Monday, September 19th 2022

Rockstar Games Statement on Grand Theft Footage

Rockstar Games responded to the recent leaks of its next "Grand Theft Auto" game in development, which was splattered all over YouTube over the weekend. The studio sent takedown-notices to several popular news sites re-posting the found-footage, and YouTube dutifully took videos from the major channels down, but the Internet never forgets. The footage has been re-posted by thousands of smaller, non-commercial users on YouTube and other social media. The game itself doesn't "look" too next-gen, because Rockstar is still designing its mechanics, and will probably work on the eye-candy much later. In its statement, Rockstar said that a network intrusion caused the footage to leak to the web, but assured gamers that the leak won't affect Rockstar's online services, and have no impact in the medium-long term on games that are in development.
Source: Rockstar Games (Twitter)
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40 Comments on Rockstar Games Statement on Grand Theft Footage

Eh, this leak went a little far IMO. Too much details at once. I do like it being a big middle finger to Take Two, and a little to Rockstar by taking so damn long... (I know I know modern games take much more time, but still)
Posted on Reply
MarsM4NOf course it's not it. Content creators aren't into collecting DMCA strikes & loosing their accounts. ;)
I was just saying because it was shared like it was, I scrubbed through it and didn't find any clip from the leaked footage
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Dr. Dro
I sincerely do not believe this will affect the game's performance in the slightest. Fans have been waiting for GTA VI for so many years, so all this does is fuel imagination, hype and have players speculate - causing interest to go to the moon.

It's hardly the first time a prototype build of a game has leaked online. I remember there was an in-development build of Crysis 3 that leaked circa 2011 - didn't stop it from this game being one of my all-time favorites down the road.

I'm going to take the opportunity to call out on the "gaming media" and all game "journos" for their utter hypocrisy in their "condemnation" of the leaker's acts. They're like hounds around this. Legit spare me the drivel, Kotaku leaked and published the Fallout 4 script verbatim years before release. Due to changes in the site that article no longer seems to have the documents posted directly, but here is a copy. Anyone who played Fallout 4 at release or even now, roughly 7 years later, knows that is 100% accurate.
Posted on Reply
I mean, it was pretty clear it was real and the reaction only confirms it. Honestly, it sounds like its old footage though as Rockstar says they were planning on showing it off soon and it seems to be aiming at 2023 (Probably Holiday).

Personally the videos and stuff are cool to see but I worry about the other leak (Game source code), that can cause delays and other issues in the long run if its released.
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Kohl Baas
That's a 16 minute mashup of older GTAs with a colossal JAGOFF blabing under it...
Posted on Reply
MarsM4NUnstoppable hacks will basically kill GTA5/6 online modes & put gamers PC's at risk.
Knowing the source code (especially early source code) is not really a magic bullet like that.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BKnowing the source code (especially early source code) is not really a magic bullet like that.
But it has quite a huge impact on development & release schedule when they have to change loads of code to prevent hacks.
Might not be so dramatic for GTA6, but I doubt they would put much effort into fixing GTA5. ;)
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MarsM4Nhave to change loads of code
Frankly, if it's a wellcoded game I don't see there being loads to change.
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TPU addict
Kohl BaasThat's a 16 minute mashup of older GTAs with a colossal JAGOFF blabing under it...
I take it you did not get 4 1/2 minutes in to it, and i never said it was just info on it.

i bet torrent be the best way if you really wanted it but that's another nightmare in it's self.
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R-T-BFrankly, if it's a wellcoded game I don't see there being loads to change.
If the source code of a game is leaked & hacks beeing programmed based on the source code, they don't have to edit code to prevent exploits?
No??? :confused:
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MarsM4NIf the source code of a game is leaked & hacks beeing programmed based on the source code, they don't have to edit code to prevent exploits?
No??? :confused:
I mean if source code being leaked from a well made project meant a big security issue open source would be a huge failure.

They always have to adjust to exploits. I just don't see this making it much worse, conceptually. Of course if the source code is a rats nest all bets are off.
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"Grand Theft Footage" - It fits. :D

Since they say they have the source code that's not a good thing, means hackers will bot hell out of it making it almost unplayable to actual people.

All this can mean delays too to change things about the source code (Patching?) to try and keep these hackers from cheating but of course that's a losing game in itself.
Anyone buying it once it's finally released is, to an extent taking a risk of it happening.
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THU31Yeah, I had way more fun in their old games than I did in GTA V or RDRII, even though these were great games. But I only completed either of them once.

This is a completely different Rockstar than in the 2000s. They are trying to top their last game by focusing on scale and attention to detail, when it is not necessary.

The change from San Adreas to IV was so interesting. It had a completely different feeling, but it worked. And it did not take a decade to make.
Same here, those old games had something appealing which GTA 5 doesn't, it is a great game and humiliates the competition, but compared to SA it's pathetic.
DenverGTA V is on a completely different level in every way, the profit the game generated is a better evaluation metric than individual opinions
I beg to differ, the quality of a game is completely subjective, no matter how many people likes it it doesn't diminish the opinion of others who hates it.
Is it now called, Grand Theft of GTA?
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroI sincerely do not believe this will affect the game's performance in the slightest. Fans have been waiting for GTA VI for so many years, so all this does is fuel imagination, hype and have players speculate - causing interest to go to the moon.
I don't see how a leak like this should have any impact on the game's development, not unless they somehow get useful feedback from it. It's not like the handing of this case is done by their developers.
Dr. DroI'm going to take the opportunity to call out on the "gaming media" and all game "journos" for their utter hypocrisy in their "condemnation" of the leaker's acts.
While I don't approve of the act of leaking and extortion, I do think Rockstar Games could have turned this into a marketing opportunity.
MarsM4NIf the source code of a game is leaked & hacks beeing programmed based on the source code, they don't have to edit code to prevent exploits?
No??? :confused:
If you're talking about manipulating game state, then I assume a multiplayer game will do all the game logic on the server side, so that shouldn't be a big deal.
But having a old dump of a source code doesn't give you a lot of insight into manipulating a running piece of software, as the final executable's machine code will probably differ quite a bit. Having the final source code would be a bit different; then implementing cheats and recompiling the game.
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