Friday, October 14th 2022

NVIDIA Cancels GeForce RTX 4080 12GB, To Relaunch it With a Different Name

NVIDIA has decided to cancel the November 2022 launch of the GeForce RTX 4080 12 GB. The company will relaunch the card under a different name, though it didn't announce the replacement name just yet. The naming of the RTX 4080 12 GB was cause for much controversy. With the RTX 40-series "Ada," NVIDIA debuted three SKUs—the already launched RTX 4090 which is in stores right now; the RTX 4080 16 GB, and the RTX 4080 12 GB. Memory size notwithstanding, the RTX 4080 12 GB is a vastly different graphics card from the RTX 4080 16 GB.

The RTX 4080 12 GB and RTX 4080 16 GB didn't even share the same silicon. While the 16 GB model is based on the larger "AD103" silicon, has 9,728 CUDA cores, and a 256-bit wide GDDR6X memory bus; the RTX 4080 12 GB is based on the smaller "AD104" silicon, has just 7,680 CUDA cores (21% fewer CUDA cores); and a meager 192-bit wide GDDR6X memory bus. This had the potential to confuse buyers, especially given the $900 price. With criticism spanning not just social media but also bad press, NVIDIA decided to pull the plug on the RTX 4080 12 GB. The company will likely re-brand it as a successor to the RTX 3070 Ti, although then it will have a hard time justifying its $900 price-tag. The RTX 4080 16 GB, however, is on track for a November 16 availability date, with a baseline price of $1,200.
Source: NVIDIA
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423 Comments on NVIDIA Cancels GeForce RTX 4080 12GB, To Relaunch it With a Different Name

agatong55Dont worry they will announce the new 4070 ti 12 gig version tomorrow.
LOL, it's Saturday tomorrow.

Maybe Monday.
Posted on Reply
windwhirlI'm thinking percentage of active CUDA cores compared to the fully maxed out chip, so the 4090 as of right now.
Eh, 1070 vs 1080 ti was roughly half the CUDA cores too. I think gen to gen performance is what matters most for naming. Next-gen 70 card beating previous gen 80 card is justifiable and it's also easy to understand for consumers.
Posted on Reply
I guess it is a small win. But the most important part - price - doesn't change, so they may as well not have bothered...
Posted on Reply
P4-630Great, now what to do with my $900.... :banghead:
After all the pushback, they caved in and decided to rename the thing.
After all that you want a reduced price? Renaming was not good enough for you? What's next? Why are you so unreasonable to Nvidia?
Posted on Reply
Nvidia will attempt to outsmart you all and be original.
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivWow....look how much influence just bad press had... imagine how much the GPU market would improve for consumers if they actually had the willpower to follow through with their threats and abstain from buying Nvidia's products.....Nvidia just might be forced to actually lower its prices
Tell it to the plebs.
Darmok N JaladMaybe this was a PR stunt. Now they can say they listen to their customers’ concerns and do something about it!
I highly doubt it. They don't need that kind of stunt. This is stupidity from the marketing department.
Posted on Reply
sephiroth117AMD needs to make their drivers more stable, tried a RX 580, had drivers issues even when surfing it was BSODing. Passed to a RTX2070, never looked back since.
Speaking of the drivers, I think this is quite an extreme and wrong opinion.
Imagine that the claim "AMD's driver doesn't work" was true, how do you think, would AMD be able to sell any card or not?
If AMD sells cards and if someone like me can say that AMD's drivers are as good as it can be, then you simply are mistaken in your judgement.

lol, I am not surprised that you are happier with an RTX 2070 over the RX 580. That is 80% performance improvement :D

TSMC and its suppliers (ASML Netherlands?) are to blame for completely ruining the usual business initiatives.

Normally, AMD could launch first a pipe cleaner on the newest process.

nvidia launches the largest and worst thing as a pipe cleaner - it's the largest die.

nvidia made a mistake. They should cancel all large die projects and concentrate on the following:

AD102 - a 350 sq. mm die powering something like RTX 4080 Ultra;
AD103 - a 200 sq. mm die powering RTX 4060 and RTX 4070 depending on the binning and yields;
AD104 - a 100 sq. mm die powering RTX 4040 and RTX 4050 ===//===;
AD105 - a 50 sq. mm die powering RTX 4010 and RTX 4030 ===//===.

Starting, of course, with the smallest die as a pipe cleaner on the new 4N TSMC process. :D
Posted on Reply
NiceumemuExcept it isn't selling well, microcenter had a few stores where stock didn't sell out on first day and most stores still have stock right now
It's probably brand protection. To stop backlash in reviews and generally.

Embarrassing to have what was obviously the 4070 as the 4080 12GB.
Posted on Reply
Based on the pricing of RTX 4000 GPUs in Euroland it will need a quite hefty price reduction if they want to sell it even as a "RTX 4070ti Super" right from the start.

If it was just for renaming the GPU they should have been able to keep the release date (printing new boxes does not take ages and for the FE you don't have to do much about the cooler design) but I doubt it will now only be a renaming and repricing, specs will probably also get adjusted (no, not improved^^).
Posted on Reply
Dirt ChipBonus #4: Confuse AMD a bit.
AMD has in 20 days the RDNA3 announcement.
At least before they knew Nvidia's performance level (more or less) and pricing, so they could announce competitive pricing more securely.
If they announce pricing based on previous information, there is a chance Nvidia to respond after the 3rd of November with a more competitive pricing for a AD104 based GPU (but even in this optimistic scenario it's hard to imagine lower than $799 SRP and after all Nvidia announcement was missing anything about price commentary)

"The RTX 4080 12GB is a fantastic graphics card, but it’s not named and priced right. Having two GPUs with the 4080 designation is confusing.
So, we’re pressing the “unlaunch” button on the 4080 12GB. The RTX 4080 16GB is amazing and on track to delight gamers everywhere on November 16th.
If the lines around the block and enthusiasm for the 4090 is any indication, the reception for the 4080 will be awesome."

