Tuesday, February 18th 2025

Grand Theft Auto VI PC Version's Early 2026 Launch Mentioned During Corsair Investor Call
Under normal circumstances, Grand Theft Auto VI-related leaks have emerged from nefarious sources. Mid-February news reports have pulled information from an unlikely, yet fairly legitimate announcement. GTA franchise fans would not expect a leak to emerge from a company dealing in peripherals, but Corsair Gaming's Ronald van Veen disclosed a slightly surprising prediction during a recent company call with investors. The organization's financial VP believes that incoming AAA-blockbuster title will launch on PC mere months after an exclusive debut on home gaming consoles (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series). Famously, Rockstar Games reserves a sizable time gap between its console and PC rollouts. An official statement—made back in December 2023—revealed a potential repeat of this release cadence; PC-bound GTA players feared another agonizing two to three year wait.
During an earnings call, Corsair's finance chief discussed the impact of high-profile franchises: "in terms of new games, I mean, there's been a steady stream of games. What we really haven't had for the last year or two is what we could call a 'Fortnite moment' or 'PUBG moment.' So, people are typically playing older games. And I think for our component business and for people looking at new cards, obviously, that tends to depend on new games that are super demanding that you need high-performance graphics in order to get 60 frames a second...If you actually look at the numbers across the last five years, peripheral sales are substantially up, like 50% or 60% up compared to pre-COVID. So, more people are gaming, but not all are gaming on new games. The activity around PC builds or gaming PC builds is roughly on par with pre-COVID now....GTA VI is probably the one everyone is talking about. And we'll get a glimpse of that, I think, later in the year for console. My understanding now it's going to come out in the fall for console, and then early 2026 for PC." Take-Two's CEO—Strauss Zelnick—believes that Grand Theft Auto VI will boost consoles sales upon launch.Earlier this month, IGN cornered the head of publishing—according to their resultant report: "Zelnick told IGN that the PC version of a multiplatform game can generate 40% of overall sales, or even more with certain games." A direct quote reads as follows: "so with Civilization VII, it's available on console and PC and Switch right away...With regard to others in our lineup, we don't always go across all platforms simultaneously. Historically, Rockstar has started with some platforms and then historically moved to other platforms." The Grand Theft Auto VI development team has toiled away for more than a decade—they are (reportedly) very accustomed to delays. GTA's collective audience is bracing itself for a possible pushback into 2026.
VGC News, Wccftech, Eurogamer
During an earnings call, Corsair's finance chief discussed the impact of high-profile franchises: "in terms of new games, I mean, there's been a steady stream of games. What we really haven't had for the last year or two is what we could call a 'Fortnite moment' or 'PUBG moment.' So, people are typically playing older games. And I think for our component business and for people looking at new cards, obviously, that tends to depend on new games that are super demanding that you need high-performance graphics in order to get 60 frames a second...If you actually look at the numbers across the last five years, peripheral sales are substantially up, like 50% or 60% up compared to pre-COVID. So, more people are gaming, but not all are gaming on new games. The activity around PC builds or gaming PC builds is roughly on par with pre-COVID now....GTA VI is probably the one everyone is talking about. And we'll get a glimpse of that, I think, later in the year for console. My understanding now it's going to come out in the fall for console, and then early 2026 for PC." Take-Two's CEO—Strauss Zelnick—believes that Grand Theft Auto VI will boost consoles sales upon launch.Earlier this month, IGN cornered the head of publishing—according to their resultant report: "Zelnick told IGN that the PC version of a multiplatform game can generate 40% of overall sales, or even more with certain games." A direct quote reads as follows: "so with Civilization VII, it's available on console and PC and Switch right away...With regard to others in our lineup, we don't always go across all platforms simultaneously. Historically, Rockstar has started with some platforms and then historically moved to other platforms." The Grand Theft Auto VI development team has toiled away for more than a decade—they are (reportedly) very accustomed to delays. GTA's collective audience is bracing itself for a possible pushback into 2026.
21 Comments on Grand Theft Auto VI PC Version's Early 2026 Launch Mentioned During Corsair Investor Call
"Grand Theft Auto VI PC Version's Early Launch, [I]promised[/I] somewhere in the Future, [I]but definitively never[/I] happening, Mentioned During Corsair Investor Call."
Everything about this game smells really bad, and it's not just about release date nonsense.
I'm just sharing my opinion, carefully paying attention to make a point without insulting anyone. But if you feel insulted by it, I'm deeply sorry to hurt your feelings. Maybe the internet isn't for you after all. IMO It's the only place where we can practice a real democracy, unlike our lovely societies, where we have enough of one-mindedness dictatorship to cope with each and every day.
Could be wrong, or they could be wrong. It just makes the most sense to me.
*doing it in the single player mode doesn't count
Also, what's wrong with new GTA games isn't politics per se but rather smoothening. Reduced and later removed gore; weakened language; eased enemies; deadultised visuals; etc. Also bullet physics feels like I'm shooting pop corn rather than actual bullets.
I am still pretty agitated about the fact Rockstar waiting over 12 years to release this sequel. I mean, at this point I will be lucky to play GTA VII with my grandkids lol (For the record I barely have a single child lol)
Don´t answer with:
"Crime. Crime never changes." - Good, but old
I'll preorder it on day one for PC then play it 3-4 months after it'll be released on PC. Get myself a top of the line prebuilt PC with a top of the line monitor and everything, take a couple of weeks off, send my dog to a 5* hotel and play the game continuously like a degenerate, then return the PC and monitor (thanks EU) and live my life as usual until they release the next game when I'll do probably do the same thing, but with my dogs, kids and wife at a 5* hotel.
Sorry dude, but world is not just USA, nor western Europe. In fact the vast majority isn't. We don't have so impactful cultural and social examples the GTA radio hosts and the game plot used to make fun of. Not enough to become a norm anyway. No Michaels, Franklins or Trevors around here.
But I really enjoyed that part of the series distinct trait as I've already said. It's quite entertaining to watch how people from the most developed countries make fools of themselves.
Somehow I doubt they will make fun of those liberties in the same way they use to make fun with all other social behaviours before. If they succeed in doing that in the same style, oh boy, should I stand corrected then, and become the biggest fan.