new" Intel Arc blurb every damn week, when I know full well there's no product yet to review and benchmark, pisses me off to no end. Put up or shut up, Intel.
I would absolutely love for Intel Arc to be competitive with NVIDIA and AMD, but honestly? Realistically? There's very little chance of that happening given what we know now.
They might just surprise with their new GPU's specially considering this-
They're not even making the GPUs on their fabs so this joke is moot at best
The current GPU supply isn't bad, it's just hard to trying to find a card at a reasonable price and not jacked up by 150-200%.
I personally see nothing wrong if Intel can get their first flagship GPU out the doors and it's a 3070/Ti level, even if it is a few quarters late. I think that would be a hell of an accomplishment. I gamed on a 3060Ti for a few months and that card is around 15% (give or take a few %) behind the 3070/Ti models and it worked great. Then I happened to come across a 3080 and that's what I'm using now.
Who knows what comes after all of this. If Intel can come through and offer GPUs at a much more affordable price point and they can deliver on that 3070/Ti performance range, they could swoop in and steal the thunder from Nvidia and AMD on the mid-ranged, but I don't if the suggested $499 (flagship) and down price leak from months back is still on the table. Even if Intel falls short, I hope they won't just give up and keep pushing forward. I think we need them in this market more than some people think we do.
3070/Ti/6700XT/6800 range is a great spot for 1440p gaming and is overkill for 1080p. So, here's hoping Intel hits the ground running at the level they've been telling us. I'll hold my judgement on their product until I see it.