I wonder how far off are the lower end models:
Posted on Reply
ModEl4"The RTX 4080 12GB is a fantastic graphics card, but it’s not named and priced right. Having two GPUs with the 4080 designation is confusing.
Not only confusing, it is a serious provocation for global class-action lawsuits against nvidia.
Posted on Reply
ARFNot only confusing, it is a serious provocation for global class-action lawsuits against nvidia.
Did you spot the RTX 4050 in the photo?
Posted on Reply
ModEl4Did you spot the RTX 4050 in the photo?
Thats just a box, an empty box, you did not spot anything.
Anyone can make a box like this, even youself
Posted on Reply
BenchAndGamesThats just a box, an empty box, you did not spot anything.
Anyone can make a box like this, even youself
Posted on Reply
What is the expected performance of 12GB 4080 if 100% is 4090?
Posted on Reply
Speaking of the drivers, I think this is quite an extreme and wrong opinion.
Imagine that the claim "AMD's driver doesn't work" was true, how do you think, would AMD be able to sell any card or not?
If AMD sells cards and if someone like me can say that AMD's drivers are as good as it can be, then you simply are mistaken in your judgement.

lol, I am not surprised that you are happier with an RTX 2070 over the RX 580. That is 80% performance improvement :D
I concur, I ran a Vega 64 for three and a half years and never had a single BSOD. I think I crashed to desktop once during that same time period. The drivers may be a little flaky at launch but within a few months they get it right, just like Nvidia. The early adopters pay the price.
Posted on Reply
ModEl4Did you spot the RTX 4050 in the photo?
Yep thats the renaming scheme finalised for the 4080 12GB. 4050's for $900 and then we should see another tier down (maybe a 4020) for non-gaming low-profile graphic cards with one video output for a single display + a thumb size heatsink for $699 (if we're lucky). As long as it produces fake frames thats pretty good value if you ask me.
Posted on Reply
They should have simply "re-launched" the 4080 16GB as the 4085, all problems solved.
Posted on Reply
wheresmycarYep thats the renaming scheme finalised for the 4080 12GB. 4050's for $900 and then we should see another tier down (maybe a 4020) for non-gaming low-profile graphic cards with one video output for a single display + a thumb size heatsink for $699 (if we're lucky).
With Ada Lovelace architecture, and 1000 shaders, for instance, it would actually be a low-profile entry-level e-sports gaming card, as cheap, and as cool and quiet as it can be.
Of course, with HDMI 2.1 support, DisplayPort 2.1 support and AV1 decode/encode so that the card can run any YouTube video autonomously from the CPU.
Posted on Reply
NiceumemuExcept it isn't selling well, microcenter had a few stores where stock didn't sell out on first day and most stores still have stock right now
Very much depends on allocation, here in Europe where most cards will lighten your wallet by $2400-2600, when all taxes and currency conversion is done, sold out within 10-15 minutes in most countries, and to add insult Nvidia can't be bothered to sell the FE in most countries.
Posted on Reply
ModEl4Did you spot the RTX 4050 in the photo?
I did. Why is it's box so huge? :kookoo:
Posted on Reply
wheresmycarYep thats the renaming scheme finalised for the 4080 12GB.
If only...
Anyway, 4050 should be 3 Qs away just like the Wccftech article that i linked suggested!
Posted on Reply
cvaldesAs I pointed out in another discussion thread, it makes zero sense trying to compare model numbers between GeForce generations.

This announcement pounds that concept home with brutal clarity.

Prospective customers simply need to assess the various models in the product generation and decide whether or not each SKU's features are worthy of the price being asked while disregarding the model number printed on the card and the retail packaging.

NVIDIA changes their idea of what each model number represents. Essentially, a --70 card is simply a product between a --60 model and an --80 model from the same generation's product stack. Comparing the 1070, 2070, 3070, and 4070 lacks relevancy because of NVIDIA's constant reinterpretation of their model numbers.
Not completely; the 1070 and 2070 are exactly half of the full flagship die in their generation, and the 3070's die, GA104, is 57% of the 3090 Ti's die: GA102. This holds true as far back as the 770.
Posted on Reply
WolfkinVery much depends on allocation, here in Europe where most cards will lighten your wallet by $2400-2600, when all taxes and currency conversion is done, sold out within 10-15 minutes in most countries, and to add insult Nvidia can't be bothered to sell the FE in most countries.
If you wish, from a German retailer for euro 2186. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Grafikkarte (2022) Preisvergleich | Günstig bei idealo kaufen
mahirzukic2I did. Why is it's box so huge? :kookoo:
I guess it is photoshopped.
Posted on Reply
ZetZetIt beats a 3090 and a 3080. 4070 would have been definitely justified. If they launched it with that name right away.
They highest they can charge for a 4070 is $600 even accounting for inflation. The 3070 beat the 2080 Ti for less than half the price.
3080 was damn near(13%) to 3090 for less than half the price, now the 4080 is FARTHER in performance BUT CLOSER in price (how anyone can wish to buy this shit is unknown to me). 4080 at the most should cost 800 - 850 accounting inflation.

If amd can match the 4080 with the 7800 XT, for $750(more like $850), that would be awesome....
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